Recent content by The Big C

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    WWE TLC 2018

    WWE Champion Daniel Bryan vs. AJ Styles Winner and confidence: AJ Styles-10 Method of winning (5): Disqualification WWE Intercontinental Champion Seth Rollins vs. Dean Ambrose Winner and confidence: Dean Ambrose- 7 Method of winning (5): Pinfall TLC Match: Baron Corbin vs. Braun Strowman...
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    TNA Should Sell it's House, Car, and Soul For CM Punk

    CM Punk would sign back with Ring of Honor before he would sign a contract with TNA. TNA is dying. I have watched the product for over ten years and while yes, the last month has been relatively decent, it's still painful to see such a drastic decline. TNA is not going to compete for Punk...
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    Buy Or Sell #2: Cesaro will still be a "Heyman Guy" at the end of 2014

    I will have to sell on this one, Tony (see what I did there). I feel that the way the WWE is building Cesaro, along with his obvious support from the fans, it leads to the inevitable split with Heyman in the next 3-4 months. The divorce will be played out much like the CM Punk-Heyman marriage...
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    What Role Will Edge Play In The Coming Week?

    The Christian v Sandow match is a very plausible outcome to Edge being there. However, I think his appearance is going to serve the "New Corporation" storyline. More bullying by "The Legend Killer" and the Shield, that will cause Big Show, Henry (who has returned to action) and Christian to make...
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    What was planned for McMahon's death angle?

    There is an article from 2007 that was written by Ben Smith at WrestlingTruth. He goes through the entire angle and he writes that according to Dave Meltzer, the angle was to culminate in Vince still claiming he faked his own death, while revealing an accomplice to it. There were many superstars...
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    Your childhood hero! - Wrestling Version

    As ashamed as I am to say this, KoKo B Ware and The Rockers. I died inside a tad bit when Shawn superkicked Marty through the barbershop window.
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    AJ Styles: "Better Than The Best In The World"

    Yes, AJ had a few hiccups in his delivery. Overall though, it wasn't that bad. Everyone in the free world knows that Cleveland is an armpit, the fans there just suck. I have always respected Styles for his body of work, and this did not detract from that. Comparing AJ to Punk and the Rock in...
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    Stephan Bonnar Interested In WWE?

    Bonnar is too old and doesn't have enough charisma for the WWE. He was a good mixed martial artist, a future UFC Hall of Fame inductee. I would hope the WWE would have no interest, but anything is possible. Worst case scenario, they put him in NXT and he fails. Best case scenario, he becomes...
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    Report/Rumor: Heat On Hulk Hogan?

    As far as the "heat" for the game, it shouldn't matter. He's in a video game, the deal came from the game maker, not the WWE. The real "heat" should be from the fact that he is a financial drain on the TNA product. I have heard so many people say "people see him in the news and then tune in to...
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    Should TNA Go After Ted DiBiase Jr?

    He should have ZERO interest in going to TNA, and TNA should have ERO interest in Ted. TNA has a track record of under-utilizing talent, why would he want to jump into another situation like the one he just left? TNA needs to focus on trimming a little more fat (Hogan, Sting, Anderson, Robbie E...
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    Report: Backstage News On Brock Lesnar's Return To WWE Television

    I am glad I won't be seeing him on Monday nights. I have never enjoyed Brock Lesnar. I could take an Undertaker feud for Mania, but I don't want to see the two of them staring at a WrestleMania banner for 2 awkward minutes every week, for a month straight. Have Taker return and speak from the...
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    New commentators wanted.

    The addition of JBL to the table has been quite refreshing. I think the problem lies with having Lawler at the table. Michael Cole can still incite feelings inside of you (good and bad) with his commentary, Lawler has completely lost his ability. I won't pretend to know the answer as to whom to...
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    The Shield Face turn needed

    I think a face turn would do more harm than good at this time. They are a great heel group. They are young, brash and aggressive. Everything you want in a heel stable, and they mesh perfectly with this new corporate angle. I completely disagree that they have gone stale. Every time their music...
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    Could an openly gay WWE Superstar become the face of the company

    Ability SHOULD be the only thing that is considered Steve, but our society sees color, sexuality, sex and religion as jumping points. If the WWE were to use Darren Young in a major feud with the likes of Del Rio or Orton, in an attempt to elevate him to "face" status, it wouldn't work at this...
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    Could an openly gay WWE Superstar become the face of the company

    Good topic, so i will give you my two cents. Background action: I support gay rights, have a gay brother, I am married, have a child, I am in law enforcement, served our country in the US Army for seven years (7th SFG, 65th MPCO, 82nd MPCO). Now that that is out of the way, I do not think...