Recent content by Rated_R_Superstar2010

  1. R

    Anyone remember HBK's OTHER entrance song?

    you know who that looked like. John Morrison. The cocky heel with a hot manager. Please turn morrison heel!!! let him be the miz of smackdown.
  2. R

    Could Fatal 4 Way be good?

    to me this isnt a bad idea. if they actually have all the championships used. kind of like night of champions. all fata four ways dont sound too bad. have hardy v drew v punk v rey for the ic title. edge v jericho v swagger v orton. taker v cena v batista v HHH. ShowMiz v Truth and Wisdom v...
  3. R

    Swagger's Open Challenge

    yes im with you both. this match was great and it did have a big time feel to it. this was the first match that i've really enjoyed swaggers work and it made him look very good. ya he lost but not very many ppl can say they beat the undertaker the 1st time they faced him. i hope swagger retains...
  4. R

    Did WWE Miss A Big Chance On Raw?

    carlito is nothing and will always be nothing. atleast punk is relavent and is on the same level as HHH. carlito would have been squashed. no one would have given a shit about a swagger v rhodes match. having taker face him was perfect. yes he lost but he held his own against the deadman and it...
  5. R


    haha im with you man. perfect timing. well i havent seen it yet either but dam am i surprised. cant wait to watch it on thursday now. hope RVD has a good long run.
  6. R

    Scott Hall or ????

    i've only really watched wrestling religiously for the past 6 or 7 years so i didnt see hall in his prime. hell i didnt see alot of the greats in their prime. for me it would have to be jeff hardy. he's not the most talented wrestler, not the best promo cutter, but dam it the crowd loves him...
  7. R

    Guys Who Should've Been World Champion

    would like to start my saying i agree with you 100% on this one. umaga was the last great monster heel the wwe had and it was a shame that they let him go and that he died so young. this man could wrestle and he worked his monster gimmick perfectly. his feud with jeff hardy was jeffs final push...
  8. R

    Who would you like to see as the next permanent GM and WHY?

    my personal choice would be John Bradshaw Layfield. thats right good ole JBL. he was a master on the mic and a fantastic heel, lack of athletic ability aside. he did great with his commentary work on smackdown and i think he would be perfect as a gm. a face gm just seems weird to me. while JBL...
  9. R

    Extreme but No Blood?

    so at exteme rules there will be a last man standing, extreme rules, and a street fight. now i can understand a last man standing match with out blood but a street fight? an extreme rules match? these guys are going to be beating the shit out of eachother. chairs, sledgehammer, lead pipes...
  10. R

    TNA Lethal Lockdown - RVD v. James Storm

    whats the point of this match? why does tna always have to have one team get the advantage. why can they not just have it be 4 on 4?
  11. R

    David Otunga is here to replace MVP

    personally i hate otunga. hes got more fucking attension just because he has "the look". he isnt even famous. his friends are. mvp can flat out wrestle, otunga cant. mvp was a masterful heel. going on that losing streak and moving to raw killed his career. same for morrison. if he had been...
  12. R

    Our opinion's: Do you think wrestling should be considered a sport, or Entertainment

    this might be the easy answer but to me its both. its a sport because they are out there competing, throwing eachother around. you have to be atleast somewhat athletic to be a good wrestler and people can really get hurt. its not a sport if there is not some risk involved. but since everything...
  13. R

    A true wrestling reality show

    with the "reality" part of nxt and this new tna reaction it got me thinking. would any1 like to see a true wrestling reality show? not another tough enough. something that would show wrestlers before the show, getting themselves mentalty ready. the creative team going over the script a bit. a...
  14. R

    TNA ReAction

    well im watching it right now and.....its bullshit. basically a hr long recap of last week. a few back stage and wrestler comentary stuff but its nothing new. its just a recap of the last weeks show. deffinatelly not like NXT, and not a "true look at the back stage of wrestling"
  15. R

    What happend to the Mid Card

    it would have said that orton lost to the champ. orton did not need that win. swagger needed the win. if he cant beat some1 like orton (a maineventer) than how am i suppose to believe he deserves to be a mainevent champ. why should i believe he could beat edge or jericho when the time comes...