Recent content by Attitude

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    Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

    We saw at: WRESTLEMANIA: 28 STONE COLD STEVE AUSTIN VS. BROCK LESNER Before you bash me or say this is never going to happen read my whole post and my reason's why I think there is at least a slight possibility this might happen. It seems to me that WWE and possibly UFC could of come...
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    Harry Potter Ultimate Editions

    Thanks Mitch. This was extremely helpful for me in making my decision. I almost got one but the clerk/cashier did mention they do have the deleted scenes in the Ultimate Edition but it was just in the special features and not actually incorporated into the movie. I was very hopeful though...
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    Harry Potter Ultimate Editions

    So I don't how long this thread will survive but I'll give it a try. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan. I have all the films already on dvd and blu ray. However, like most movies the Harry Potter series had the "New Updated Extended Ultmate," Editions or whatever they call them. So being a huge...
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    Road to Wrestlemania 28 - KEEP ALL WM28 GENERAL DISCUSSION IN HERE!!

    My ideal match for Punk would be: Cm Punk vs. John Morrison vs. The Miz for the WWE Championship All three of these men have had at least some history together. The back story is there. John Morrison and The Miz were tag champs together and split. Then they fueded and has shown they can...
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    Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part 2

    I saw it today. I was very happy with the movie. I actually think this Harry Potter without a shadow of a doubt has become my favorite film of Harry Potter. This movie was fantastic. I agree with the tear jerkers so far. Mine would be That would be my tear jerking moment. I was...
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    Dogs in movies & television

    I Love Dog movies. The reason being is I'm a dog person. I think our/my families first dog was when I was three years old and since then there hasn't been a period when we or I personally haven't a dog. I always enjoys dog movies and haven't really found one that I didn't like. However I was...
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    Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows - Part 2

    I'm very excited about Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. As I've mentioned in other posts and threads about the series I have been a fan of Harry Potter before the movies. I started reading the novels before the movies even started coming out and I knew they would be great. I'm so...
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    Remembering The Shows:Boy Meets World

    I loved this show growing up. Even as a young adult it's still nice to every once in a while catch an episode of this for old times sake. Boy Meets World was one of my favorite shows when it was on I personally think it's better than 90% of the shows that come on today. As some people have...
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    New Coldplay stuff discussion

    I'm a huge Coldplay fan and I've been anxiously awaiting for a new album from them since Viva La Vida. Their last album was so EPIC(IMO) that I just couldn't wait for new material from them. And so far I'm not disappointed. Every Teardrop is a Waterfall is my favorite so far. I think it's...
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    Movie Review Thread

    I understand about the Hawaii Trip. That actually never crossed my mind. I actually did think that was really far fetched. But still I found the movie overall to be good and entertaining. And honestly I thought it was predictable to as many romantic/comedy romance movies are nowadays. I mean...
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    Movie Review Thread

    Just Go With It: 8/10- Mitch, I'm Sorry, but I have to disagree with you on this one. I thought Just Go With It was great and hilarious and thought it was anything but lazy. Although you summed up the movie I'll add my part to it also. Adam Sandler plays a "womanizer," in the movie. He...
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    Remembering the shows:SCRUBS

    Scrubs was one of my favorite series. I didn't get into until around season 5 though because all my other series I was watching were ending at that time. When my other shows ended I needed a new show to fill in the spot and I watched part of seasons 3 and 4 and was already familar with the...
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    If the you could re-hire any susperstar, who would it be (WWE)

    My top pick would be BATISTA. I would have him go to Smackdown because I would like him to fued with Randy Orton. I would like to see a program between these two that actually last longer than a month or two. Every time they face each other someone ends up getting injured or drafted to the...
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    Movie Roundtable

    Scream 4>Marley and Me. If you love dogs than you'll love Marley and Me. A really fun and entertaining movie although the ending of the movie is a real tear jerker. Even I shed a tear at the ending of the movie(I won't say what happened for those who haven't seen the movie). I think it's...
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    30 day song challenge

    Day 30-Your favorite song at this time last year. One Republic-All The Right Moves. lFpjw2QOLxs This was my favorite song this time last year. I'm not sure why but I thought it was an awesome song. One Republic is winning me over. I haven't listened to them much but this song and...