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  1. J

    Dwayne Johnson VS The Rock

    Ok BS the rock put more ppl over than Austin Hogan and Cena combined let's see Austin put over rock in his last match Hogan put warrior over Cena put over cm punk but the rock put over Ken shamrock the hurricane evolution Mick Foley billy Gunn triple h constant only to get nothing in return...
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    Favorite Entrance?

    Jericho mocking Goldbergs entrance was bad ass ha But come on Goldberg wcw entrance is the greatest the security guards the crowd chanting his name the pyro the intensity the magic of his entrance Posted from App for Android
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    Doink attacks Hogan in new interview

    is doink the clown relevant seriously shoots are for irrelevant assholes who have no career out of it
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    Should Vader have been World Champion?

    vader should of beat hbk at summerslam 96 but prick hbk was there if it was religious hbk he would of been humblier but vader had the look the physique limited mic skills but a good manager in jim cornette and mark out music you seen the reaction he got when he faced heath slater
  5. J Top 50 good guys in wrestling history

    hogan should not be ranked higher than austin because stone cold is the ultimate good guy he was the anti hero that made a whole society believe in him
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    Who Should Be The Next "Top Guy" In WWE?

    idc what you say about it kofi kingston should be a top guy people love his gimmick and should of won the title way before the miz who is god awful
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    What's an unpopular opinion you hold?

    why wasnt jay lethal pushed more in tna and had to drop the macho man gimmick because that was amazing if he came to wwe you would have him as his same gimmick he can wrestle speak well and oozes machismo oooo yeah and push him forreal you would have cena as hogan punk as piper sheamus as...
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    Best Interracial Tag Team Champions?

    the rock and sock connection is the best because they were possibly the two biggest stars in their era and were funny as hell
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    Goldberg close to signing with WWE?

    goldberg is the man they should just let him after a ryback match to just go spear him and say who's next leading to a match at wrestlemania
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    Has SCSA ever done wrong in your eyes?

    only thing he did was take his ball and go home and he contributes to the wwe nobody minds if the rock and him switched where he could wrestle nothing would change
  11. J "Classic Factions Reborn" Article Discussion

    there should be a new nation of domination with rtruth as a mouthpiece mark henry with the experience ezekiel jackson with the muscle including titus o'neil who needs to drop darren young percy watson as the d-lo brown of the group i dont see jtg in the group kofi possibly could be but he would...
  12. J

    Which WWE personality has made you laugh the most?

    the rock is the funniest guy ever in the wwe cux you didnt know what he was going to say. attituden era stone cold is hilarious too even when he says nothing look up stone cold stunner fest the greatest
  13. J

    What are some of the best promos ever?

    this best promo ever is when the rock destroys billy gunn and camera man gets jumped by chyna and billy gunn and still maintains to get the last word