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    Question for Bill

    It's a serious question, only answer if your comfortable in doing so: Are you an active crack smoker? :shrug:
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    Game ruining trends

    Collectables Practically every game I've played in the past few years requires you to collect something. Of course the trend started a while ago, with games like Mario and Sonic, and others but in this generation where a lot of us a completionists or trophy ****es, it's incredibly likely that...
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    Sonic 4 Episode 2

    So episode 2 has been announced and it looks like Tails is returning too! I for one am excited about it even though I haven't actually played episode 1, mainly due to having a big back catalog. I always perefered the classic Sonic games over the newer 3D games though so as soon as I've finished...
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    What would you do?

    If your parents caught you masterbating? Theorectly of course...
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    This smells like a trap...

    I need reassurance, Seriously a no holds barred forum?
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    I'm debating

    Weather to make a garlic cream cheese sandwich, With either Quavers, Or wotsits. I get some cheesey goodness, No matter what.
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    How's everyone been doing?
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    High for the first time.

    Yep, Me I got off my tits for the first time. All because my dumbshit boss didn't give me warning, That you shouldn't use paint stripper in a inclosed area. It was good fun though.
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    Louis C.K.

    is pretty funny.
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    Gordon Stoltski RIP

    His was shot in the face in a case of mistaken identity, The shooter thought the sweet 9 year old was a truck driver. :(
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    What the fuck Amazon?

    So tuesday I ordered the following: Football Manager 2010 A CD Supernatural season 4 volume 1 Supernatural season 4 volume 2 I get the game thursday, The date it was meant to be delivered. Today i received two more items, The CD and Supernatural 4 volume TWO. Fucking volume two...
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    I have Modern Warfare 2.

    Come on, Touch me. But seriously, I've completed it. Any thing you wana know about the game ask here.
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    Oh Justin darling.

    Happy birthday pal. :thumbsup:
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    Mr. Xfear.

    I've just found an online version of Halloween 2, Have you watched it yet?
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    I will never be the same again.

    No pun intended. I was talking to friends over MSN, And one guy told me to watch a video called "3 guys one hammer". I assumed it was going to be a shock site along the line of 2 girls 1 cup, But I was terribly mistaken. I have to point this out simply because it is the single most...
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    Oh my god!

    I actually did some research so I could participate in a thread better. :eek3:
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    The DS game that's twice the size of a UMD

    Strange. I know very little about this game other than it's an RPG, And to use spells you have to Okami up and draw what you need. It looks pretty in the picture and it's made by Studio Giblets, I really want this game. Tragic really that it'd come out a year later than it would in Japan...
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    DJ Hero

    WOW! that is an incredible music list, And some of the songs have 2 or 3 different mixes. The list itself is VERY varied play list clashing together rock, Dance, Pop, Punk, R&B, And hip hop. This game looks alot more interesting than it's instrumental counters if im honest, And it definitly...
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    The fastest selling sports game ever.

    Take a bow EA Sports! So quite possibly the best football game ever made has taken quite possibly the biggest accolade in it's respective genre. They damn well deserves it too, It's a cracking game and the online play seems alot smoother, And user friendly. They have improved basic game...
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    Uncharted 2: An experience the 360/Wii cannot match

    So according to the so called experts, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves will be the best game of the year. I have downlaoded the open multiplayer beta, And it's fantastic it's the best 3rd person shooter i've played since Socom one. I have heard alot of people complaining about the damage and aiming...