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  1. T

    Jericho winning the Undisputed Title at Vengeance 2001 - Was it really unexpected?

    Wasn't close to biggest push ever... cos the WCW title in effect meant nothing to Vince. It was a way to create a defacto main eventer from one they'd aborted on before... they botched it, Chris didn't... but reality is that had it gone another way, fans would have clamoured more for Jericho...
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    Hulkamania Rules- Hogan Reinstated to Hall Of Fame

    New Day nailed it with their statement today... they're indifferent. Frankly that's how it should be with Hogan from now on... hating on him won't make a difference, nor will supporting him. Hogan craves that approval/heat... if people simply no sell him then he will get bored quickly and want...
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    Whats the lamest redone entrance music on the Network?

    ECW overdubs make sense for early stuff... ECW were using licensed (probably unlicensed) at the time... Sandman coming out to Enter Sandman? You think Heyman was paying Metallica for that when he wasn't paying his own talent? Was he fuck!
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    I want to be champ. No, I want to be champ. No, I do.

    Neither of them will be... for more than a minute or two, that's the point... Let's say argument sake, they want a new monster heel...which is likely if Brock is departing. They have two candidates in Lashley and Roman... both of whom will likely face Brock at Summerslam due to some...
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    Ronda Rousey Can't Make It On Her Own, Rides Piper's Coattails

    To be fair, Piper DID talk about her on podcasts and that he thought very highly of her and was down with her using his name... I take the point that the promos aren't there... but she's learning, Roddy was a unique man and "out there" in many ways... Ronda isn't, but she has the fire/guts and...
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    Hulkamania Rules- Hogan Reinstated to Hall Of Fame

    The issues here are quite big... Like it or not, he was being illicitly recorded when that came out... and he won that case. So while it came out, the reality is that had he not been illegally recorded, no one would EVER have known about it. While it doesn't mean he is innocent, the reality is...
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    Ronda Rousey Can't Make It On Her Own, Rides Piper's Coattails

    It comes down to this... Ronda and Piper were BOTH box office... not because of skill or size but cos of what they represent. Piper was the scrawny little scrote who could legit challenge...not beat but challenge Hogan when the business was at it's hottest... he played a big part in making it...
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    Why hate Roman for his push?

    So people are citing that we now "know" how previous pushes worked and that we "know" how a modern one does... Get over this fact... you REALLY don't! You are not privy to the endless focus groups, marketing meetings and huddles that lead a star to get pushed. The nearest you got is someones...
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    Vacate the Universal Title, Brock can challenge Roman later this year

    Reality is that they have to get Brock in the building and do the cash in... or the title's cred is completely toast... It may mean they have to give Brock his release (which he probably wants) but it's better than basically shitcanning the title. If they vacate it without Brock losing it, then...
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    Who has been the biggest beneficiary of revisionist history?

    Want any doubts solved... this is a "good Christian man" who allowed his wife to be PUNCHED on TV for real cos it got him into the main event.... Yes Jericho benefited to, but to be at the point where you would either put that idea forward and it not be a bad stand up comedy joke (Please hit my...
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    Who has been the biggest beneficiary of revisionist history?

    Shawn Michaels without question... here is a guy who was an absolute shit person off camera. He famously threw Marty Jannetty under the bus with a lie to Vince, which saw Marty fired and started his descent into addiction... to the point Curt Hennig forced a "Billy Martin" when he heard about...
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    WWE's truly mainevent level guys-how many are there?

    You're acting like 40 is past it... it isn't. Realistically, look at the life cycle of a main eventer in WWE. They need to be positioned first with a mid-card run of at least 2 years, normally 3-4. In that time you'll likely have at least one tag reign and multiple IC/US runs. It then takes a...
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    Whats the lamest redone entrance music on the Network?

    It's all down to that case Ventura won all those years back... once Vince had to pay royalties he wanted to own everything. On the odd occasion licensed music was used it cost him a lot of money and the license was covering all releases. Some are odd, like Rick Rude's theme... they changed it...
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    Big Cass Fired!

    Wasn't there a rumor about Carmella and Cena at one point? That might also have come into play, even if Cena is not involved, they are clearly high on Carmella right now so if he's mouthed off to her or about her then they might have taken the decision. Especially if he did so drunk! I've heard...
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    Why do you still Watch WWE?

    I watch it now for what I know it to be... a soap opera that I can sit through and on occasion enjoy. Millions watch Eastenders/Coronation Street/Days Of Our Lives/Neighbours etc. and no one bats an eyelid. WWE is in reality a soap SET in a wrestling company and I can relate to it much more than...
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    Hell froze over: I actually agree with something Vince Russo said

    The issue is more that the characters they do create are rehashes of older ones... When the Talent Initiative came in back in 2008 or whenever you had guys starting to recycle old gimmicks or cannibalise them and its still happening... Ziggler was basically Mr. Perfect then they tried to make...
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    The Rock's Place in WWF/WWE History

    Trying to rank people is ridiculous... as they're all from different eras and had different effects on the business. Hogan made it nationally popular for sure but Bruno and Andre had built the WWWF for years prior to the point it could go national... Austin literally "saved the company" but he...
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    Greatest Royal Rumble Event Discussion & Reviews

    There were some dodgy moments for sure, like the rich assholes with their back to camera and the action within minutes and them catching the WWE guy telling them to move or sit. The local camera work seemed more off than usual and hilariously exposed Cena's burgeoning bald patch more than ever...
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    Greatest Royal Rumble Event Discussion & Reviews

    My take? I took a mate of mine who has learning disabilities and NEVER gets to watch live in the pub cos it was 5pm for us for once... and it taught me a bit of a lesson. The camera work was BAD... they exposed Cena's bald patch like never before.... maybe THAT's why Nikki dumped him... In...
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    What is it about Bret Hart that people find fascinating?

    The one thing I do believe is that Bret would never have gone along properly with Attitude. While he could be hypocritical on some stuff, the one thing I always took was for better or worse, he genuinely believed he was a role model and him being involved in that would have been distasteful to...