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  1. S

    RAW after Wrestlemania....

    There are asually a 1 night after WrestleMania, when the whole world is still watching - RAW right after it, casual fans watch it to see the fallout from Mania, and then only return for like SummerSlam, not paying attention between these 2 PPVs. I wonder why WWE still didn't try to catch these...
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    Post Wrestlemania shake up/draft

    With WrestleMania on the horizon and all these little talks about where certain wrestler need to be after The Show, i think it's perfect time to summ it all up in 1 thread. So, without further a due, i present to you 2018 Shake Up as i want to see it: - Randy Orton have become boring on...
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    Fix Wrestlemania

    Let's be honest, Royal Rumble must be forgoten for good. Most of the planned feuds and matches for WM looks like sh*t. Orton vs Cena again? Please no, they fought so many times, no one will be excited to see another one. Orton vs Bray? Does these guys need a title on the line? No. Styles vs...
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    The day WCW screwed itself

    Many still wonders when exactly WCW screwed itself of it's future, well the answer in April 19, 1998, event Spring Stampede Main Event was Sting vs Randy Savage for WCW title, i don't know exactly did Savage's contract allowed him to choose the outcome of all his matches (Hogan's did for sure)...
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    WCW relaunch in 2001

    So, in 2001 after WWF bought out WCW, the original plan was to relaunch WCW under WWF banner in the summer of the same year, this didn't happen by many well known reasons, but there was a second chance - if somehow Alliance would won Survivor Series. Yeah, i know, the fans tired of the angle...
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    Share your Fantasy Drafts

    Go to draft your rosters and then share it. You doesn't need to draft all 73 wrestlers (HHH is excluded for whatever reason), there are several chances to stop before it. Let see what people have in mind for 2 brands. Here is mine I'd like to add Samoa Joe and...
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    Superstars you will not miss?

    Every WWE fan have a list of guys he have no real desire to watch, and if their contract expire, you don't care/want them to resign. Who is yours? Mine (of course everything below is my personal opinion): Entire Job Squad (Slater, Rose, Dallas and someone else) - their position on the card is so...
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    Roman Reigns' moveset

    1 of the biggest complaints about Roman is his Diesel like arsenal of moves - couple of signatures + clotheslines, the thing is - you can't make a good looking long enough match with this kind of moveset, until you always get someone like Bryan or Rollins or Ziggler against you, who can make a 5...
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    Heels side will be extremally weak after WM

    This is not a secret - faces need good heels to go against to stay popular and make money. But look at the top spots picture right now, there not so many heels at all and guys like Reigns and Cena will need them very soon to be feed to them to stay on top. Right now we have faces: Cena...
  10. S

    Imagine for a moment if.... Cena wins and the decision power goes to the fans for real, what you will do with WWE, what you will change, who will be fired and hired, who will be pushed and buried, titles, shows, PPVs, whatever is on your mind?