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    What if Michaels had been the 3rd man?

    To the preface this post, I'm not saying that the nWo wasn't booked properly or that Michaels would have made a better 3rd man than Hogan. In all likelihood he would not have. This is simply a 'What if?' and how I would have booked it. After the Curtain Call incident begins to circulate through...
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    IF the KLIQ had been the original NWO members

    Just spit balling an idea. Let's say in the land of oz that Vince had been so irate with the Curtain Call Incident that he found some reason to get rid of Michaels and HHH after the incident and/or Bischoff wooed HHH and Michaels over with Billionaire Ted's money (entirely possible). In the case...
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    Did Hogan need a heel turn?

    Most people talk about how big of a heel turn Hogan made, and several documentaries show Hogan as reluctant at first to make the heel turn at Bash at the Beach. I have always been under the impression that WCW throughout the 80s and most of the 90s had a different fan base than the WWF...
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    Booking the Warrior in WCW

    I think the fans' initial reaction to the Warrior was positive. However, the whole ordeal ended poorly. The Warrior has to be kept in perspective. His allure has been his squash matches and the Urban legends surround his spotty attendance. With that in mind I would have kept him at about a 6...
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    What was WCW (trying) to do in early 1999?

    I think like most fans, the Finger Poke of Doom in early January of 1999 caused most of us on the fence to switch to the WWF. So for the most part this era was fuzzy to me. At work I started watching a few youtube videos during lunch of old Nitros from March to April and it seems like WCW was...
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    WCW Nitro and Thunder roster split in 1998

    Alright, so the previous thread on how to save WCW got me thinking. WCW in 1998 was extremely top heavy. By that I mean from the upper mid-card guys to the main event wrestlers you had so many competitors on that level that I think part of WCW's problem was an inability to manage these...
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    Cena and Wyatt ushering in this new era, what will it be like?

    It appears as if the Cena and Wyatt feud will usher in this new WWE era. Cena has talked at length for quite some time in his promos about the end of the era and his challenge to others wanting step up seems like a passing of the torch on his end. Especially given the increasing amount of heat...
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    Non-Title matches

    With the recent Gauntlet Orton ran against the other Elimination Chamber competitors, I think it's safe to say non-title matches should not exist. Anyone with a little be of know, can figure that the champion will always lose a non-title match. Furthermore, it even further delegitmizes...
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    The Shield and Wyatt feud coming to fruition

    I am excited about this. Reigns is obviously started to get pops from the fans judging from the great main event last week qualifying the elimination chamber, and his work with Cena. Many of you have posted that they will make a face turn. I don't see how this will happen. You must keep the...
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    Could Goldust be given a brooding gimmick?

    Initially I was surprised to see Goldust back on TV. While I still feel like he is too old and still somewhat out of shape, the WWE seems to want to reinvest in him for the time being. For now, Goldust seems to come to the ring the way any other wrestler with do while still in garb from his...
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    Does the WWE have too many main eventers and upper mid card wrestlers?

    In large part due to the unification of both belts, I would say the WWE roster is a too top heavy with upper mid card guys, and main eventers. Without an extra title to compete for you have a lot of guys with reputations, numerous title holdings, and that have been in the main event story lines...
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    Vintage wrestling shirts

    Has anyone came across any good sites that have authentic vintage wrestling shirts? I have googled myself to death. In particular I am looking for a good Sting and Flair shirt from the NWA days but most of what I find are redesigns using their previous characters.
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    Were you a fan of NWA's product? (wrasslin')

    Now I admit, I am not old enough to vividly remember NWA being televised on TBS. After I became an avid fan I would talk my grandpa into raiding nearby video rental stores for any and all wrestling PPV tapes they had to rent. So my opinion is based on vintage PPVs from the NWA and early WCW...
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    If wrestling were on premium cable channels (HBO, Cinemax, Showtime)

    I grew up watching wrestling, but the bulk of what I remember was watching wrestling during the Attitude era. During this time, WCW, but especially the WWF had edgier story lines. My chief complaint about wrestling now is that lack of heat for matches. While I enjoy in ring performance; and...
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    Would a Lesnar VS Orton feud have any potential?

    Seeming as how Lesnar is will inevitably get a title shot here soon, what potential would the WWE have with a brief Lesnar v. Orton feud? The reason I ask that, is because the greater part of the year has been much of the same with Randy Orton having bouted Daniel Bryan, CM Punk, and Cena...
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    The Standing 10 Count Rule

    As everyone has seen, but no one has ever paid much attention too, wrestling matches have 10 count rule when both competitors are down on the mat. Personally, I have seen more matches ruined by Hogan pulling blatantly staged ending than anyone beaten by a 10 count. However, with wrestling...
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    Would The Sandman have trumped Austin if he signed with the WWE in the late 90's?

    I will preface this by saying I didn't get to watch ECW when it was at it's height. I believe it came on TNN late on Saturday nights before TNN became Spike and WWF left USA for Spike. So I can't say I am expert on The Sandman's in ring work or promo ability. My question is this. Had the WWF...
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    Your cross promotional Monday Night Wars dream matches

    Suppose Vince and Billionaire Ted Turner decided one year they wanted to make Buku money with a cross promotional event called Wrestlecade...Here's the deal, each match has to be roughly the same timeframe for both promotions. For example, you can't have Goldberg vs DX Shawn Michaels. I am...
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    Would Vince have "buried" main event WCW guys after the acquisition?

    A recent Youtube interview I saw with Sting said one of the main reasons he did not want to jump ship over to the WWE after the acquisition was his assumptions; that he later perceived as true, about Vince burying former WCW talent. Sting mentioned the initial push Booker T got when he came over...
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    Greatest Heel Stable

    Looking at each stable in terms of their entertainment factor, talent, but also what the stable did for overall story lines and contributions to the company while they were around, what heel stable do you feel like is the greatest of all time? I think I will have to go with the 4 Horsemen...