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  1. J

    Stop "Titling" Episodes of iMPACT!, Please?

    I think it takes something away from the show. Because, when you know the title of an episode fans will indeed predict what might or might not happen. One time, I think they said something like "Frontline takes control" or "young guys take control", I don't know, but it's wrong to do that...
  2. J

    Wrestlemania 26's biggest question: Chris Jericho?

    So, for all this year we have been wondering like we always do, who will face The Undertaker for his streak at Wrestlemania. Many of us, believe it will be Chris Jericho or even John Cena. But, as we also know, Chris Jericho and Edge will have issues to resolve between January - May of 2010...
  3. J

    Today's WWE crowds are contributing to ruining the show

    Honestly, I'm a little bit tired of all negative threads about WWE and how it should be booked, whatever. I don't know, but if you ask me, they are the ones that are making millions of dollars, so you should not question their work. Anyway, this thread is about one other thing. I'm not going...
  4. J

    [Official] Hulk Hogan Discussion

    I'm gonna be honest with you, I'm drunk. But, what the fuck? This is the single best thing to ever happened to TNA. Eric Bischoff is probably the biggest booker they could every sign and Hulk freakin' Hogan he is the man that revolutionized wrestling forever. Way to go, TNA.
  5. J

    *OFFICIAL* Kofi Kingston Thread

    I'm happy they dropped his fake accent. Now he can be taken seriously or at least seem like a serious threat. Kofi Kingston has now everything to go and jump to main-event feuds, he as the looks, the mic skills and also he is very good inside the ring, and it's pretty over with the crowd.
  6. J

    The Bound for Glory Predictions Thread

    I predict only three title changes tonight and two of them are on TNA's knock-out division. Awesome Kong needs to win back the belt from ODB maybe even pinning Tara, to further their feud. The Beautiful People also need the push that the titles bring, I hope they won this one, maybe with...
  7. J

    D'Angelo DeNiro - Suicide

    It's Dinero, by the way. Dinero means Money in spanish, in case you don't know it yet, what doesn't make any sense since he is black.... Anyway, this feud is getting better by the minute, I hope that D'Angelo Dinero wins the feud and goes on to feud with Amazing Red for the belt after Bound...
  8. J

    Goldust: Better off now then he was two years ago?

    He is definitely way better now than he was in his TNA run. No doubt about that. Goldust is a serious threat now in ECW's roster and I never tough about him like this, well since his hardcore championship reigns back in the day. They tried to pair him up with Hornswoggle and it was good for...
  9. J

    Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

    Meh, the Dirst Sheet was nothing great in my book. Ok, they tried to make it look serious, but damn, John Morrison can't cut a promo seriously, I was laughing when he started screaming at The Miz, he isn't in any kind a belieavable threat when he screams it just makes me laugh so hard...
  10. J

    Shane McMahon resigns

    Why does it sounds sexist? In my honest opinion, Shane McMahon and Paul Levesque (Triple H) were the two men capable of leading WWE after Vince McMahon is gone, so what's the problem with that? It's my opinion, I always had that opinion in this subject. I don't think that Stephanie is capable...
  11. J

    Shane McMahon resigns

    @ I'm a little bit shocked with this, I mean, he was one of the two guys I tough would be running World Wrestling Entertainment as soon as Vince McMahon left, he and Paul. With this, we will likely see the duo Paul-Stephanie being the leaders of World Wrestling Entertainment after...
  12. J

    Anyone else loving TNA right now

    I'm not loving it but I'm not hating it, I'm far from that. I think are doing a average job promoting their biggest Pay-Per-View in history (or the PPV that should live to that assumption), Bound for Glory is all about Passing the Torch to a new generation of wrestlers, we will see Sting...
  13. J

    Cowboy Bob Orton the key on Legacy's breakup?

    So I've been waiting to start this thread for sometime but I don't know why I just didn't do it until today. So, for months we have been talking about Legacy's breakup in the making, last monday night on RAW we saw Ted diBiase being pinned by Cody Rhodes to qualify to team RAW on Bragging...
  14. J

    Who will debut at Bound for Glory?

    So, we all know that TNA has history to debut some great names at pay-per-views, they have done it with Angle, Lashley, Booker T, and the list goes on. But for some reason they didn't do any debut per say for Bound for Glory, Lashley has already debuted in ring it's quite the same as Kurt...
  15. J

    Edge to ECW?

    No, he shouldn't go there. I think is plain pathetic to even consider this as an option. Do you really think that WWE will move one of their top players to ECW? Do you even know what ECW is for? To create new superstars for the other brands or the repackage old ones. So, it wouldn't make any...
  16. J

    Vince will screw Undertaker

    Ok, I was wrong about Hell in a Cell. But watching this week SmackDown!, I wont spoil you anything for the next PPV, but Mr. McMahon showed us once again that everytime that Punk or Long tried to explain themselves about what happened at Breaking Point they were interrupted by Vince. So I...
  17. J

    WWE Survivor Series 2009 - General Discussion & Aftermath Thoughts Thread

    WWE has released the first promotional poster for the 23th annual event: With this poster, two things come to mind, first, DeGeneration-X will still be around by November, and I guess they will have a feud with some other tag team besides Legacy. Because, like they said in their promo the...
  18. J

    Non-American wrestlers: gimmick is the problem!

    WWE has been the place for many years that every single wrestler in the world wants to be. There are a few cases of wrestlers that don't want to or don't need to go to the WWE, but in general, WWE has been the ultimate place when you are talking about Pro Wrestling. Now, WWE is also...
  19. J

    Vince will screw Undertaker

    I'm 100% sure that Vince McMahon will screw Undertaker at Hell in a Cell Pay-Per-View, one week from Sunday. Theodore Long and CM Punk have already stated that they wered obliged to do that. CM Punk has already pointed out that it was "Vince's idea" to all this "conspirancy" that ended up at...
  20. J

    Batista & Mysterio could it work again?!

    Well, we all know that Batista is heading to SmackDown!, well it the whole program between Undertaker and CM Punk I don't think that he will jump in and just go and feud with both for the championship. So what does that mean to Batista? At this point, he could feud with Jericho and Big Show...