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  1. T

    Would Paul Heyman be a good fit for TNA?

    If you honestly believe that Heyman's style is only about the risky, then you haven't done enough research! Heyman is credited with being the creative force behind the successful "SmackDown! Six": (Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero and Chavo Guerrero). All of these...
  2. T

    First Round: New York - Bret Hart vs. Edge

    Bret for me, hands down. He can out-manoeuvre Edge and when he slaps on the sharpshooter, Edge will tap. I do like Edge, but his ultimate opportunist streak of winning the title every other month last year just frustrated me, I thought the booking was often sporadic and illogical. But that's...
  3. T

    The Final Four: Pool A

    For me, JBL takes it, if only for his lengthy reign on Smackdown. Although I did love the APA. I'd have thought he'd have been in already, although he received it at a weak time, he did have a very long reign and was a very hated heel.
  4. T

    12/14 Raw/Slammies LD

    we are all stupid. Well I certainly feel stupid. I waited up til 2AM to watch Cena and Punk in a squash match
  5. T

    12/14 Raw/Slammies LD

    fucking ridiculous, i was expecting a good match there. 90 secs? fuck
  6. T


    that song is very good, jko
  7. T


    doc, are u thinking of can-i-bitch? by eminem, where he makes a thumping noise while he's rapping about driving, an then says, "what was that?"... "pet shop boys" or a similar song that i've yet to hear?
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    Women And Food

    went out for lunch with a girl, she said she didnt want anything, so i bought something i knew she wouldn't like. :)
  9. T

    Evan Bourne should have a title match at Summerslam

    I think the point of the OP was more of a complaint about Beat The Clock challenges than a suggestion that Bourne is #1 Contender's material. I agree, I've always thought this about Beat The Clock, like when Kennedy tried to bribe Super Crazy to lay down for him, and Super Crazy nicked the win...
  10. T

    It's time WZ got some new avatars.

    damn, someone else requested this one, might have to change
  11. T

    It's time WZ got some new avatars.

    finally got an avatar, tried morrison and cena in the past and they never worked!
  12. T

    Congrats NoFate

    i liked it, nice one
  13. T

    The xfear Avatar?

    im more of a reader than a poster but when i think of xfear, i actually picture spock. this was like that thread that said what do u picture posters as, i was gonna say xfear equals spock. whenever i see xfear school someone i think of spock lol. so i reckon you should change the avatar. not...
  14. T

    Triple Threats and Fatal Four-Ways

    i find it funny that you've listed five different ways the match could end and then said it's predictable! But to an extent I do agree with you, an elimination match is certainly more interesting than a one-fall, but possibly that's because of what Jake said, we've just seen more...
  15. T

    Damn, tonight was fuckin awesome.

    id like to think they played perfect gentleman by wyclef as well
  16. T

    Damn, tonight was fuckin awesome.

    J-dogg lKcr5vkOxNs
  17. T

    Who actually reads a whole OneBigWill post?

    where is the poll option for people who often read will's post but consider *********ing to leprecaun porn to be of highest importance?
  18. T

    20% of our newest posters have been banned.

    newbie that i am, i noticed this as well lol
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    Dont worry, I'm no-one. Top song though. And sorry, Lee and others, couldn't tell whether you were being serious or not.
  20. T


    not mohammed hassan Btw, thinking back this was a horrific thing to happen, i remember how it almost managed to take the wind out of the collective sails of the UK after getting the Olympics the previous day. Respect to the victims and the families.