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    How bad was 2006 WWE?

    Exploiting Eddie Guerrero's death. Not even the most diehard wwe fans can defend this one! Putting the world title on Rey Mysterio and making him by far the worst booked champion of all time. I personally didn't like Rey Mysterio winning the Royal Rumble match after entering it at number 1...
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    Every five years WWE has ruined something that could have made them lots of money

    Starting in 2001 and every 5 years after, wwe has ruined 3 big things that could have made them tons of money and perhaps sparked a boom period. In 2001, they buy wcw and everyone thought there would be a wrestling superbowl, but instead they killed off wcw and the invasion sucked balls. In 2006...
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    Daniel Bryan and RVD comparison

    With the way wwe isn't putting Daniel Bryan in main events despite the fact that he is the most over guy on the roster, does it remind anyone else of RVD in the early 2000s? Just like today with Daniel Bryan, people chant his name throughout the show, he is the most over guy on the roster, but...
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    How bad was 2003 WWE

    A lot of people think wwe is bad these days and a lot of people say wwe was at its worst in the mid 90s, but IMO this was the worst year in wwe history! I should have stopped watching in 2003 and these are the reasons... -McMahon were hogging tv like crazy! Vince, and Stephanie in the I quit...
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    Question about attending raw live

    I'm going to Raw in Brooklyn on July 15 and it says it will start at 7:30. Do they tape superstars between 7:30 and 8 or do they put in a dark match? I know for superstars there is only like 2 matches and each is short so it is feasable to have two within that half hour. This will be my first...
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    Do you wear wrestling merchandise..

    in public? Is it really an "uncool" thing to do? I"ve seen people on message boards insult someone by saying "oh you must be the type of fan that uses your parents computer and wears his(insert wrestler's name here) shirt." I don't get it. If you are a fan of wrestling, why would you insult...
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    Pillman/Golddust/Marlena angle from 97

    I was watching the 10/6/97 Raw on wwe classics on demand. That's the first episode after Pillman's death. Before he died he was feuding with Golddust and in one match he beat Golddust to have Marlena as his property for 30 days(I didn't really care for it). I remember the day after he died some...
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    WWE Encyclopedia

    I don't know if this is the right place to put this in, but is it worth getting if you are a smark? I mean I'm sure the casual fans would like it since they haven't seen or heard of a lot of the wrestlers and events that are profiled and will learn a lot of new things. Amazon has it for less...
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    TNA Created Stars

    Robert Roode is now the longest reigning TNA champion in history so far. He wasn't a huge indy star like Styles, Joe, and Daniels before he came to TNA, so can we say that he is the one star TNA has created in its 10 year existence? The only other ones I can think of are James Storm and maybe...
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    2013 wwe hall of fame class

    If it was up to you, who would you put in? This would be my list... The Rock(inducted by Stone Cold) Mick Foley(inducted by HHH) Jake Roberts(inducted by Ted Dibiase) Haku(inducted by his son) Ivan Koloff(inducted by Nikita Koloff) Madusa(inducted by Paul E Dangerously) If I had to...
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    Vince Russo blasting mid 90s wwf booking

    Vince Russo always said in interviews that before he took over booking in wwf, the product was lame with guys like the Goon and Mantaur. Then in the late 90s with McMahon overseeing he turns things around. Anyway the wcw product in the late 90s and into 2000 wasn't much better than wwf in 95 and...
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    After finding out wrestling wasn't real

    After you found out wrestling wasn't a real combat sport, did you think about not wanting to watch it anymore? I'm sure you have heard people say "oh I watched wrestling until I found out it was fake". These people probably don't go on this board. For the people that do, did you consider not...
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    Attitude era bandwagon fans

    One thing I HATED about the attitude era was that it attracted a lot of annoying people that hated wrestling before it. These bandwagon jumpers started watching it because it was the "cool"thing to do. Now that it's kind of died down all these people went away and the ratings are down. Now they...
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    An Idea For Daniel Bryan To Win The Title

    Before the survivor series I say he wins a number one contender's battle royal and faces Mark Henry for the title in NYC. I'd have him win the title and then surrender the MITB breifcase so there could be a MITB match at the TLC ppv. I'd have him go in as champion at wrestlemania to face CM...
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    Should Mark Henry Win The World Title?

    I think he should get a run with the title and here's why. He's been with the company for 15 years and has stayed loyal. He plays a very believeable monster heel. I think if he does get the title it will be interesting to see who can beat him because again he's very convincing in his role. Great...
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    wwe dubbing over music on old wcw shows

    Ok I can understand when they dub over "real music" when showing old wcw and ecw shows(i.e. Sandman's metallica song and voodoo child for Hogan's entrance), but why do they edit the generic themes wcw used in the late 80's/early 90s? IMO the music wcw used back then was better than the music wwf...
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    Could Daniel Bryan Cash In This Sunday?

    I know he said he was going to cash in his MITB contract at wrestlemania, but didn't people say that in the past and not do it? Last year at summerslam Bryan Danielson came back after briefly leaving. I think 1 year later he should become the world champion. I say have Christian retain against...
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    Scotty Goldman/Colt Cabana

    Ok, why do you guys think his run in wwe was so unsuccessful? He is a great worker and very entertaining and all they had him do was job and have that show on Do you think it's because he didn't have a good build(build is very important in wrestling especially wwe)? I'm glad he is back...
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    Kelly Kelly

    I'm going to make a guarantee right now that she will be wwe womens champion within the next year. In fact she'll probably be the next diva to pose for playboy and then at wrestlemania 25 she'll either be the defending womens champ or challenging for the title. She's improved a lot since she...
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    Colt Cabana

    Isn't it unbelievable that this guy has not been brought up to the main roster yet? He's a great worker with a lot of charisma and they still have him in development for over a year now! When can you see them bringing him up to the main roster? I hope it's by the end of this year!