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    Piper on Stone Cold vs Hulk Hogan dream match Didn't expect to see this on Gamespot but I'm not complaining :worship: Video footage of Roddy Piper tackling who he thought would have gone over out of Austin and Hogan if...
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    WWE Legend Roddy Piper new documentary

    Trailer: Not quite sure how to embed this, perhaps somebody else could? The great Roddy Piper has a new film out called "In His Own Words". You can read all about it here:
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    Vince wanted RVD as a heel and Heyman Guy

    Sports Illustrated have put out an interview with RVD in which Rob states when he returned to the WWE they wanted him to be a heel and a Paul Heyman guy. In many ways Rob was one of the original Heyman Guys for shoot, and Heyman has said many times RVD summed up ECW the most. I think Rob...
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    CFO$ appreciation thread!

    The NXT Bobby Roode theme pushed it over the edge: they have really made entrance music great again. Nakamura and AJ Styles were two more of my new favourites, long may this trend continue because there was a point just a few years ago when the theme music was getting generic, uninspired and...
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    Nine Legends / Dynamite Kid Article

    It's on their website and they have shared it on social media so I can't see them mind it being circulated. Credit:
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    Mike Tyson defends wrestling

    Another nugget that has come out of the (excellent) Nine Legends film, they've released this preview today for anybody who hasn't seen it. Mike defends wrestling, calls it real, and speaks about how Vince McMahon started to help Mike's life at a time when he wasn't doing so well with drugs and...
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    Is a Goldberg WWE return near?

    With so much of the roster injured right now heading into WWE's 100K target show, there is obviously disaster potential if they fall well short of this target. I guess they should have spent more time building talent, but that's a different story. They have milked Rock, Bret, Undertaker...
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    Nine Legends Film

    This looks like it could be special. This has the best roster of wrestlers I've ever seen put together for an independent project (if you exclude those Legend of Wrestling video games). May have to order Pizza Hut tonight and make an evening of it. Trailer...
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    Book a realistic one off WCW return PPV

    Imagine if WWE booked a WCW PPV special for the Network. It would garner a LOT of attention, even if the results were not very good artistically within the parameters of older talent. Personally, I can't see Goldberg being involved in a nostaligia show. The guy still has MASSIVE value on the...
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    If Bret Hart didn't have a stroke...

    And was able to work an actual match anywhere from 2003 to present day, who would you like to see him go against? There are several amazing options. Seeing him work *properly* with Vince around 2003 obviously would have been great. A final battle with 2005 heel Shawn Michaels in Canada would...
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    Book Bret Hart in WCW

    Bret Hart would have been able to contractually join ECW in 2000. now, it would have never of happened, Bret was big $$$, and ECW could never afford him. But let's have a little fantasy booking. Say he debuted in the Summerof 2000, how would have you booked the Hitman? Heel? Face? Working...
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    Did TNA Drop the Ball with Doug Williams?

    Just seen this interview from the Bloodstained Memoirs film company: Now keep in mind this was BEFORE Doug signed with TNA. He seems to have such a solid head about him just wrestling in England and American indies. Keep in mind he would continue...
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    Matt Morgan Buries the IWC

    Just seen this video of Matt Morgan absolutely burying the IWC. I wasn't particularly offended by his comments as I don't feel the type of fan he is describing is me. When I post online I don't go out of my way to be a mean or nasty jerk hiding behind a keyboard like so many do, or randomly hate...
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    Christy Hemme remembering Playboy experience I love this girl :)
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    Cool wrestling related AMA happening now on Reddit

    I don't know if we have any Redditors on the board, but even not it makes for a good read. Bloodstained Memoirs producer David Sinnott is doing an AMA right now on the site which started yesterday and ends this evening: It's been quite informative when the right...
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    Juventud Guerrera speaks about WCW

    7vg2ktVZVOU I saw this is Facebook and somebody wrote about how WCW has aged better than WWE and that it hasn't been over exposed. Any time I see a clip like this, or someone talking about WCW I seem to listen. If this was "Juvi talks about WWE" I probably wouldn't have even clicked. But...
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    Bloodstained Memoirs finally gets a US release

    According to WWE DVD News America is getting the special edition: I've seen the documentary and I loved it. It features WWE quality production in a totally "shoot" environment. Although it features some mainstream...
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    Bret Hart vs Hulk Hogan in 1993

    If the match did end up happening at SS that year, who do you think would have gotten the fan support? My money would be on Hogan. Nobody ever stole his thunder when the lights were on - nobody. That being said, you can't ignore the fact Bret was amazing at getting sympathy from the...
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    Dynamite Kid in Bloodstained Memoirs 2 Should be cracking on all counts.
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    Bloodstained Memoirs DVD

    After years of hype, drama, weird Bret Hart stories, legal battles, obsessive forum lovers,obsessive forum haters its website stream, yadda yadda yadda its finally coming to where it should have been the whole time...