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  1. hatehabsforever

    WZHL 2018-2019

    So, are we gonna go ahead and try to run this thing for a seventh consecutive season? Not sure how many guys who have played in the past are still amongst us here in Wrestlezone Forums, how many are frequenting other wrestling forums, or how many have left us altogether. If we are going to...
  2. hatehabsforever

    WM 34

    The inevitable rematch will be a better event. The same skill level of the combatants, but now with a little emotion thrown into the mix. Which was missing in this face versus face matchup.
  3. hatehabsforever

    WM 34

    So who is the mystery partner guys?
  4. hatehabsforever

    WM 34

    Get with the program, unfortunately Wrestlezone forums is on life support.
  5. hatehabsforever

    WM 34

    I thought that foot stomp finisher was banned?
  6. hatehabsforever

    Fantasy Basketball

    Geez Lowdown, that final was crazy close. 4 categories were clearly yours, 4 were mine (although closer) and just one was up in the air (FT %). Right down to the wire, you actually took the lead briefly for a while on Sunday evening. Glad I was able to hold you off, barely. That’s 3...
  7. hatehabsforever

    WZHL Fantasy Hockey 2017-18 Thread

    Congratulations to nightmare on a well deserved victory. Lead the field for pretty much the whole season, and carried it forward into the playoffs. Wish I could have given you a tougher fight in the finals, but that’s how it goes sometimes. I’ll exact my revenge next season...
  8. hatehabsforever

    WWE Medically Clears Daniel Bryan

    For me, it’s very simple. If the WWE physicians, with very impressive credentials, have medically cleared him to resume in ring activities, he should be good to go. I say return him to full in ring action, as soon as he wants to go. And put the Yes movement in full force at...
  9. hatehabsforever

    Steel Cage Forums: A Wrestling Forum That Won't Make You Sick And Kill You

    One thing I can’t figure out in all of this. Why does THTRobtaylor feel the need to ride in on his white steed and be the champion of the underdog, the voice of the voiceless, the champion of those unable to speak for themselves? If the dude who was called a “******” in the...
  10. hatehabsforever

    Steel Cage Forums: A Wrestling Forum That Won't Make You Sick And Kill You

    A couple of simple questions here for my two cents worth. 1) Did the interaction which resulted in the guy being called a “******” happen in the Bar Room, or elsewhere in the forums? 2) If the dude from Crave had simply said, we find the use of the word “******” to be...
  11. hatehabsforever

    Yo Minions! Answer This.

    Fake Wrestling News Making Wrestling Forums Great Again Either of these titles, considering their origins, just scream political correctness.
  12. hatehabsforever

    Brass Ring Award

    I give a write in vote to Spidey, for finally getting his name in bold. Well done man, well deserved.
  13. hatehabsforever

    Going to Philly

    Someone should tell these two teams that they are allowed to play some defense occasionally.
  14. hatehabsforever

    Going to Philly

    Already got one of those playing in the game.
  15. hatehabsforever

    What is Trump's End Game attacking the F.B.I?

    Not from the USA either, but I do own a television so it’s not too hard to keep up with all of these developments. I totally understand the Trump hate, and I do agree with some, but not all, of the rationale behind it. But at the end of the day, you foolish people elected him to a four...
  16. hatehabsforever

    Would you put Bobby Lashley and EC3 in NXT or Main Roster?

    If it were up to me, every single wrestler (not named AJ Styles) who comes to WWE from TNA would automatically go through a stint in NXT before going to the main roster, assuming they ever get there. If Samoa Joe, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, and others were deemed to be necessary to have NXT...
  17. hatehabsforever

    2018 Retirements: Prediction Time

    R-Truth (sadly).
  18. hatehabsforever

    WrestleZone Forum Files #10: Do You Want Undertaker to Wrestle Again? (Win a Prize!)

    During his illustrious WWE career, no one was a bigger mark for the Undertaker than I was. While many people began to find his gimmick old and tired after a while, I continued to love the Deadman (and to a far lesser degree, the American Badass schtick as well). Personally, as much as I feel...
  19. hatehabsforever

    WWE Clash of Champions 2017 LD

    Well that was unexpected