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  1. M

    Hey Everybody!

    How's it going all? A lot of you probably don't know me, a lot of you probably don't remember me, and everybody doesn't care. I just thought I'd stop in and see how everyone was doing. It's been a long time guys. Did you all enjoy Wrestlemania? Hows your life going? P.S. Fuck Dagger Dias.
  2. M

    Craig Ferguson is FUCKING FUNNY!!!

    Yeah, I said it. What?
  3. M

    It's time to shake things up again....

    Yeah, yeah whatever. Fingerpoke of doom, Dagger Dias is a ******, Grammer Nazi, Czena Sucks, Sting vs. HBK, Taker vs. Life and death, Haiku Hogan vs. "Leapin" Limerick Poffo so on and so forth till the end of time. WHATS UP EVERYBODY?????
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    Trailer Park Boys

    I was stumbling through my Netflix instant viewing the other day and came across this delightful little show. I know its a little old now, but as I watched it in it's mockumentary style filming I realized that it's actually quite hilarious. Ricky , Julian, and Bubbles are perhaps one of the best...
  5. M

    New GTA 5 Trailer!!! Man, that is....
  6. M

    For all the Boy Meets World fans out there

    How does this sound?
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    You think you know me?

    But you absolutely have no idea. The needle tears a hole, the old familiar Sting. The devil ride a dinosaur Paint the monster red so the blood can't stain the floor. Chasing after something but...
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    When did Kofi become such a bad ass?

    Finally watching Raw, and I think Kofi has just made his biggest detractor one of his biggest fans.
  9. M

    Good Day All!

  10. M

    What To Do With Brandon Inge?

    With the recent signing of Prince Fielder to first base, and Leyland announcing the shift of Miguel Cabrera back to third it has to beg the question. Where does Brandon Inge fit in? Sure, he could go behind the plate, but when you the better Gerald Laird and the incredible Victor Martinez as...
  11. M

    Hogging The Spotlight?

    Wrestling fans always want something new and exciting. I completely understand this. As times change so should the landscape of professional wrestling. However a lot of people, mainly IWC members have a problem with the older generation taking a spot on the card at Wrestlemania or another PPV...
  12. M


    Is such a simple word. Such a simple word with such a powerful meaning. To feel hostility or animosity toward. To detest. Dagger hates women so much that he creates characters in video games To beat the shit out of them ; also see: crazy, insane, mentally unstable To feel dislike or...
  13. M

    Hey Dagger,

    You sir, are a fun killer. Was it something about panda fucking that you didn't like? Not enough homo for you?
  14. M

    Why Do People Hate Michael Cole?

    Serious question. I know people think he's destroying the product, and ruining wrestlers, but why? Bobby Heenan acted and did the same thing Cole is doing today. In fact I remember my Dad and his buddies talking about how much they hated Heenan at the time and wanted him gone, only to remember...
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    The Banana Peel: 5 Factors for Having a Good Faction

    Hello WrestleZone, I am Monkey_Mania. Many of you already know me, and for that I am truly sorry. For those that don't...Hi, I'm Monkey_Mania. Anyways, this is going to be the start of a little thread series I do. Kind of like where I give my opinion like a monkey tossing a banana peel. Get the...
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    It's time for a MOTHERFUCKING shake up!!

    Well, at least it sounded good.
  17. M

    Squared-Circle Memories: What Wrestling Means To Me.

    Wrestling for all of its intents and purposes is my best friend. A personal quote of mine. Now I know many of you are thinking, "what a dweeb, this guy should get a girlfriend." Let me assure you I have a girlfriend, and she is perfectly ok with me loving wrestling more than her. I say...
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    If Dagger wins the election, it begins...

    and a lot of this. and dont forget this. oh and last but not least the sheer horror of this. you dont want that to happen now do you? VOTE COCO
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    1-2-12 = Cena Heel Turn?

    I hate to be one of THOSE guys, but this article kind of kicked ass.
  20. M

    Reasons Ricardo Rodriguez Rocks (4 Cubed) Your turn.