Recent content by Kris Benwa

  1. K

    WCW mid to late 2000 wasn't that bad actually

    I was never a WCW fan when they were on but just watched Spring Stampede 2000 last week for the first time and I really enjoyed it. Now I pretty much watched that show in a vacuum, so I'm sure in the context of more Russo booking it might have been much worse. That being said, the only thing I...
  2. K

    Favorite wrestling related podcasts?

    Anything with Conrad Thompson on it is a great listen: Something to wrestle with is my favorite at the moment but 83 Weeks with Eric Bischoff is good too. I also like the Post Wrestling shows with John Pollock and Wai Ting I never want to listen to Edge and Christian based off the description...
  3. K

    Samoa Joe Is The First 2 Time NXT Champion

    I was surprised but I absolutely loved the match. I thought those two had match of the weekend at Takeover Toronto after feeling like their Brooklyn match was a little disappointing. Joe looked as good as ever. He was dominant and the usually dominant Nakamura did a great job showing...
  4. K

    KB Answers Wrestling Questions

    Shouldn't Goldberg be the number 1 contender since he squashed Brock Lesnar? Nobody on the roster could get Brock down for 2 in years but Goldberg destroyed him in 90 secs. Why should he have to be in the royal rumble to earn a title shot? Shouldn't doing what nobody else was capable of doing be...
  5. K

    Make Your Case III – Best Ever PPV

    While I will admit I am not super familiar with WCW's older ppvs with the exception of a few I'm inclined to agree with this. Even if it's not the greatest wrestling ppv ever I'd argue it's the greatest effort WWE has put forth. For all the reasons and here and just because wrestling at this...
  6. K

    What 'Dream Matches' are left?

    Nakamura vs Cena Goldberg vs Cena Joe vs Cena Rock vs Brock II Joe vs Brock Nakamura vs Brock AJ Styles vs Undertaker Goldberg vs Undertaker These are all matches I would personally consider logical dream matches. I will also mention Undertaker vs Cena even though I'm personally not dying to...
  7. K

    Should Roman Reigns turn heel?

    Yes I can't believe this is a question anymore. He gets booed out of every building every night. Why is he still a babyface. And please nobody compare him to John Cena. There's a reason the few times he was unanimously booed are special in WWE lure. That's because usually at worst it was 50/50...
  8. K

    Has John Cena surpassed The Rock?

    The Rock is the GOAT. Austin is not above the Rock. The Rock is the biggest star that has ever come from wrestling. During his full-time years he broke the record for most houses over 10,000 in 99, then broke his own record in 2000, as the lead babyface during WWE's most profitable year. Then...
  9. K

    Should the 2017 Royal Rumble Match have 40 men as opposed to 30 men?

    No. 40 men sucked. I don't think they should ever do that again. It just went on forever and ever. By time Del Rio won nobody cared any about the match anymore. It was ridiculous. I think 30 men is perfect and that keeps the match at just around hour, 15 people per brand. I don't think they...
  10. K

    Grade The Reign: Bayley As NXT Women's Champion

    I gave it a C+. She won it in a great match then had a fairly decent reign up until losing it. I wasn't blown away or anything. Her one defense I particularly enjoyed was against Nia Jax because I like those kinds of matches. Other than that I don't believe her reign was spectacular AND on top...
  11. K

    WWE WrestleMania XXXII

    * * * WrestleMania XXXII Pre-Show: WWE United States Championship Kalisto (c) vs Ryback Winner and Confidence Points: Ryback (2) Method of Finish: Pin 10-Diva Tag Team Match Team B.A.D and Blonde vs Team Total Divas Winner and Confidence Points: Team Total Divas (5) Method of...
  12. K

    How I'd get the WWE Championship from WM32 to WM33 pt1.

    I've had this idea for a while so I finally decided I better post it out and I booked the WWE Championship from Wrestlemania to Wrestlemania. This is part 1 though so it only goes to SummerSlam. I put the title of the show and the main event of each show for a speed read. I'd love to read...
  13. K

    KB Answers Wrestling Questions

    Will Randy Orton ever be world champion again?
  14. K

    WWE Fast Lane

    Kick Off Show - 2 out of 3 falls match WWE United States Championship Kalisto (c) versus Alberto Del Rio Winner (5): Kalisto (6) Method of Finish (5): 2 falls to 1, Kalisto. Fall 3 by Pinfall. AJ Styles versus Chris Jericho Winner (5): AJ Styles (1) Method of Finish (5): Pinfall WWE...