First Debate Begins Now

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Question #7: If elected, what will be the entertainment at your election party?
Well by this point, Dagger will probably be roasting on a spit. So we'll be making the leap from figurative cannibalism to literal. The Dirty One is in charge of all culinary duties. His people have a knack for taste-bud pleasing flim-flam. In addition to that star attraction, I'm sure we'll be graced with a special WZCW show in my honour where Hunter Kravinoff makes his triumphant return alongside Barbosa in a huge tag team main event. I'll be certain to run that by Ty so his writer-monkeys are ready. I guess you can also count on the usual SNS-Milenko hijinks and the possibility of Sam finally getting his neck rung by NorCal should this election actually finish before NorCal has to ship out. That gives you till June, KB. No need to rush.

Question #8: If you could change one rule on the forums, what would it be?
I wouldn't change any. I used to think we didn't need spam rules, but their existence makes the spam sections what they are. Having gotten over that, no rules really trouble me.

Question #9: What should Norcal/IC/D-Man name the eventual love child they somehow all father?
Ben Affliction.
If I got elected my election party would be an event that no one should miss out on. A Wrestlemania marathon would be going on in one room where each Wrestlemania event gets watched in order. In the other room would be video games. Four player mayhem in titles such as Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Kart Wii. That's the indoor portion.

Those who wish to join in on the festivities going on outside can enjoy the scenery (and perhaps a drink for those of us above the legal age) out by the pool as Nightwish's discography gets played on random shuffle. Evey forum member, past and present, gets called out to the gazebo at exactly midnight for the official announcement of Dagger Dias as the next moderator of the forum. The victory fanfare from Final Fantasy is played and I strike a victory pose.

If I could change one rule about the forum it would be that people could have 75 private messages rather than just 50. It fills up fairly fast at 50 and while 75 isn't THAT large of an increase, it is an increase nonetheless and people would spend less time clearing out emails if they have messages they wish to keep but are running low on space. Plus one has to take into account all of the space that increased inboxes for tons of people could take up. Otherwise an even larger number such as 100 could be considered.

NorCal, IC, and D-Man should name the child they somehow all fathered after themselves, "Mighty Irish D-Man".
Final Questions:

1. What is your favorite KB moment?

2. Do you Tebow?

3. Why should we vote for you?

4. Blondes, brunettes, redheads?
1. What is your favorite KB moment?
Your review of Survivor Series '95. Electrifying stuff. :shrug:

2. Do you Tebow?
No. But I do think Rodin style.

3. Why should we vote for you?
Because I'm the best man for the job and I'd fill a legitimate need if elected.

4. Blondes, brunettes, redheads?
Redheads. My experience shows that passer-bys are far less responsive to their cries for help.
1. What is your favorite KB moment?

When KB became admin, of course. It was an awesome moment that many posters had been looking forward to.

2. Do you Tebow?

Nope. I might give it a try sometime though for the fun of it.

3. Why should we vote for you?

You should vote for me because I legitimately want this opportunity. I have endured tidal waves of hatred during this election, to the point where most people would have said "Forget this crap, I quit!!!!" a long time ago. That shows my determination to become your next moderator and my passion for posting at this site.

I am on here every day and will be able to put the necessary time in to look after my section as well as help out elsewhere in other sections as needed. I am a nice guy who loves to post and wants to be a member of the staff who can be counted on both by the other mods as well as regular members. I want to help improve the forum.

What you will get with me as a moderator is someone who will place their section as their top priority, someone always willing to help any posters who want or need it, someone who will enforce the rules, someone who people can feel comfortable approaching without being flamed for it in The Bar, and someone who can guide discussion within the threads of his section.

That is why you should vote for me.

4. Blondes, brunettes, redheads?

Blondes. The most attractive women for me have always been well endowed blondes with big pretty eyes and long beautiful blonde hair. There are plenty of gorgeous brunettes and redheads out there too, I prefer blondes though. ;)
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