Recent content by ShawnBronald

  1. S

    A Star Is Born- Elias Samson

    The second I saw him and Miz together, I immediately thought "Sandow". Remember, Damian Sandow had it all and WWE dropped the ball on him worse than they have on any talent in a while. Sampson has a great look, is decent in the ring and could easily rise to the top of the mid-card. His...
  2. S

    Report: WWE Buys TNA Video Library But Not TNA Itself

    This is kind of, sort of interesting. Over the weekend, a ton of Twitter users were bombarding the WWE Network account asking about TNA content. The response was always the same and basically said, "We don't offer TNA programming." After today's news, here is the exact response they're using...
  3. S

    Report: WWE Buys TNA Video Library But Not TNA Itself

    It's more than just the tape library, it's TNA and its history that they purchased (possibly even their HoF). What they didn't purchase was any talent contracts, TV deals or outstanding debt. Corgan owns all of that stuff. They won't be airing old TNA stuff on the Network while new stuff...
  4. S

    Sooooo....TNA is probably over

    He has a lot of followers, but I don't see how he would be any more of a source than any of wrestling website. And no other sites are reporting this. Also, earlier today, he tweeted that WWE had lost the bidding war. It was deleted about 10 minutes after that. He's just throwing stuff out...
  5. S

    Sooooo....TNA is probably over

    Been like that for years. Don't you remember that short amount of time that wanted to compete with the "dirt sheets" and report on non-wrestling news?
  6. S

    WWE Survivor Series 2015: General Discussion & Results Review Thread

    Rollins vs Reigns for the WWE Title -Ambrose will somehow get involved, but accidentally cost Reigns the title possibly setting up a Triple Threat down the road. Del Rio vs Swagger for the US Title -Boring, but inevitable. Might as well get it out of the way now. Owens vs Ambrose for...
  7. S

    Report: EVEN HUGERIST name to return for Summerslam

    It would be awesome to see Sting lock-up with either Rollins or Wyatt at SummerSlam. I'd love to see him against Undertaker at Survivor Series. That PPV needs a big time match like that and, considering both men made their WWE debuts at the event, it makes sense (sorta). Finally, I think...
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    Elimination Chamber 2015 - John Cena VS Kevin Owens

    Match of the Year candidate. Also, the matches Cena has had with Zayn and Owens were amazing. Not sure who to give more credit to. It would seem you'd give credit to the 'Indy' guys, but Cena held his own and put on a great show. Love to see these kinds of matches. Hopefully the MitB...
  9. S

    Brock Lesnar OFFICIALLY Resigns with WWE

    I looked, didn't see any and posted mine well before anyone else. I was typing it before the SportsCenter interview (since I thought that might be the announcement). When he officially stated he had resigned, I submitted the post. If there was another official signing thread elsewhere...
  10. S

    Brock Lesnar OFFICIALLY Resigns with WWE

    I agree, I think they should have played it out similar to how they did the CM Punk situation a few year ago. I'm guessing Vince told him to announce it for a couple reasons. First and foremost, WWE is in the news right before WrestleMania. More news (hopefully) means more buys. Also, it's...
  11. S

    Brock Lesnar OFFICIALLY Resigns with WWE

    Lesnar is on SportsCenter right now and just announced he is officially retired from UFC and resigned last night with WWE. Thoughts?
  12. S

    Dean Ambrose Wrestlemania 31 opponent

    I'd go with Cena vs. Ambrose. They hinted at the feud earlier this year and I think it could be money. Neither has to be heel, since WWE loves their 'shades of gray'. That said, I agree that Ambrose would play heel since Cena can't, but most likely he'd simply be an anti-hero (which he is...
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    Dixie Releases New Impact Lineup: New Logo, New Time Slot, New Show

    Looks very similar to The Avengers movie logo: Aside from that, I like that it's quite different from the previous logos. The best thing I've noticed is that it doesn't include the letters TNA. I'm still hopeful they finally drop that gimmick and truly start fresh.
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    Bray Wyatt: "Destroy the Scorpion"

    Bray Wyatt just tweeted this message: "it exists in us all we are the ants destroy the scorpion Be Heard" Is it just more of his usual cryptic mumbo jumbo? Or is he hinting at his next feud? If so, what comes to mind in when you hear the word "scorpion" in professional...
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    The Demand For Sting

    He hasn't wrestled in 7 months, how can you conclude that he's awful right now? He didn't care in TNA and, thus, his ring presence suffered. He's been training real hard for that one last match in WWE. With very a very dedicated workout regime in 7 months, just about anyone can get in to...