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    GIMMICK MATCH/PPV: Classic Survivor Series elimination matches. I especially liked the bonus "Sole Survivors Match" that took place at the end of the first PPV, in which all the night's winners competed in one last face vs heel match. The way the WWE is booked today, these matches would serve...
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    History of WWF

    The Freebirds are such an obscure team with a really short WWF tenure. If you can pull them out of your memory banks so soon, you're the guy who's going to find the missing wrestler. I will just have to go to sleep at night reminding myself that I did include Jos LeDuc (#697) from his totally...
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    History of WWF

    I had that set to ship anywhere, but I guess I didn't save it. Should be up now.
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    History of WWF

    The second you came out with Freebirds as your 2nd guess, I had a bad feeling.
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    History of WWF

    Haha you SOB! Thanks.
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    History of WWF

    The combo of that weird gambler gimmick and being Randy's uncle made it REALLY hard to omit Barry O, but if I included him, I would have had to have added every JimBob Jobber in Federation history, and my OCD needs limits. I do think I have every legitimate WWF Superstar on here though...
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    History of WWF

    Gibbs is one of the guys I omitted because he was jobber. The strictly jobber guys I didn't include. Barry O is one I was iffy on, because he kinda even had a gimmick, but I ultimately chose to leave him off. Duane Gill doesn't make the cut, but Gillberg does (#463).
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    History of WWF

    That's a good one. They are all together. PS is #630, Roberts at #631 and Gordy at #632. The video I pulled this from is from a show that was taped Sept 11, 1984. Gordy makes a second appearance at #880 as The Executioner from an In Your House on December 15, 1996. Hayes is also #349, when...
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    History of WWF

    I already love this game. Jimmy Jack Funk is #666 (seriously... of the 1,023 wrestlers here, this is your first guess? Don't turn off the lights tonight.) His attire is from August 28, 1986, a show called The Big Event. "Mouth of the South" Jimmy Hart precedes him at #665, attire from...
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    History of WWF

    This is gonna be wordy... It starts off with all superstar champions (World, IC, Tag, Euro, Lightweight), then all the Rumble winners, then KOTR winners, then every other superstar (I think/hope) in WWE history between the years 1963-2001. The reason for those dates is that '63 was when...
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    History of WWF

    I should included pics with Shinobi or Xanta Klaus... (And thanks!)
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    History of WWF

    A few months ago, I jumped on here to see if anyone could help me round out the holes in the WWWF roster for a design project I was working on in my free time between projects at work. Long story medium, after 14 months of research, I'm all done and wanted to share some pics of the final...
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    WWWF Rosters (1963-1979)

    Hey everyone. I'm designing a wrestling themed poster at work (not FOR work, just AT work). Long story short, I'm creating this montage of every wrestler that was a part of the WWWF (not jobbers, though a guy like Johnny Rodz is included because he wasn't strictly enhancement talent). I've got a...
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    WWE Region, Los Angeles Subregion, First Round: (4) El Santo vs. (29) Don Muraco

    This might be one of the biggest mismatches of the first round outside of Undertaker vs Vince. El Santo runs circles around Muraco, and that's just in in a luchador monster movie! The match is much worse. El Santo moves on easily, despite Muraco's Intercontinental credentials.
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    WWE Region, Boston Region, First Round: (10) Nick Bockwinkel vs (23) Sid Vicious

    This was always an unfair disadvantage to Sid, as he has only half the brain that you do. And I also agree with the sentiment. Bockwinkel finds a way to outsmart the big man and takes the win.
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    WWE Region, Dallas Region, First Round: (8) Curt Hennig vs (25) JBL

    I believe that if you swapped these guys' heyday eras, Mr. Perfect would have risen higher in the Attitude/Ruthless Aggression era than JBL would have back in the late 80s/early 90s. Mr. Perfect wins.
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    Int Region, San Fran Subregion, Round 1: (2)Randy Savage vs. (31) Masahiro Chono

    Chono has had quite a decorated career in Japan, and a cup of coffee in WCW as a midcarder, but Savage is revered worldwide. He was one of the forerunners to smaller wrestlers making it big; his WrestleMania match at the BIGGEST Mania of all still holds water as arguably the greatest of all-time...
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    Int Region, Minneapolis Region, First Round: (5) Antonio Inoki vs. (21)Magnum TA

    This is pretty lopsided, in my opinion. TA was on the cusp of something special before he was injured. Inoki achieved legendary status. Antonio Inoki gets the W.
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    Int Region, St. Louis Region, First Round: (11) Batista vs. (22) Yokozuna

    This sounds like a dream match I would pay to see. It goes without saying that Batista is a beast, but no matter how dominant he may be (and I think it would be a tight match), in the end, he would arrogantly try to go for the Batista Bomb, resulting in his back giving out, Yoko on top for the...
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    Int Region, St. Louis Region, First Round: (6) Ricky Steamboat vs. (27) Tiger Mask #1

    I read the same book. Steamboat had it all: the body, the skills, the athleticism. Tiger Mask was obviously no slouch, but if The Dragon didn't exceed Tiger Mask in every noteworthy category, I'd say it was damn near a push. And it goes without saying that WrestleMania II and the trio of matches...