Recent content by George Steele's Barber

  1. G

    the XFL is dead... again

    Ugh, more cancel culture from the social justice warriors under the guise of political correctness. That said, it is a shame that the XFL failed and failed so quickly. Competition in sports and entertainment is a good thing. I have no idea if they would have survived sans this pandemic but...
  2. G

    Who’s the worst wrestler of all time in your opinion?

    I will have to Google this after I post but I'm pretty sure wrestlers are people. They may even be human beings but that will take some extra research.
  3. G

    AEW vs NXT official thread

    Looks like AEW won the first night of ratings and viewership. Other than watching Gargano, neither show could keep my attention and I didn't stick around for the main events. A million plus for AEW seems like a pretty good start though. I'd say they should be able to stay near that mark but...
  4. G

    Is there any great workers in today wrestling landscape?

    You were a child. Now you are a grown up. You clearly have nostalgia for that childhood and will defend it to the end of time. My advice is to watch the stuff you enjoyed from back then and stop watching the stuff you have so many problems enjoying today. And live crowds are crucially...
  5. G

    Is there any great workers in today wrestling landscape?

    I'm happy to agree with you if you can somehow prove that Indy talent are unwilling to learn or try something different or at a minimum provide an idea that Indies could try to separate themselves from other companies, build more fans, and not destroy their ability to make money. You just seem...
  6. G

    Is there any great workers in today wrestling landscape?

    I have no idea. If I did I would be a WWE talent scout. I don't watch the indies. I barely watch WWE. I can't and don't make much time for it. I mostly just wait to hear what is good and I watch that. One of the great things about being a fan today. Regardless, your arguments are bunk...
  7. G

    Is there any great workers in today wrestling landscape?

    Nice old man rant. Did you wave your cane at your screen while typing this out? Stop listening to Jim Cornette. He is working you by playing a character that whines about stuff that he has little knowledge of and you have no knowledge of. You're comparing childhood memories and YouTube...
  8. G

    What's your take on Bray Wyatt "The Fiend"?

    I wasn't much of a Bray Wyatt fan. I found him to be boring and repetitive. But this has been fun. I'm shocked that he is in the title picture already. Win or lose this will likely end his momentum but it has been a nice ride.
  9. G

    Is there any great workers in today wrestling landscape?

    Better, wrestling over the past five years has been way better than any time in history. On top of that you don't even have to watch it anymore. Just wait for others to tell you what was great and then watch it . WWE has plenty of superstars today that are making record amounts of money...
  10. G

    Is there any great workers in today wrestling landscape?

    Original post: no great workers today Repsonse: A, B, C, and D Original poster: oh, yeah. Nevermind. Me: there is so much wrestling exposure today and so much talent that we take it for granted. Flair could do the same shit every night "successfully" because fans didn't consume so much...
  11. G

    What needs to Happen for the WWE World Champion to main event a PPV?

    Good question. An injured or absent champ from Raw, Fox putting pressure on WWE, a high profile WWE Champ (Reigns), or the return of a legend (Rock, Punk, Cena) to SD are some possibilities for elevating the title. Another option is just needing the WWE Title match to go on last to carry a...
  12. G

    Vince McMahon Gave Big Opportunities To Many Former WCW Stars

    There are only so many top spots in a single company. The math and Vince's loyalty to his more tenured employees was against former WCW stars as much as "Vince's ego" and other boogeyman arguments that people make for the perceived "mistreatment". And you are right OP. Vince has given some...
  13. G

    Wrestlemania buyrates. All of them.

    Wasn't 30 when they first used the WWE Network thus undercutting PPV buyrates?
  14. G

    Survior Series Card

    I could see WWE moving away from Raw v SD as neither Fox or USA would appreciate coming out the perceived loser.
  15. G

    Reviewing some old school Wrestlemanias.

    If only this forum had an Old School Wrestling Section this thread would fit perfectly. Never watched any of the show besides the main event and some other highlights. I think I chose wisely. Main event was very entertaining, the rest seemed like a waste.