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    FINALS: Martian Manhunter & Urdnot Wrex vs. Magneto and Mario

    Bad luck to Jon Jonnz and Wrex here, but they have met their makers. Wrex has metal armor, which Magneto would turn into scrap metal immediately. Then theres Martian Manhunter, who will put up a fight, but most likely will not succeed. Magneto and Manhunter would presumably fight it out in the...
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    WWE General Complaints Thread

    Prepare yourself for the IWC's wrath! Seriously though, you completely nailed it. What the IWC usually does is find a wrestler stuck in the midcard and treat him like a god. This wrestler is always talented in some way and is usually better than most of the other midcarders at that time (not in...
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    Paul Bearer imposter taking it to far?

    Bring back the attitude era they said. We need more edge in the product they said. Seriously, what about this was even remotely offensive to anyone at all? It's a fucking scripted storyline Punk and Heyman were probably told to do this by the WWE execs who have Moody's family approval. I hate...
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    How would you like to see Ziggler cash in his Money In The Bank?

    Hey posters above me, do you know what the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT MITB briefcase means? It means he challenges for the WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP. Now that I got that out of the way, I think your idea is a good one. Having Ziggler announce when he is cashing in would certainly suit his character...
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    WWE Royal Rumble 2013 Pre-Show: US Championship - Antonio Cesaro (c) VS The Miz

    The king of pre-show has returned! I can't see Cesaro losing here. neither man will have much going on heading into the road to Mania, so I expect this feud to continue for a couple of months, so to do that I think Cesaro needs a cheap win. Cesaro to win via countout, dq or other dastardly (yes...
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    Yoshi Tatsu - Best or worst pro wrestling gig ever?

    Aw, little buddy trying so hard to get a reaction! Personally I think Yoshi is set with what he has going on in WWE right now. Let's face it, WWE is not going to fire him anytime soon, because of his link with Japan and Asia as a whole. I'm not sure if much other people notice this but every...
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    Let's Talk: WWE's 'Other' Titles in 2013

    Royal Rumble: Definitely Ryback. With Punk,Cena, Rock, Brock and Taker taking up the main event spots for Mania, Ryback needs something to do if he is to relevant around Mania season. I'd have him win the Rumble and go on to face Show at Mania, getting his first ever World Title. I know this...
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    Did WrestleMania IV Need The Tournament?

    I have mixed feelings for the tournament at Wrestlemania 4. In hindsight it seems like it was a good method of putting over Savage, which is a plus. But overall it made Mania pretty lackluster match quality wise. This was before my time so I only watched an old version of it a few years ago, so...
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    What Past or Current TNA Wrestler You Think Should Have A Title Run?

    Out of the current TNA wrestlers I would go with Rob Van Dam. When he had the title he was majorly over and was on a pretty good momentum streak, but for some reason TNA wrote him out to further build 'They'. I feel that he could carry the X-Division title to Destination X and cash it in for the...
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    **MERGED** McIntyre, Mahal & Slater: 3MB Discussion (Keep it in here!)

    No I am not talking about Goldberg here, it's about the three man baaand babay! As I'm sure you're all aware, at TLC & at Raw 3MB was involved in a six man tag featuring a 'legend' (whatever you call Brooklyn Brawler). Judging from WWE's track record this could drag out for several weeks with a...
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    3 of a kind?

    1.Kurt Angle-Nothing needs to be said, he's Kurt freakin Angle 2.AJ Styles- A bit of personal bias here as Aj is my favourite current wrestler, I'd like to see AJ have a legit shot at making it in the WWE, he can get over enough to be a Rey Mysterio-esque kind of guy 3. Sting- Who doesn't want...
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    Your 2012 Game of the Year Issss

    Hmm tough to say, this year hasn't been as good in gaming for me. I only bought 4 games this year, WWE 13, AC3, Black-ops 2 and Borderlands 2. WWE13 is probably the best modern wrestling game, but Universe Mode is buggy as hell for me so thats a no. Borderlands 2 whilst fun, just has something...
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    The Flair Steamboat Award for Best Feud

    Gelgarin, it was honestly inspiring how much he would debate for Gagne, christ he got him through to the Semi-Finals of the WZT! Even though i disagreed with his opinion, that shit was inspiring man
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    The Bronze Bracket Award for Best Tournament

    definitely Battlezone, mainly because I happen to be a major Link & Goku fan so I enjoyed arguing for their side.
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    Moment Of The Year

    Like I said in the match of the year thread, HHH, Taker and HBK. Feels like crazy, man
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    Best Group (Includes Tag Teams) Of The Year

    No 3MB, baby? Since I can't vote for them its Daniels & Kaz. They have been consistently good in all aspects throughout the whole year.
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    Story of the Year

    Nailed it. Punk wins
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    Best Wrestler Of The Year

    This has been D-Brys year. Bryan has entertained me every time he's on TV and that in my opinion makes him the best Wrestler of the year in all aspects (Ring, Mic, Position in Company). Punk has been pretty stale this year and Cena hasn't been quite as active, so D-Bry it is!
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    Match Of The Year

    HHH vs Undertaker. ALL THE FEELS.
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    Rookie Of The Year

    Don't really see how Shield are on the list, they haven't even had a match yet, but my votes to Ryback, he has been far too impressive this year.