Recent content by Firewall_Philip_Hanan

  1. F

    Which WWE superstar would you want to train you?

    This is tough. Bret Hart would probably be the best trainer you could get, but I would love to have Triple H's experience with the pre-Attitude Era, the Attitude Era, and the PG era and the fact he can still wrestle and physically work with me. Triple H has been in almost every match...
  2. F

    **MERGED** All Ryback Discussion (Keep all of it in here!!)

    Yes, just like Goldberg, the second he loses, he will no longer be looked at as credible as he was.
  3. F

    Who is the Best on the Mic in TNA?

    In my opinion, it is Sting. I always want to hear what he has to say and I love all of the freaky personality changes he goes through sometimes halfway while on the microphone.
  4. F

    John Cena's best Wrestlemania entrance

    Although WM 23's vehicle entrance was cool, the actual Cena walk was not as cool. Cena's WM22 was possibly the best entrance I have ever seen outside of maybe Triple H's when he was on the throne.
  5. F

    Getting Heels Over 2: Tensai

    Good ideas, everyone. Personally, I see no reason to repackage Tensai and rather liked the Lord Tensai name. A-Train was a super ugly, stale character. Still, I would love to see a Heyman Alliance where CM Punk and others demand respect from WWE. The Heyman Alliance would feature Punk...
  6. F

    Raven vs The Undertaker

    Personally, I loved the DDP Vs Raven rilvalry because it was a hardworking man vs a guy who whined and complained and sent his posse after people. If Raven was in WWE in 1998, I would have had him fued with Gangrel, Edge, and Christian. Brood Vs The Flock would have be awesome if he could have...
  7. F

    Report: Beth Phoenix Leaving WWE

    Beth Phoenix is one of only two Divas in WWE who can wrestle with real technical skill. In TNA, every female can wrestle, so she won't truly shine in TNA. I'd stay in WWE if I were her. Look at Gail Kim. She could wrestle and stood out in WWE, but not so much in TNA.
  8. F

    WWE PPV Lineup Discussion (Gimmicks, number of shows, etc KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!)

    No, I think WWE needs to focus on on giving people more enjoyable themes. Keep all 12 PPV events. As far as Night of Champions goes, doesn't every title get defended at WM anyway, so why keep it? I say do this: January: Royal Rumble (Winner faces Champion of their choice at No Way Out)...
  9. F

    Goldberg close to signing with WWE?

    If Ryback beats Goldberg, then that means he is technically better than Lesnar so he should face Undertaker at WM. If Ryback loses, that means Undertaker is better than Lesnar and Goldberg so we don't need to watch a Lesnar or Goldberg Vs Undertaker match.
  10. F

    What would the rest of 2002 have been like had the nWo still been around?

    I don't know what it would have been like in 2002, but I think it could have made a comeback in the mid 00s. WWE could have started a new New World Order with a lot of popular wrestlers. I would have replaced the Outsiders with Edge and Christian as the Tag Team Champions. I would have made...
  11. F

    Should Mr Perfect have been WWE Champion?

    Yes. His character is forever ruined in my opinion by the fact such a "Perfect" being never held the best title in the business.
  12. F

    Wade Barrett's Back And "Open For Business"

    I think Barrett should have debuted on NXT in his current form, though his personality was more interesting before. Now, he's all serious and serious wrestlers like Daniel Bryan are boring. CM Punk somehow can take his boring personality and still be interesting, however. I wish to see...
  13. F

    NWO or DX

    nWo was built up so huge that when they fell, they couldn't recover. DX, on the other hand was a group that could have gone on forever. It was a much of highly talented misfits that was funny and great to watch wrestle. nWo got too be too big and had to keep dumping members, plus nWo was far...
  14. F

    Jack Swagger, where does he go from here?

    Jack Swagger needs to be the new Cena. I say have him challenge wrestlers fans don't care for and have him win. Have Swagger start to bond with fans on the mic. Maybe they'll laugh at him, but like Santino, they will also start to like him. Make up super patriotic, but not like a silly Jim...
  15. F

    Top 5 Overrated Wrestlers Today in WWE

    1. Ryback (WWE is trying to make him look like Goldberg, yet the guy is only facing jobbers?) 2. Sheamus (The guy is not witty and made a much better heel than face. If he wants to, he could kick everybody in the face at the start of the match and win, but he doesn't. He's merely a striker...