Recent content by DeadmanInc.

  1. D

    *MERGED* Undertaker Retirement Discussion

    There is no way the streak should end at this point. It's 18 YEARS of victories. Throwing it all away to give some young guy a push is such a waste, especially since this young superstar most likely will not be around for 18 years. Shawn and Taker put on two amazing matches and both times...
  2. D

    Match Of the decade so far

    The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan is by far the match of the decade. The match, in terms of actual wrestling, may have been "meh" at best but the hype surrounding this match is unparalleled. I can't recall any other match of the decade where the crowd was that HOT. Definitely the most iconic match of this...
  3. D

    Is it just me, or does Maryse have potential?

    Maryse has been one of my favorite Divas for a while. Besides the fact that she is smokin' hot, she is one of the few Divas that has a character nowadays. She may not be up in the ranks of Gail Kim, Melina, Beth, or Mickie in terms of wrestling ability, but her wrestling style matches her...
  4. D

    Judgment Day: Cena vs Big Show

    I'm not looking forward to this match because it just screams 'oversell'. Cena is going to way oversell his "injuries" while Big Show dominates the match. Then Cena will make a "huge comeback" and somehow manage to FU the Big Show, to which Michael Cole will wet his pants as usual, even though...
  5. D

    Improving the Diva's division.

    WWE definitely has the talent to put together a decent women's division. It's just that they insist on using the majority of them as valets and eye candy. The only Divas match that I didn't use as a piss break have been Trish/Mickie at WM and Melina/Beth's I Quit Match. A great example of...
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    Trips and Cena Out?

    They both definitely need some time off, especially Cena. This is the perfect opportunity for WWE to create some new stars because RAW's glass ceiling is temporarily out of the picture. I'm hoping that they build up Legacy as the head of the show since they still don't look like a credible...
  7. D

    Backlash LD

    I wonder who Edge is going to drop the belt to next month. Jeff Hardy is the only Face maineventer on Smackdown I can think of right now, besides Undertaker (but he's too busy having random matches with Shelton).
  8. D

    Backlash LD

    Random interference but ok...
  9. D

    Backlash LD

    Ahaha that was a sweet spot.
  10. D

    Backlash LD

    Lmao the crowd is awesome. Goddammit I hate it when they oversell that punt. Triple H got punted last year and there wasn't any stretcher or EMTs..
  11. D

    Backlash LD

    lmao bell ringer fuck up.
  12. D

    Dumb question for the guys

    Beth. She is just freakishly strong. She doesn't look too manly too me. Chyna could have passed as a drag queen/tranny easily.
  13. D

    Who's your favourite diva? (Attractively)

    Currently, Maryse. All time: Trish or Lita.
  14. D

    Backlash LD

    Seriously what the hell are they doing to Beth's character.
  15. D

    Backlash LD

    Yep, definitely another Vince bitch-slap to JR.