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  1. T

    ODB Gone From TNA Again

    I figured someone would have done this thread already. I guess now. Am I like the only person that appreciated her in ring abilities? Thoughts on her leaving, good or bad? I know there was some "Interesting" booking done in regards to her Character, but ODB is a solid in ring performer that I...
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    What's the Big Deal With Kenny King?

    So, since I am being vocal about stuff in wrestling right now, what is the big deal with Kenny King? I remember the big deal they made about him when he came to TNA from Ring of Honor and him losing his job over the whole mess. I seem to have liked his last run better than this last one. I...
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    Met Christopher Daniels Yesterday; The Bad News...

    Yesterday on Free Comic Book Day, Christopher Daniels was at Bases Cards and Comics in Lancaster California signing and greeting with the fans, promoting his new Comic he had published. Dude was super cool and very nice to everyone. I got a pic with my Daughter and I with him. Was really nice...
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    The End of Extreme Rising?

    Well, after quite a long time of no information, and no new shows booked for the promotion, it looks like they may be done. "Card Subject To Chage" looks to be the last show they did. The website they were running is gone now and there is no more information from them. I have tried to get...
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    Extreme Rising/5 Guys Wrestling DVD's?

    Okay, I hoppe that this is in the right place. Not sure where else to put it. If in the wrong place, can I please have it moved. Now onto what I am getting at. Has anyone else had problems with these guys? They are distributing Extreme Rising's DVD's and Merchandise, but at this point, I have...
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    The "Best" moment in ECW History?

    So, 2013 is right around the corner. It will mark the 20th Anniversary of Eastern Championship Wrestling becoming Extreme Championship Wrestling and a complete change in the feel and look of Professional Wrestling. Both WWF and WCW changed the way they looked and ran to become more like ECW was...
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    "Bobby" Roode a "Supporting" Character?

    Yeah, so after reading the last drivel that Mark Madden posted, I have to really wonder if he really watches Impact at all. Supposedly he was told by someone else in the industry that Roode is basically a long term support wrestler, not a Main Eventer. I really have to ask if they are talking...
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    What TNA/Impact Wrestling Needs

    Yeah, been a bit on this one. "Wrestling Matters". Yes, we have heard it. We have seen the sigs and the commercials and the words in Blue. I like TNA. It's getting harder to though. It's time for Wrestling to Matter again. TNA needs to stop with the over thought storylines. Really, here you go...
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    Halloween Havoc - Hollywood VS Warrior

    Before, I go into the reasoning for this thread, let me make something clear. I have NEVER been a Hulk Hogan fan. I have NEVER been a warrior fan either. I was never too compelled by the cartoonish style of their characters. On the other side of the coin though, I really did enjoy seeing Hogan...
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    The Return of AMW?

    Eric Bischoff eluded to a potential problem solver for Robert Roode being out of action by the time the Pay Per View rolls around. Yeah, who agrees that his potential solution involves Christopher Harris replacing Roode in the match reforming America's Most Wanted? Just got that feeling seeing...
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    FOR ONCE, I agree with Mark Madden.

    Will wonders ever cease? I actually agree with Mark Madden for once, with his new editorial about the crap that went down at the TNA PPV this last Sunday. I may not agree that Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore should be fired, but the rest of it about hits the nail on the head. TNA should be ashamed...
  12. T

    Writers told not to mention WM 17 Match . . .

    Yeah, so this kind of logic never made sense to me. You have Triple H VS The Undertaker coming up and the two of them are just supposed to have gotten amnesia that they wrestled each other on the grand stage ten years ago? It's like WWE doesn't want to acknowledge that wrestlers can evolve. It...
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    Sting v. Flair One More Time: It's Bound to Happen...

    We all know it will happen down the road. One last dance between Flair and Sting. They hinted at it a few months back. The fans wanted to see this end properly and the last WCW Nitro just didn't do it. I am pretty sure that Flair and Sting can have one more really well put together match, so how...
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    The Confusing Debacle that is TNA and their fan base

    So, I really have to ask . . . who really is the TNA fan base? I see bitvhing day in and day out about how bad TNA is and how much like WWE it is and how much like WCW it is and how it need to be this and how it needs to be that and blah, blah, blah, blah, BLAH! I am trying to understand how...
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    The Knockouts NEED Awesome Kong back.

    Seriously folks, now that Bubba the Ass Sponge is gone and it looks like Tara is leaving TNA sometime this month, the Knockouts need Kong back. I seriously was angry when she left in the first place as she has easily been the dominant factor in the division since her arrival. She can get in that...
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    2 Cold Scorpio: Underrated or Overated?

    Yeah, so I had to pull this one out. The man is so well known in Japan and the ECW circles. His 450 splash is still quite entertaining to see and the guy is just insane in the ring. The biggest question I have always had though is why it is he was never a bigger star than he has been. He's got a...
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    Tommy Dreamer to TNA?

    Well, with things going crazy as far as new wrestlers added to TNA's roster, it appears that Tommy Dreamer may also be heading over the Cross the Line. I know Tommy is an acquired taste, me being a huge fan of everyone's favorite underdog, but do you think Dreamer would do better in TNA than he...
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    R-Truth VS CM Punk a breath of fresh air.

    Yes, I said it. It was nice to see R-Truth get some of his old school going and get over on someone finally. I understand that the whole "What's Up?" crap is just that; CRAP. Still, some of us had forgotten that he could be a very entertaining wrestler. He and Punk had a very well put together...
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    TNA PPV Coverage?

    What gives? WWE does a Pay Per View and there's like ten pages and deep description of the matches and such, but TNA is only four pages and as brief as possible? What's up with that?
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    Tag Teams that should be?

    Yeah, so with WWE trying to rebuild the Tag Team division, it has occured to me that they need a stronger line up of players. They basically have: Legacy D-X (Who I just don't see lowering themselves to the Tag Team Titles) The Hart Legacy (Who really need to be booked more as a Tag Team)...