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    Book This! - General Discussion

    Done with my first show, turned out fairly decent I guess I'm fairly new at this to be honest
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    Book This Edit Request Thread

    If you could please edit my main thread with the two replies down to a single post and get rid the following thread: that'd be tops (seems I created a duplicate one by accident)
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    WWE: Conspiracy Truth

    *Titiantron emits a loud hissing static* *Static clears to show a black silouette against a crimson red backdrop* Anonymous Raw GM (robotic emotionless): Thank you Hunter for that eloquent introduction. I can safetly say that it feels cleansing to get my voice out to those that need to...
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    WWE: Conspiracy Truth

    Michael Cole (calm): Any minute now we should be............... *Triple H's music starts* Lawler (giddy): Well speak of the devil! *It's soon realized that it's not Triple H, but rather John Cena who comes struting down, mocking Vince's walk* John Cena (candid and spry): Yes...
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    WWE: Conspiracy Truth

    **Conspiracy Truth is set to be a roughly three month long saga exposing the hidden motives of Chief Operating Officer Triple H, Executive Vice Chairman for Talent Relations John Laurinaitis, and Kevin Nash. The story will conclude with a special PPV of the same name** Location: Detriot...
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    WWE: Conspiracy Truth

    **Conspiracy Truth is set to be a roughly three month long saga exposing the hidden motives of Chief Operating Officer Triple H, Executive Vice Chairman for Talent Relations John Laurinaitis, and Kevin Nash. The story will conclude with a special PPV of the same name** Location: Detriot...
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    CM Punk was WRONG about Nash

    Vince has said on the record that his company provides "Opportunites" not "Careers" ............What I'm trying to get across is that Nash needs to play the role of Terry Funk in ECW here, he needs to get the newbies ready and let them know what they need to do to help the company grow and...
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    CM Punk was WRONG about Nash

    Are we even watching the same RAW? Punk has been over for weeks, having you been hearing that applause? The company randomly chose to push him on a whim because he was deadweight due to the lack of attention focused on him and his contract was up and they wanted him to go out with a bang They...
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    CM Punk was WRONG about Nash

    I think you're confusing "Having A Mind For The Business" with "Just Being A Greedy Son Of A Bitch" Having a "Mind For The Business" is knowing when to quit and taking a backseat to the up-and-comers and nuturing them into the wrestlers they could eventually become if given the right push by...
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    What is your beverage of choice (non alcholic version)

    Mountain Dew Voltage, no question There have been times however where I've gotten a bad batch (too much ginseng) in a 12oz bottle, but I still enjoy it because of how well the raspberry and citrus compliment one another And it's blue I don't have it in me to blantantly dislike a blue...
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    Would You Have A Problem With Your Child Being Gay?

    No, I wouldn't And here's why: If my child is happy this way, then who am I to deny him? I've listened to several interviews on "Gay Children" and the general concensus is that parents (especially the mothers) would disown their own child for "Choosing To Be That Way". (Yes because you...
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    Favorite movie starring...Matt Damon

    Watched Dogma recently, wasn't too shabby Loved the little bit in the beginning where he's equating he Walrus and The Carpenter poem to christianity
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    Facebook or Google+

    Nope, that's Twitter Half of it's user base is hipster douchebags and older people trying to be hip And I rage every single time I see a tv-show with a twitter hashtag or one in a commercial Twitter is just Facebook's little friend update box and nothing else There was an interview...
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    Hulk Hogan's Micro Championship Wrestling

    Just saw a promo for this the other day Not putting too too much faith in it's success...........
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    WWE Confidential

    I loved watching it with my cousin over at my grandparents house after Velocity It seemed very laid back and candid, almost like a Behind The Music or True Hollywood Story, but for Wrestlers and those that loved them I honestly think that the WWE could benefit from allowing this to return...
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    That 70's show/movie???

    1) They already had "THAT 80's Show", I enjoyed it when it was on, but it did shitty in the ratings department and was canned after the first season. 2)Ehhhhhhhhh, I think it's a little too late to try and do something like that. The ship has sailed and I don't really think Topher wants to be...
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    Is WWE In Need of A NEW Gimmick Type Match Concept?

    I'd definately like to see something along the lines of the Raw Roulette, that was probably the first time that I'd enjoyed wrestling in awhile The spontaniousness of it all is what really and truely sold me on it IDK, I've also been wanting kind of a WCW War Games style match with all of...
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    Alberto Del Rio Is The NEW WWE Champion - KEEP IT ALL IN HERE

    I had a feeling that Alberto would choose to cash it in at Summer Slam, but I certainly didn't expect him to do it so backhandedly He may not be a deserving champion but what he did is enough to keep this interesting and adds to his tenure as a heel Then there's of course the question as...
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    Should WWE Bring In More Managers?

    Yeah, I'll definately agree There are next to no managers in the WWE and honestly, that's becoming a bit of a problem A lot of the wrestlers aren't exactly good on the mic and that's of course where managers come in, to be the mouth-piece and to make the wrestler look good to the audience...
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    Future Storyline Speculation

    Dpeculate on what you think might happen in the WWE in the coming months I've been having this naggin' idea in my head that just won't go away that R-Truth is going to form an faction to get rid of Triple H as the company's overseer whom he sees as the embodiment of the "conspiracy" Turns...