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  1. G

    I have tickets to a house show in a couple of weeks, but ...

    ... I have no idea which brand is set for the show. For the record I bought the tix before the brand split. The event is still just shown online as "WWE Live". I'm really excited either way, regardless of who appears, but I'd at least like to know which brand we're going to see so I can tell my...
  2. G

    Paige Suspended AGAIN for Second Wellness Violation So Paige hasn't even returned and has already been nuked for a second violation. Gone until early December this time. Really not sure what's going on with her right now.
  3. G

    Paige Suspended AGAIN for Second Wellness Violation What is going on with this girl, WZ?
  4. G

    Talking Smack is quite fun

    I mean SD was already great this week, but this show actually really enhances it. The modern worked-shoot style of it is really nice, IMO. It was interesting to see Daniel Bryan and Nikki Bella interact and have their family situation referenced, and having Carmella burst onto the scene even...
  5. G

    Eva Marie also suspended Damn it, I was really starting to get into her gimmick actually. Still this is crazy, three in one day. Haven't seen...
  6. G

    Poll: Is Final Deletion/Broken Matt Hardy brilliant or awful?

    PvACWh8k7Io Personally I was legitimately very sports entertained by this match/segment/whatever. Wrestling doesn't have to be super serious all the time.
  7. G

    Daniel Bryan is on commentary with Mauro for Cruiserweight Classic, WWE reveals Good choice by the company, it feels really legitimate and like they give massive amounts of poop about how this is perceived and who its target audience is. Bryan has wrestled several of the guys...
  8. G

    Eugene: Was it offensive?

    I've seen a bit of discussion on this over the years - some people feel that the Eugene gimmick was offensive, while others emphatically do not. On a rewatch of 2004, I'm really in two minds over it and I wanted to know what the WZ consensus was, or if there even is one. What I can gather is...
  9. G

    Hornswoggle, Riley and Colter released So, these three are all gone. Hornswoggle went the JTG route of taking a century to be released despite doing nothing on screen. I've personally found the concept of the "midget wrestler" to never have been executed well or in a way...
  10. G

    Gallows & Anderson Theme

    Pretty neat. I think it works for them as an imposing, invading force. "Omen" and all that. PIpseOV7EGk
  11. G

    Power of Positivity: Barring NXT, what do you love about WWE product right now?

    - The main event scene is weird right now. Good weird. Styles, Steen, Generico in that uppercard tier, who'da thunk it? - Roman's promos and general attitude this week. - AJ Styles is going to ME a PPV. - Like it or hate it, audience participation is at a high not seen since Attitude Era. -...
  12. G

    Do we have a WZF IRC chat?

    I feel like most of the time I hang out in spam, or the Bar Room, and just engage in general chit-chat really. IRCs are good for this and I was just wondering if we had one? And if not, would you use one?
  13. G

    Baron Futhamuckin' Corbin

    Is awesome. In an era of indy darlings actually getting noticed and pushed, Corbin stands out as a truly notable new WWE-built talent. And I'm not done fanboying yet, so here's a thread to discuss him, seriously, in terms of what you want to see. Following a neat rub at WM, Corbin has been...
  14. G

    "I-It's not like I want a match with you or anything, idiot!" Looks like we're getting Jericho repackaged as an annoying and violently moody Japanese schoolgirl this summer. Oh, and he'll probably put over Nakamura or something.
  15. G

    Wrestling's Greatest Logic Inconsistencies

    I was rewatching Unforgiven 2001 this morning, and Christian audibly yells "Get up Edge! You son of a bitch!" Which is fine until you remember that Edge & Christian were still canonically brothers at this point. And then Christian had spent the last 2 months wondering why Edge got more...
  16. G

    ITT: Things Right To Censor Were Right About

    I'll go first: - Page 3 in the Sun. Having no age rating, thus being saleable to children, and just being a creepy concept in general made it a fucking disgrace.
  17. G

    10 Wrestlers Who

    Did Porn. Continuing the theme from Shagz' truly phenomenal thread, those of you that saw it. YY23r99FHzI Don't worry; the vid is SFW. Well not safe for work exactly, but everything is censored or covered up and there's no direct footage of anything beyond wrestlers awkwardly being...
  18. G

    Booking Notwithstanding ...

    ... Ryback has much more personality than, and is greatly superior to, Goldberg. Booking withstanding, please can WWE not remove his personality just 'cause he turned heel. That Punk trolling was great but I think he snuck it in. His promos are nothing to write home about when they're so...
  19. G

    Would you like to meet Cena and Taker's fursonas? Yes those are penguin furry forms of Vince, HHH, Cena, Taker and Paige. Well, Vince is actually supposed to be an otter or something I think. Personally I dig the Deadguin's coffin...