Recent content by I_Heart_Princess_P

  1. I

    Ill list the superstars, you list the improvements.

    John Cena: Go to Japan for about a year and learn a few submission manuvers and add them along with your power arsneal and you'll be a beast in the WWE. Also stop with the corny jokes and the stupid salute thingy. Just come out like you use to and just kick ass and talk shit. Triple H: I know...
  2. I

    Orton and Punk

    Okay I don't see Randy going for Punk just yet. I think when he comes back he'll feud with WHC Shawn Micheals, and no I didn't stutter. He'll face HBK at a PPV and Punk will cost him the victory and that's when the feud between Punk and Orton intensify.
  3. I

    Will RAW's low rating start the next boom?

    Like I said on another thread. Better storylines and "larger than life" wrestlers won't matter. Ever since the UFC has came out, Pro Wrestling don't realy cut it anymore for the adult male demo, though the young children will always watch the WWE, which is why I believe Vince is trying to make...
  4. I

    Is there life after Raw?

    Well the reason why pro wrestling is not drawling like it used is not because of creative issues, not because of Vince pushing wrong wrestlers, and not even because of a lack of a big time draw. Its because of the UFC. Ever since they skyrocketted to fame, the older male fans have abandoned the...
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    worst finisher on smackdown

    I Have to go with the Flying Crossbody. It was cool when Ricky Steamboat did it, but times have changed. i have to disagree with the drive by kick. I think that move is sick. To me it looks more lethal the the sweet chin music.
  6. I

    ECW on RAW or ECW on Smackdown?

    I think the very fact that Kendrick is even in a main event program tells us that Smackdown is lacking star power so I think ECW and SD should have continued their exchanege. RAW's so stacked nowadays that its starting to look a little bit like TNA Impact.
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    Son Of Schyster

    Enough with the second/third generation wrestlers already. A few of them pan out like Rock,Orton,Dustin Rhodes, etc, but you've got others like Ted Jr/Cody/Carlito/DH Smith that don't amount to any thing. I say make new stars and stop pushing daddy's boys.
  8. I

    Is there a realistic way of turning Cena Heel?

    I would have him come back with a beard or a gotee, which would make him look a little more badass. Then have him with some sort of chip on his shoulder ala Samoa Joe. Have him beat opponents with dirty tatics but still remain face. The IWC fans will still boo and the marks will start booing...
  9. I

    How to get a superstar ''over''?

    In Cena's case. They gave him the white rapper gimmick which was stupid for the first couple of months, but as time went on he started cutting funny raps which started entertaining the fans and he was being pushed as a threat, ie beating the Undertaker, coming close to beating Brock Lesnar and...
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    Oh Brother

    I have to point out their biggest feuds. 1.Matt:The biggest story in 2005 was hiis feud with Edge and Lita. This had the makings of a classic, but it was hard to root for Matt when he was so horrible on the mic while Edge kept ripping him into shreads. This feud should have propelled Matt...
  11. I

    MITB: How many more years will it last for?

    I wouldn't say RVD's MITB win wasn't spectacular. I liked the fact that he cashed it in at One Night Stand and when he won the belt, it was a feel good moment for every ecw fan out there who wanted to see him win a world title, it was just what he did afterwards that screwed it up. As far as...
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    Two More On Death Row

    I just don't see how people see Carlito as a main eventer. His ability isn't really impressive and his cool gimmick can only go so far. IMO the WWE isn't the place for him.
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    Who's The Better Wrestler?

    I would vote for Shawn but I'm getting tired of the whole "Cena can't wrestle" bull crap. I'll admit since becoming champion, he's been somewhat repetitive, but can anyone go back to when he was a heel on Smackdown when he was going against Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship. I remember...
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    record that should not be broken

    I don't think Undertaker's streak should be broken. He's THE legend in WWE. He's never had a respectful title reign so let him at least have something. As far as Triple H goes. Like people says he's getting older so I don't see 7 more titles in the cards unless he jacks them up.
  15. I

    Candice and Melina Real Life Heat?

    I don't even consider Candice as a wrestler. She's more of a model type.