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  1. M

    2013 The Year of Rising Stars!

    2013 will be the year of the rising stars. We have seen the debuts of competitors ranging from Antonio Cesaro, Damien Sandow, Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins, and most recently Big E. Langston. I am not sure if anyone else is as excited as I am to see the evolution of these...
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    Shelton Benjamin Returning to WWE?

    There have been recent reports on about WWE having interest in superstars like; MVP and Shelton Benjamin. Both men have gone on record through Twitter and have said that they have not been contacted by WWE in any way. Further speculation rises as Shelton Benjamin has given his...
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    Doctor of Thuganomics Need To Save His Own Career's Life?

    You know, it concerns me that I read a report that said Vince McMahon is confused on what to do with John Cena. That a bad sign? Things haven't been looking up for Cena. Multiple injuries and hasn't won any major matches since beating Brock Lesnar at Extreme Rules. His career has been on a...
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    Six Stars Who SHOULD Dominate in 2013

    Before you continue to read know that this is a list that I got together of stars who I would like to see more of in 2013 or even make 2013 their break out year. I will most likely have a lot of people asking why I left out one superstar in particular, Cody Rhodes. I am a fan of Cody Rhodes and...
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    Zack Ryder: From Revolution to Evolution!

    Zack Ryder has posted a subliminal message on his twitter, tweeting: "@ZackRyder: SAVE THE DATE... 1/11/13... Episode 100 of Z! True Long Island Story! #finale?" Nobody is in fact sure what the tweet means, but it is referring to a final episode of Zack Ryder's Youtube show on January 11...
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    The All American American VS The Very European Swiss Sensation

    Antonio Cesaro is no stranger to expressing his international heritage. Since day one he has spoken in five different words or phrases commenting on how great he is, how his opponents isn't, or how America is a awful country. Antonio Cesaro managed to win the WWE United States Championship from...
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    A Little to Much to Early?

    So today as I was sitting in class I was thinking about Pro Wrestling. The one thing I was thinking about though is a question that I have asked myself and was wondering what you guys thoughts were about it... Now I will use John Cena for example. He debuted in the company in 2002 by 2003 he...
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    People above the World Championship?

    So in Professional Wrestling or matter fact ANY kind of athletics people always say, "If your goal isn't to be the best then you shouldn't be here." In Professional Wrestling winning the World Championship is the highest honor that you ca have. It shows that the company is really appreciating...
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    What attracts the fans of today?

    So I just got done reading Kevin Kelly's response to Kevin Nash burying the WWE and The Miz for crowning The Miz as the WWE Champion this Monday Night on RAW. There was a part in his article that he said that caught my attention on how The Miz fits this generation in 2010 of the PG Era in WWE...
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    The Choice is Yours!

    This has been on my mind a lot recently and it's an idea. This idea will see WWE go PG-14 FOR PAY PER VIEWS ONLY! Me personally I think this would be an interesting idea and something to try. The WWE weekly shows for example; WWE RAW, WWE Superstars, and WWE SmackDown are watched on regular...
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    A Chase To Failure?

    So everybody has seen the drastic drop in ratings for WWE RAW which got their worst set of ratings in the last two years with I believe a 2.8. There has been tons of assumptions into exactly why WWE got this low rating; the first is because of all of the season premieres this Monday on...
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    Enters the Bully!

    So the past two - three weeks we have seen Alex Riley keep close ties to The Miz after WWE NXT Season Two in which some people thought he should have won the competition. We all know that like last season (and the upcoming seasons) half of the WWE NXT Rookies will have reserved spots on the...
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    The GrandDaddy of them All!

    [NOTE]: If this thread has been done before I am sorry and understand if it deleted! So far we have seen WrestleMania 20 - 26. And I always bring up this question with my friend and ask him, "What is your favorite WrestleMania between these seven?" And he always says, "WrestleMania XX". The...
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    The Deadman Not Feeling Straight Edge?

    So around this time last year (September 19, 2009 to be exact) we were witnessing the CM Punk vs Jeff Hardy saga. At Night of Champion CM Punk lost the World HeavyWeight Championship to the "Charismatic Enigma" only to win it a few days later on SmackDown in a title vs career match between Jeff...
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    Maybe Awesome But Nowhere Near Ready!

    So everybody keeps coming up with these ideas... And the idea goes like this. John Cena vs The Undertaker vs Chris Jericho (or Royal Rumble Winner) for the Unification of the World Titles. The Undertaker wins the match and The Miz turns in his briefcase and beats The Undertaker and the streak...
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    WWE Pros; Any influence on the Rookies?

    When I first heard about this show debuting and each star having a rookie I thought we were going to see these stars being hands on with their rookie teaching them the ropes and how to promo etc. But as time went on we just figured out that the Pros are nothing more than an attraction for the...
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    WWE NXT Season 2; Who Stays and Who Goes?

    Now that WWE NXT Season 2 is over we all saw what happened on the Season Finale. All the Season 2 NXT guys beatdown Kaval (which in my opinion was horribly done), but this is not about the beatdown. It is about who was involved in the beatdown that I am interested in. In the beatdown we saw...
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    Goldberg Returns?

    So today I was talking over with my friend about the upcoming WrestleMania which will be Atlanta, Georgia this year and it actually brought up a couple of realizations that I was not aware of until now and I am here to share them with you. I believe at WrestleMania XXVII we could see the return...
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    The More Gold The Better; Lengthy or Monthly

    I think prime examples of my title, "The More Gold The Better" would have to be John Cena and Edge! John Cena has not been in the Professional Wrestling business not even 10 years. (Will be in 2011) And since 2005 John Cena has been winning the World Championship! He won it his first time and...
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    Life After Nexus

    Alright guys... Like every good stable there has to be a point where there is a meltdown and the team breaks apart. We have seen what all these guys are capable of on WWE NXT Season 1 and all of these new guys are possibly the biggest attraction to WWE right now! But my question is how will life...