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  1. S

    The Authority, Should it of happened Sooner

    More specifically in 2011 after Triple H took over for Vince in the wake of CM Punk leaving with the title after Money in the Bank. This has been the thing that has kinda bugged me after seeing the whole Daniel Bryan angle and build up to Wrestlemania last year. Did I love seeing Daniel Bryan...
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    No interest in Kurt Angle?

    Now this is mainly in response to reading a article like this... In which is says WWE has no interest in Kurt Angle returning in a in ring capacity, or maybe at all. The issue I have are mainly the common ones, matches...
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    Austin Aries and the Edge Mistake

    So this has been bugging me as it seems like history could very easily be repeating itself only instead of WWE this time it could be happening in TNA. Those watching remember when Edge first won the WWE title from Cena when he cashed in his MiTB contract at the Elimination chamber. Edge...
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    TNA/IW's Reality Style

    So what do you guys think of this whole thing TNA/IW has going right now where they are trying to make the show seem more like a reality show with all the back stage segments that look like they are shot with hidden cameras, as well as promos at people's houses and family, and such? For me...
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    Anti-Christ vs It Factor

    So since Hogan has come into the company we have had two big heel runs as TNA champion, the first was Jeff Hardy with his Anti-Christ of profesional wrestling persona and the second is of course now with Bobby Roode being the It Factor. My questions are which character do you prefer more and...
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    John Laurinaitis, Character issues

    This really isn't about John himself but about the character he is doing. I don't know about everyone else but I simply can't buy this guy is a legit power hungry threat like I could guys like VKM and Easy E when they both did the evil boss/GM gimiks. My problems with it comes from two things...
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    Should the Divas...

    Take more bumps from the men? I know some most likely stopped reading at that statement but hear me out. The last time I remember the Diva division really being entertaining was when Trish and Lita where lighting it up. Now I'm not sure how everyone else came to love Trish and Lita but I...