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  1. L

    Cena Injured.... What now? ****Keep it in here!****

    Now that Cena is out of Wrestlemania... Where does the WWE go from here? Taker needs an opponent. Brock needs an opponent. It wouldn't make sense for HHH to be on the card if he wasn't involved with Reigns. Do they start doing super pushes that give some new guys the ball (Wyatt, Owens...
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    Is THE SCRIPT the problem?

    I've noticed the problem with Reigns is the fact that his promos are obviously and rigidly scripted and rehearsed. They keep feeding him these corny ass 80's action movie lines to the point where it almost looks like a wrestling parody that the crowd is popping to these cheesy ass stupid...
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    Why was the CM Punk Summer 2011 angle fucked up so badly?

    Saw the LOLTNA page and clicked on the LOLWWE page and it reminded me how horribly the WWE fumbled on what could have been and should have been one of the biggest angles of the modern era . . . TL;DR -...
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    Vince McMahon no longer a billionaire; Loses $350M; WWE Stock plummets after NBC Deal

    Vince McMahon no longer a billionaire; Loses $350M; WWE Stock plummets after NBC Deal. How do you see this affecting...
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    Daniel Bryan should have a double title reign with the IC Title and WWE WHC.

    To make the IC Title more important. Over the summer preferably losing it to Cesaro at one of those Saturday Night Main Event specials right before Summerslam. That is all.
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    One of the things WWE has done right over the past 3 months.

    Having the WWE World Heavyweight Champion walk around with two belts. I know it's only the first reign but it makes the title seem so much more official and the prestige of the belt is raised a lot with those two big gold belts around the titleholder. I know there are reasons other than...
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    What would you have done to save WCW?

    Obviously, it's demise was mostly due to the Time Warner-AOL Merger (although it could be argued that it would have been higher on the priority list if there was still an nWo/Austin-McMahon type angle keeping high ratings and business was booming). However, even before the AOL thing, general...
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    When does the WWE Network trial actually end?

    12 AM Tonight (in a couple of minutes)? Is that the point when you lock yourself in for the six month subscription?
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    Is it time for a new RAW/Smackdown look?

    With tomorrow being the start of a "new era" with the launch of the XFL 24/7 On Demand Service and everything, is it time for a new look? RAW seems like it has more or less looked the same since 2008 when they switched to the HD Set. I'm sure there have been minor changes but is anyone else...
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    WWE Should Hold More Shows/Tapings in Football Arenas.

    Most NFL/College arenas seat between 30k to 100k people, and most WWE shows usually hold 20k+ people, why not? Why not hold a few Raw's/Smackdown's in football arenas February through August? It would be a different aesthetic (especially if they rely less on the red and blue lighting for these...
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    Vince McMahon and HHH high on Titus O'Neal Hope they push him. Looks like a star, isn't bad in the ring, but the best thing about him is that he's charismatic, hilarious and gold on the mic. Not to mention we've never had a real black WWE champion. The Rock...
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    Anyone here actually wrestle?

    Been reading a lot of Reddit AMA's involving pro wrestlers. Watching documentaries like Beyond The Mat and it seems like a pointless, dying profession. - Shitty pay. I've seen a lot in my few hours of reading and watch that says that $25 is a lot on the indy circuit. - General perception of it...
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    Could someone resize my signature to the appropiate dimensions??

    Reps that aren't really worth much coming your way.
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    Monday Night Smackdown?

    From the "Bring Hogan back as a Heel or Face" thread. So what do you all think? I think it would be a great way for WWE to gain publicity and high viewership for whatever company they sign with for their new TV rights. If they can't get NBC to agree with having Smackdown on Mondays, they...
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    Where did this end up going? (McMahon Crushed By Billboard)

    YGVkeRRmvTc Where did this end up going? From what I remember WWE was in 110% cartoon/PG mode at this time so I'm sure it was tamed, but still what happened with this? They made it seem like someone was doing this purposely with the stuff falling prior to the billboard. On a slight...