Recent content by Brian in Austin

  1. B

    Why So Much Hate For TNA?

    Well people don't hate TNA, they are just disappointed in what they've seen in the finished product. Hogan and Bischoff come on board and the promise is to take it bigger and to make it better. Here's what we got from that: 1. Kurt Angle 2. Sting 3. Scott Steiner 4. Booker T 5...
  2. B

    **MERGED** John Cena Thread - Heel Turn, Matches, Etc. (Keep it in here!!)

    Wow, can wrestling fans get any uglier? Pretty pathetic behavior from people and it's sad to wonder what they are teaching their children.
  3. B

    Mickie James Criticizes Hogans' Praise of Garrett Bischoff; Is It A Work?

    That was me. Thing is, Mickie James essentially came into WWE as a heel even though it was a long heel turn with her Trish Stratus obsession angle. Her heel angle in WWE wasn't that impressive and she's a much better face than heel. Another thing is Madison is a far better heel than James and...
  4. B

    Mickie James Criticizes Hogans' Praise of Garrett Bischoff; Is It A Work?

    They turned Jeff Hardy heel. Bust! They turned Matt Hardy heel. Bust! They turned Ken Anderson heel. Bust! They turned Hogan heel. Bust! They turned STING heel. Bust! They turned Kurt Angle heel. Worked! They turned Bubba heel. Worked huge for him! They turned AJ Styles heel. HUGE bust! They...
  5. B

    Swerve For The Sake of Swerving?

    Guys going into this RR the biggest storyline was that of Chris Jericho. He promised us a change and instead we received nothing from his character. I suspect that in some respects WWE (and more specifically VKM) is swerving for the sake of swerving. Let me give you an example of...
  6. B

    **MERGED** Kane's Future- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    I like the Taker v. Kane scenario but overall I think this return has been spoiled. Going back to the mask AND having him speak has been, IMHO, a mistake. I get the idea behind trying to give Cena's character a fresh edge with the whole 'embrace the hate' thing, but after the rumble, what...
  7. B

    **MERGED** Chris Jericho At The Royal Rumble- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    I must admit that I love the TNA angle to this idea and how shocking would it be to the IWC if that really happened? Let's see if I can further the conspiracy. 1. Flair is slated to appear at the WWE HOF induction for The 4 Horsemen. 2. Angle posted on twitter that JR will call his last...
  8. B

    **MERGED** Chris Jericho At The Royal Rumble- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    I also like your idea of a Jericho/Taker feud and have been wondering if The Dead Man won't return at The RR in a shocker! It's Jericho and Taker the last 2 in the ring, Taker wins, Jericho goes full blown heel, and there you have it.
  9. B

    **MERGED** Chris Jericho At The Royal Rumble- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    I like your thinking on this and could actually see this swerve coming or even a HHH, Nash reunion, as they team up with Jericho and Laurinitis to screw CM Punk. Laurinitis acts like he's calling the match straight, CM Punk gets blasted from all sides in some fashion by HHH, Nash, and finally...
  10. B

    **MERGED** Chris Jericho At The Royal Rumble- KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    I'm already bored with this storyline, which has been goofy from the start. I get why they are doing this, to get us to 'hate' (i.e. turn Jericho heel) him, but it's not even that. It's just stupid! He comes out, doesn't speak for weeks, and acts like a goofball. Understand, I don't 'wrestling...
  11. B

    Have People Been Too Hard on TNA?

    I think it depends on what aspect of TNA we're talking about. For example, when Hulk Hogan signed with TNA we were sold the notion that he and Bischoff were going to be the difference makers they needed to take TNA to the next level. How many years later is it now and if we look at the ratings...
  12. B

    Matt Hardy Kicked From Rehab

    Everyone should keep in mind that these guys are always going to be in a mode of recovery. To what degree each achieves recovery is yet to be determined, but suffice it to say, Jeff seems to be far ahead of his brother. Matt clearly hasn't hit rock bottom yet, and let's hope for his sake this...
  13. B

    CM Punk Mocks TNA at WWE House Show

    What? So CM Punk makes a passing reference to TNA and it means what to you? Look, let me just say that as of late, I like what TNA is doing. I happen to believe they are moving in the right direction. But to somehow think that TNA mocking WWE is or has been productive is nonsense. It...
  14. B

    Is The IWC Behind The Regression of CM Punk?

    Well....given the screename I'm going to call shenanigans! Clearly you have an agenda against the 'iwc.' Why I don't know but whatever. Fact is, this face turn has been massively successful for Punk and the WWE. Who is complaining except someone like yourself?
  15. B

    Sting Clown Persona Finished? How Did You Take It?

    Here's what I don't understand. So we were supposed to 'believe' if you will, that he was nuts! Then we were supposed to 'believe' that it was all an act to get Hogan back in the ring for 'one more match' to put the company back in the hands of Dixie Carter. THEN, the predictable Hogan face turn...