Recent content by King Douche

  1. K

    Life Lesson Story

    Okay so it was earlier today when me and 4 of these dudes who I'm cool with at school( one being my best friend), was all going to a school mate's house who I was also cool with. We got there and all settled down and stuff like that. So my best friend prepares to go home to get a game...
  2. K

    *MERGED* Raw Guest Host discussion

    To me its Dule Hill from the good television show Psych. He was funny, good, interacted well with the superstars on the show. I think by far he was the best celebrity guest host they had so far on RAW.
  3. K

    Muhammad Hassan

    Yeah he could come back in a mafia like gimmick, were he forms a stable and attack wrestlers, trying to take over the WWE. But his Arab/American gimmick would still be far better then a gangster gimmick.
  4. K

    Is Vince Russo really that bad?

    I give credit for Russo in what he had done with the WWF in the late 90s, as he is a better booker then the current WWE writers and VKM himself, not to mention Hulk Hogan. But I do not give him credit for wCw as he did some stupid, terrible stuff. Things he did should not even had happen on a...
  5. K

    Would a Superheavyweight Champion work?

    I do not think it would work cause most of the big guys suck wrestling wise and nobody wants to see The Great Khali have a match with Mark Henry, or Kane have a match with Vladamir Kozlov or Ezikieal Jackson. Fans would just be so damn bored, and you would hear a pen drop in the audience during...
  6. K

    The "No Gimmick Needed" personalities in wrestling are detrimental to the business

    You mean 1995 not 1994. But yeah the gimmicks were stupid, lame and cheesy back then. I think the no needed gimmick makes wrestlers boring. They all need gimmicks for wrestlers so the fans can be connected to them. John Cena needs a gimmick so that he can stop being so dead in the ring. Other...
  7. K

    Sounds as if the Rock would come back if it benefits him

    I read were Dwayne Johnson said he wants to recreate how the Attitude Era was in the WWF. I wanna see how he is gonnna do that, I mean retro RAW could be awesome for awhile if done right. Maybe for months like they doing now with the guest host thing, have everyweek on RAW be like Monday Night...
  8. K

    Should HBK be awarded any more World Titles?

    I say when HBK is about to retire he should get a few month reign as WWE Champion, while putting over the young talent on RAW. But I do not think Shawn Micheals even wants another World Championship run.
  9. K

    Muhammad Hassan

    Remember this man? He could of went down as the greatest heel in professional wrestling history. He was the best heel during his short lived WWE career on the Smackdown brand. This man was so great as a heel fans really wanted to attack him when he was at the shows. His muslim gimmick or...
  10. K

    Education- Other Ways To Improve It?

    I hate school to be honest with you people. But I say ways to make it work is have a class that is good not bad, laos a teacher who teaches good not bad. Cause if a teacher teaches bad your gonna get a bad grade.
  11. K

    WTF? TNA just pulled a remake of the Montreal screw job!

    That was mocking? Mocking would be in a comedy like way, that was not mocking just trying to do there own screwjob and it failed epicly.
  12. K

    Religion Thread

    Can I ask you a question? What does one go trough when they are a muslim? What do you have to do? Is it easy? Hard? Difficult?
  13. K

    Once Upon a Time in America is the Greatest Gangster Film Ever Made

    I thought this movie was good but not the best gangster movie in the franchise of gangster movies. Anyways by the way I love Micheal Mann and think his crime dramas are great. Wish he make even more.
  14. K

    John Ritter: Overrated/Underrated/Rated Correctly?

    Yeah they could of brought in Will Smith and Jim Carrery and the show would still not survive. That was Ritter's show and sadly when he died so did the television series. But he was a decent actor and funny guy. Three's Company was great and one of the best tv shows ever.
  15. K

    Religion Thread

    [/B] Why you say that? Also I know there doesn't have to be a supreme being, but I just have a gut feeling that it is a supreme being.