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  1. R

    Greatest Moment in TNA History?

    Not necessarily one "moment" but the BMI vs MCMG series is I think the best thing TNA has done. and when MCMG first won the belts stands out as not necessarily the "greatest moment" in TNA history, but certainly one that I marked out for the hardest.
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    Robbie E Confirms No Bound For Glory Series This Year

    I thought BFG series was great, it created a "competitive" feeling, and it made all of these matches have some importance, right down to how the match was finished. The first time they did it was a bit of a mess with some guys having more matches than others etc, but I think it is a great...
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    TNA Should Sell it's House, Car, and Soul For CM Punk

    So if you were TNA, you'd repeat the same mistake they made a couple of years ago. Sounds like a smashing idea.
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    TNA Should Sell it's House, Car, and Soul For CM Punk

    If it was that easy he'd probably be there already. Punk isn't on TV wrestling because he doesn't want to be, simple as that.
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    MVP Forms a New Faction

    The All Blacks name has nothing to do with race/colour, good luck pulling that name off America haha.
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    Why TNA Going Out of Business is Bad

    Everyone said TNA had too many wrestlers and needed to trim the fat and get rid of the older guys and stop paying Hogan the leech and blah blah blah. This is what they need to be successful, this is what is holding them back. TNA trims the roster, gets rid of Hogan, while at the same time...
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    Is there a next big thing on the horizon?

    When WCW and WWE were fighting it out, they were big enough to have a "big thing" to move. TNA, ROH, whatever aren't big enough for one of their top names to jump ship and have it be a big deal. There's plenty of guys who I think could go to WWE and make some noise if the WWE got behind them...
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    Imagine if Samoa Joe was the TNA World Champion...

    Have you even watched Joe in recent times? he's been bringing it hard, there's clearly a fire under his ass again for whatever reason. Still, I somehow doubt there's many talk shows lining up to have TNA World Champion Samoa Joe on their show and I further doubt that it would entice many new...
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    Lei'D Tapa Has Been Released

    Wasn't impressed when she first showed up, wasn't thrilled when she came back. She did a good enough job of serving her purpose being Gail's muscle, now that's played out I'm happy to see her gone because I don't think she had much else going for her.
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    Willow's Debut at Lockdown

    Will give the "Willow" thing a chance before I decide that it's some terrible decision. I don't think there was any point in pretending it wasn't Jeff, we all know it is, no point insulting peoples intelligence like that, even if it is "wrasslin". For the most part my interest in Jeff is...
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    Magnus' Ace In The Hole

    Didn't really enjoy how it played out, I'm pretty over Abyss at this point, but I think we all knew Joe was getting screwed in this match somehow and with the cage in play they had to come up with something. Joe vs Abyss certainly has a lot of potential for a war or two between them. Though...
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    Sounds Like Kurt Angle Wants Back To The WWE, But.....

    Angle could get an epic match out of a road cone, what you're saying wouldn't prove anything beyond once again how awesome Angle is.
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    Austin Aries: One More For Dixieland? Or TNA's Future Hero?

    Post Lockdown I was really hoping for a Roode vs Joe feud, but, since it appears Roode is heading down the Beer Money track for now, a heel Aries vs Joe feud would have all the makings of fantastic thanks.
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    Today's favourite wrestler

    I'm going to have to select a pair of "wrestlers" rather than a "wrestler" and go with Bad Influence. The moment they hit the ramp it's just so much fun watching them, their entrance still cracks me up with Daniels sporting his goggles and the finger taping with the salute. They're both great...
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    WWE Renaming Indy Workers

    The problem isn't that they change their names, I think everyone (well most people) understand why they do that. The problem is that the names they come up with are often so dreadful. Seriously, John Cahill and Eric Philbin. "The American Pitbulls" isn't even bad, I can live with that, but...
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    Dixie Carter: Ex-World Title Holder to Appear on Impact; It's Adam "Pacman" Jones

    I hate Jeff Jarrett. and that's exactly why I hope it is Jarrett and he'd have to be the odds on favorite. I don't hate him in some "X-Pac heat" kind of way, I hate him in a I love seeing somebody make him shut his damn mouth and kick his ass kind of way. As somebody who so often...
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    Is Austin Aries TNA's Daniel Bryan?

    If anything Aries has much more charisma. Bryan has come a way in terms of speaking and just the way he carries himself in general (not that there was ever anything wrong with how he did in the past, but he had to become WWEized) still ultimately he lives off people chanting YES or NO and...
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    Chris Sabin is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

    Wish they'd stop with the "loser can never wrestle for the title" type stipulations. They don't add suspense they just give away the outcome. I realize that they introduced this for Bully with reasoning behind it, but now any slight chance anyone thought Sabin had is gone. Think everyone was...
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    Chris Sabin is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Champion!

    This was a great moment for a long term Sabin and TNA fan. Even if Sabin ends up dropping the belt in a month, this will still go down as one of my favourite feel good moments from the company.
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    Quinton "Rampage" Jackson Joins TNA Wrestling, Bellator MMA

    I've always been a huge fan of Rampage so I'm understandably excited, but I think this is great for TNA. He's a name that has a lot of fans, people will want to see what he is up to. We all read Dixie talking about a "big" signing and expected disappointment, "big" name free agents simply aren't...