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    WWE SummerSlam: WWE World Championship - Deam Ambrose (c) VS Dolph Ziggler

    Dude, the buffalo crowd LOVED IT. I LOVED IT!!! I didn't think Dolph stood a chance. When he won I jumped out of my seat. Ambrose & Ziggler will STEAL THE SHOW. I totally disagree with the posters saying Smackdown stinks. Please!! Smackdown has Ranallo and JBL who play great off of each...
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    RK, no?

    I'm one of the BIGGEST Orton marks on this board. The Viper character NEEDS to EVOLVE!!!! Take a step back toward the Legend Killer and become the nxt killer. A guy focused on protecting his spot at ALL costs. Randy's mic work has been stellar since his return and he seems motivated to fight...
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    The Authority and/or Authoritative Storyline...

    I think Shane will only show up when needed now as DB takes over as the FACE of Smackdown. Steph and Foley will eventually erupt into a civil war on Raw where control of the show is on the line. I agree though, Roman was forced down our throats. Bryan and Austin the crowd got behind...
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    So, How Do You Guys Feel About The Rosters?

    Who is going to be Raw's top face? Finn Balor? Seth Rollins? Things are looking good for Cesaro. Heck, maybe Kevin Owens turns face because Reigns sure won't be THE GUY for now. Back to Balor will he align with Gallows & Anderson? Will Balor jump into a feud with Rollins? Maybe he'll...
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    So, How Do You Guys Feel About The Rosters?

    Smackdown totally got the FAN FAV talent. Ambrose, Styles, Cena, Orton, Bray, Ziggler and Ryder. I'm really glad Miz, Maryse and the IC title are on the Blue Brand as well. Del Rio say what you want the guy can wrestle with anybody and his resume is pretty good. I also think where Smackdown...
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    Return Of The Cruiserweight Division

    CWC is awesome and glad the Cruiserweight Division is returning. Hoping they put the Title on Tajiri as he's a familiar face and could help get the fans behind it quickly.
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    Dean Ambrose is turning heel... deal with it.

    It's not Ambrose it's the pitiful booking behind this Shield Triple threat match. They should have made it Seth vs. Dean and have Roman beat the hell out of both of them causing a DQ and have the Triple threat at Slam where Ambrose silences the critics and wins by finally pinning Roman.
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    Did TNA Just Quietly Evolve "Option C"?

    I think option A is Winning a title match. Option B is Feast or Famine briefcase. That makes option C cashing in the X-Division Title. I hope Eddie wins, but I also could see Lashley just having this dominant long run with the belt.
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    Reigns/Rollins/Ambrose a scenario I can't see not play out leading to Wrestlemania

    I disagree with ALL of you. First of all, short-term. They're giving us Shield triple threat because there are bigger things in play for SummerSlam. Secondly, with the WWE draft & Brand split upon us I don't see all 3 being on the same brand. Reigns Heel turn will DEF happen. Rollins face...
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    Would you like to see Carlito back with the Shining Stars?

    Carlito is a guy who should have been a Main eventer. IF he comes back I hope he get a good run. They could start pairing him w/Shining Stars and then have him break away.
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    Baron Corbin...The Total Package

    Baron Corbin since his debut at WM 32 hasn't been on the roster long, but he has a very interesting background which the WWE has highlighted, but not invested in, yet. Yet, being the key word as I see Corbin becoming a BIGTIME star once the brand split occurs. Corbin's promos have been short...
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    A character tweak?

    Del Rio is one of the best in-ring workers definitely. I'd agree w/the OP his character could use tweaking. Why not have the broadcasters hype his MMA background more? Or better, yet have a WWE Legend be his advisor. A Ted Dibiase or some other legend help rebuild the Mexican Aristocrat Del Rio.
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    Breaking; Reigns Suspended

    Yup what Merper said. Have Reigns cost Rollins and Spear Ambrose setting up The Shield Triple threat for SummerSlam.
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    WWE Battleground: WWE Championship - Ambrose (c) VS Reigns VS Rollins

    Also, nobody really knows what the brand split will bring yet. This could be the match to set up which Champion ends up on what show. Maybe, by Summerslam we will have 2 Champions again and therefore the triple threat match will be unnecessary if the Shield members are on 2 different shows and 2...
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    Dean Ambrose is the *NEW* WWE World Heavyweight Champion

    I totally Disagree w/Uncle Sam. Dean Ambrose is NOW the FACE of the company. The Reigns experiment has failed and him turning heel will be best for everyone, especially Roman. Seth Rollins is SUPEROVER and I was surprised he BEAT Reigns, but once that happened I had a feeling Ambrose was...
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    Is This Who You Want As Champion?

    I think they wanted to ensure the SHIELD Triple Threat match happens around time of the brand split before the WWE WHC is split into 2 separate titles again. Ambrose will have a lengthy title run now. I can see him holding the title until Survivor Series. Heck maybe even Royal Rumble. Thank...
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    Anyone else looking forward to Randy Orton's return?

    Orton is among my top on the roster. The guy is flawless in the ring and seemed to really be enjoying his character from his return last spring through the fall when he was injured. I'm kind of sick of the surprise return for a guy like Orton. Yes it fits his character, but I think they need...
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    The curious case of Dean Ambrose

    I'm a Dean Ambrose fan. Have been since before the Shield. Dean's been US Champ. Had an awesome run with the IC title and has had some really good Main Event matches when he's been given opportunities. The problem is he's been a victim of stop/start pushes. The Ambrose Asylum is great and...
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    Book NXT Takeover: Brooklyn 2016

    First of all I think Itami's return happens at nXt: Takeover Brooklyn. Carmella vs. Alexa Bliss - This should be a good way to get the Hot Brooklyn crowd behind Carmella and Bliss can get some good heat there. Austin Aries vs. Bobby Roode - 2 former TNA heavyweights. Wrestling fans know...
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    WWE Money In The Bank: WWE United States Championship - Rusev (c) VS Titus O'Neil

    Y not Titus? He's entertaining, has a pretty good moveset and the fans dig him. Yeah, Titus is a little long in the tooth in wrestling years age-wise at 39, but who's to say he can't be a capable mid-carder for the next few years? Titus could be a better version of Ryback if "the Authority"...