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    Ronda Rousey Can't Make It On Her Own, Rides Piper's Coattails

    She became friends with him before his passing and WWE gave her his image but she was already that type badass character in MMA. Other than look there is nothing in her mannerisms that makes her like Roddy. Roddy is like the original loose cannon.
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    Why hate Roman for his push?

    The problem with Reigns is that even though he can be turned a heel or stay a face it’s the fans that have to support that. Vince can’t tell the fans who they have to cheer or boo, that’s their choice. So turn Reigns heel so people will cheer him? That’s not how a heel is...
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    "Wrestler X Doesn't Need The Title."

    The WWE for a long time has held little regard for titles. They hotshot the titles so much that everyone gets to hold one of the company’s belts. It’s about the brand, not the title or the wrestler.
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    Impact to USA Network?

    WWE took the Fox deal so I wouldn’t assume USA is going to give them a clause of not allowing another promotion.
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    Credit Roman for huge TV deals?

    The new TV deals are just like the major pro sports, they’re paying for the brand not the player. People get injured or retire, a company isn’t going to put all that money on one person. The WWE is all about the brand not the performers.
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    Scott Steiner No Longer Ripped

    Lost muscle and gained fat but muscle can’t turn into fat and vice versa. Muscle not created naturally will fade once off the juice.
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    What is it about Bret Hart that people find fascinating?

    If the screw job is all you remember about Bret Hart then you’re not much of a wrestling fan. Bret was always true to the sport being how he grew up in a wrestling family. The times when he wouldn’t drop the belt to someone was because of the way that person was to Bret, ala Shawn...
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    Impact Wrestling Reportedly in Talks With Jeff Cobb

    Didn’t TNA go through this once before in having someone wrestle for them while legally signed to LU?
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    Are... are they trying to do a CTE/concussion storyline with Daniel Bryan?

    When his contract is up he might get re-signed to a talent contract but he’s never getting getting in the ring for the WWE, unless Vince wants to lose his company over the current lawsuit. There’s nothing he can do in a match that is completely safe and be entertaining, without his...
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    Would an all woman PPV work?

    If they cater to only the Network viewers than an all women event would work but as a traditional standalone event to be purchased outside of the network then no. And if it’s a Network only special then you limit your possible viewers.
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    Ronda Rousey is coming to WWE

    I see Ronda being hotshotted right to Raw or Smackdown with the amount of cash they are likely paying her. Judo is one thing but being a pro wrestler is another world and she should be going to NXT to learn how to perform and do it without hurting people.
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    Bryan & Shane: What's It Leading To?

    The WWE is just running out his contract since he can never return to the ring for the company. It has nothing to do with Bryan’s welfare but the current lawsuits against the company that would easily be won if he was allowed back in the ring, showing that they allow wrestlers to still...
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    What was your first wrestling experience?

    WWWF on Friday nights around ‘79 or ‘80. No cable at that time so it was the only wrestling on.
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    AJ Styles Is The *NEW* WWE Champion

    I just think this was to set up Jinder winning the title back in India. Nothing more than drumming up business for the Indian market but likely he loses it again after the tour.
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    Is Roman Reigns A Draw?

    But does he really sell tickets and merchandise? He’s definitely not a figure like the draws of the great wrestling eras. He doesn’t have that charisma that transfers to people outside the sport. He just doesn’t come across as a larger than life person. That’s what Vince...
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    Most important Wrestlemania(s)?

    Wrestlemania #1. If it had failed Vince would have been out and the business would revert to the other partial owners with the promotion staying mainly regional, continuing on as Vince Sr. would have run things.
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    Do you think the large roster is the reason why nobody can really break through?

    Years ago wrestlers made themselves stars by just being that good and just being themselves, just with the volume turned up. The WWE feels the need to force feed to people wrestlers that are not the next Hogan or Cena. styles is the perfect example of a wrestler that never changed anything and...
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    New Day or The Shield?

    I would like The New Day if they had a more badass look because they have heel tag team wrestling down but I've never been for the comedy act in wrestling.
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    Daniel Bryan's Return To Wrestling

    With the concussion lawsuit looming I see no way the WWE would open themselves to essentially admitting they knew wrestlers suffered concussions and were allow to continue to work. With the health information they have on DB I don't see him ever being allowed to return to active ring duty as...
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    How should Jericho go out?

    I don't see a retirement in the near future. He gets to do limited runs and the fans enjoy him, heel or face. Fozzy gives his body a break most of the roster never gets.