Recent content by nellyismyname

  1. N

    Who will be the face of the WWE after John Cena's time?

    Like others have said the next Hogan, Rock, Austin and Cena is either in NXT or has hot signed with WWE yet.Also for the posters talking about how CM Punk and Randy Orton are not that much younger then John Cena.Well Dolph Ziggler is not that young either. Dolph was born in 1980, and will be...
  2. N

    Push Ezekiel Jackson!

    I my eyes Ezikiel Jackson should got the push that Ryback is getting. A big muscular guy who does not say much but plows through the competietion.His mic skills are not that good so a character like that would have fit well with him and he probaly might be more popular then he is right now .
  3. N

    Eminem:Did he sell out or not

    Recently I have surfing the web to get people's opinions about different thing I have found out a lot of people are saying Eminem has sold out. They say he has sold out to sell more records and get more recongtion.Well I have to call BS on this theory. Eminem is one of the popular music stars in...
  4. N

    Which Mid-Carder Would You Like To See Pushed To The Main Event Picture?

    1.Cody Rhodes- I was never a fan of his and I hated the " Dashing" Cody Rhodes gimmick but when he developed the masked Persona I became a fan and he proved he could one day become a future WWE or World Champion. 2. R Truth- I hated his What's Up gimmick, but ever since he has started this...
  5. N

    Say, We Could Learn Something From That Chap Chris Brown, Knaw'Mean?

    Look I have never really been a Chris Brown fan, I mean I do like his songs Kiss Kiss and Forever which came out in 2007, but other then that I never really could get into his music.But to say he was not revelant before the Rihanna incendent is going too far.His first song called "Run It'...
  6. N

    The Rock's Movie Roles

    @cenationseattle First off The Rock has never appeared in any DreamWorks films.The Movie Planet 51 was distuributed by Sony Pictures.Secondly, The Tooth Fairy is not a Disney film that Movie was distributed by 20th Century Fox.The Rock has only been in two Disney Films which are:The Game Plan...
  7. N

    CM Punk and The Rock - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!

    A lot of people are forgetting that The Rock has a ten year old daughter. He probably decided to leave the business and do movies so he could spend more time with her. The Rock pretty much retired from wrestling a little after his daughter was born. I mean can you blame the guy from leaving the...
  8. N

    Could The Rock Win The WWE Championship In 2012 (NOT A WRESTLEMANIA 28 THREAD!)

    The Rock is my favorite wrestler of alltime but I don't think it would be fair to the other wrestlers who wrestle over 200 times a year, for The Rock to get a title shot at Wrestlemania.The Rock is 7x WWE and 2X WCW champion, he does not need to win a 10th title to prove anything to anyone.
  9. N

    The Undertaker Returns - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE!!!!

    I have no interest in seeing Undertaker vs Triple H part 2.Someone else needs to take on The Undertaker at Wrestlemania.There are many people in the WWE would could use the exposure besides Hunter Hearst Helmsley.
  10. N

    CM Punk Shoot A Way To Get Jeff Hardy Back in WWE?

    Unlike TNA,WWE cares about their reputation with the outside world.Jeff Hardy is guy who has problems with prescription medication and other drugs and let's not forget the guy is currently on trial for possessing tons of drugs as well.The WWE would be stupid to hire Jeff Hardy when they are...
  11. N

    Mark Henry and other Black WWE stars being held back.

    Two things amuse me about this topic, the first thing is how people like to talk about how not all of black wrestlers have been a WWE or World heavyweight champion.But what about Hispanics, Asians, Samoans, Arabs, Indians, etc.Not alot of people of this Ethnic groups have held the WWE title but...
  12. N

    Lack of Black Champs

    IMO if hispanic wrestlers like Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero and Alberto Del Rio are good enough to win world titles and royal rumbIes then a wrestler with black ancestry can do the same. I keep reading people saying the Wwe Universe will not accept a black wrestler as the or world champion, well...
  13. N

    Lack of Black Champs

    I have been reading through this thread and you all make some pretty valid points.But I disagree with the person who said that since the crowd is mostly white, they will not pay to see a black champion.Look at the NBA basketball the players are mostly black, but the crowd is majority white.So if...
  14. N

    Is CM Punk being pushed down our throats like John Cena was?

    I don’t think CM Punk is being pushed down our throats. I mean can you blame the WWE for wanting to push a guy who is over with the fans. I mean if it was somebody like let's say sniksty it would be different.Oh yeah they did try to push Sniksty down our throats but he is not over, CM punk is...
  15. N

    Is Lashely the future?

    You guys must be deaf or do not want to admit it, but Lashley is over. I mean do you hear the reaction he gets. He may not get a good reaction in every city he goes to but he does get a huge reaction in alot of citys they go to. I remeber back in October when he was still on Smackdown the WWE...