Recent content by ColdPlay3r

  1. C

    Wrong times to make gun noises with your mouth

    - when you are a cop. - while waiting in line at a bank. - during confession or basically during any religious time
  2. C

    Post Your Rep

    45 guess i need to start posting.
  3. C

    Your forum annoyances

    Posters who feel the need to change the font and color of text.
  4. C

    Do You Plan To Get Laid On Valentine's Day?

    That will be my day off.
  5. C

    Who You Want In "Expendables II"

    good choices guys, can definitely see some of these guys in action. Some other names: Samuel L Jackson Just for the attitude he can bring. A cameo would be nice. Scott Adkins liked him in 'Undisputed 2 and 3'. I think it would be nice to see him in a bigger project and he can get the job...
  6. C

    The song that got you into...Ozzy

    Can't remember the date but i remember the two songs that got me into Ozzy. First song was 'Crazy Train' followed by 'Mr Crowley' (Also props to Randy!). Amazing, loved them both still consider them both as my top Ozzy hits.
  7. C

    Greatest Album By..... Eminem

    MMLP or Eminem Show.
  8. C

    Just Saw Knight and Day

    sigh........the mask
  9. C

    tdigle Asks You Questions, And You Answer

    :wtf: Don't know, cause shit isn't worth spelling for? :confused: they don't? not worth showing i guess Nope Nope, but i will be sure to buy one:) ill pet the shit out of a wombat:icon_neutral: nope, it was Michael Winslow's fist only on the inside not sure, that's a scratchy...
  10. C

    Remember Dial-Up?

    never again. sgq6j4YmHAk
  11. C

    Happy Birthday X

    Happy birthday, have a good one.
  12. C

    How old is to old to retire???

    tough question to answer since every wrestler is different taking in account how they take care of their bodies. ill give it a go, OK i am just assuming that the wrestler is in pretty average condition (i.e no drugs/performance enhancements, no severe medical conditions). And obviously if the...
  13. C

    Who has the hotter women?

    my pick would be WWE (and yes i have seen what both have to offer). i don't know why people are stating who can or cannot wrestle. anyway, some of WWE divas: Maryse, total babe and love her pins!! Beth, she can overpower me any day. Mickey, she aint fat. Natalya, :p ......ok i could seriously...