Recent content by riahc3

  1. R

    The Technology Troubleshooting Thread

    Is this about only games or regular tech?
  2. R

    Favorite & least favorite video game consoles?

    I think the Virtual Boy was the worst.
  3. R

    Are Video Games Holding Our Hands Too Much?

    I want to enjoy it, not make me break my head.
  4. R

    Dreamcast 2, 12-12-12

    I agree with is a hoax
  5. R

    Best WWE game?

    None. They should make one for PC....
  6. R

    The Underrated Musician's Apperication Thread

    I think Celph Titled.
  7. R

    Whitney Houston dies!!

    WOW This was like right now lol....... Too bad :(
  8. R

    Welcome all New Members (If You Are New Post in Here)

    I welcome myself as well :)