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  1. M

    I need a new name.

    I'm partial to Tanned Mink, myself. It makes the least sense. What about Tantino Marella?
  2. M

    Only in Australia

    I shrieked out loud at those pictures. I feel crawly. Yep, Australia is full of wonderful creatures (kangaroos, dingos, koalas), but the evil ones like those make it not worth living there.
  3. M

    How many people have you been with?

    Who is she? How long has this been going on? Jerk. :p
  4. M

    SIlly many have you done?

    Level 1 () Smoked A Cigarette () Smoked A Cigar () Kissed A Member Of The Same Sex (X) Drank Alcohol SO FAR: 1 Level 2 (X) Been In Love () Been Dumped () Shoplifted () Been Fired () Been In A Fist Fight SO FAR: 2 Level 4 (X) Had A Crush On An Older Person (X) Skipped School () Slept With A...
  5. M


    Yes, that's not against academic ethics at all. Pretty sure she was on the drug anyway and they just documented the effects.
  6. M

    If there was a 4 minute warning...

    I'd spent the 4 minutes being freaking pissed off that the government thought it would be a good idea to tell everyone in the country they're going to die in 4 minutes. Hurray for dying in a blaze of chaos and fear. I'd rather just be hit out of nowhere and not know what hit me.
  7. M

    I'm turned off from sex for a while...

    Ms TM is not just standing anywhere. She is using Google Map to make sure she is far, far away from the Will household. I don't understand what all this talk of belts and exchanges is, but I want no part in it.
  8. M

    I'm turned off from sex for a while...

    Yeah. These aren't real children. We don't have a gardener, and I have no intention of breeding.
  9. M

    Happy Imaginary Birthday!

    Thanks for the birthday wishes, everyone!!! I celebrate on February 28th because I figure having it in the right month is more important than having it on the technically correct day. The 28th feels more like my birthday anyways, because I've only ever had 5 actual birthdays on the 29th. I've...
  10. M

    I'm turned off from sex for a while...

    It will happen. If it turns you off sex, I'm afraid you're going to end up with your hand for approximately 25% of the duration of any serious relationships you have. Which probably sucks more than having a bloody condom to dispose of.
  11. M

    Dating And Age Differences

    I wouldn't go any younger than myself, unless it was just a few months. I'd be willing to go up to 5 years older, but no younger (partially because it would be illegal, but this would hold true if I were 10 years older). I think my reasoning is that if a guy is younger than me, he would be less...
  12. M

    Were You Embarrassed To Ride The Cheesewagon In High School?

    I grew up in a time where you walked your ass to school and back. Even in winter. Uphill both ways. With no jacket. Okay the last 2 are lies. LOL at cheesewagon though. I've never heard that term.
  13. M

    TM Family

    I'm a little weirded out that I'm in the same general category as Tim, only I'm a "real special" friend.
  14. M

    I talk some deep shit!

    All I can say is that if you're sitting there "squeezing" a girl's boobs for 20 minutes, you're probably hurting them. Having your boobs squeezed is not arousing in the slightest. That is why mammograms are considered highly unpleasant in the middle aged community. I was going to put advice on...
  15. M


    Even if you set them properly and make sure the volume is turned up on the radio, they will not go off to wake you up if it is crucial for you to be somewhere on time that day. The rest of the time, they work fine.
  16. M

    Compare your resume's/abilities

    DQ cashier and ice cream treat maker (I have no idea how I didn't gain 100 pounds that year. 50% off icecream and food) Taco putter together-er (not for long, I quit a month in) Grocery cashier My jobs have all sucked. It is my motivation to do well and get degrees.
  17. M

    Would you...

    I can see it happening, actually. Once he gets into a rythm, there's no stopping him. Of course, I'd be hiding somewhere with earplugs on, because I'm not a fan of Amy, Lily, or Beyonce's (at least not her new stuff).
  18. M

    Your dvd collection

    I refuse to pay $25 for a DVD, so I buy mine in 5 for $30 sales and such. Meaning my movies are mostly C list movies from awhile back. The ones that ARE newish are mostly gifts. -In Her Shoes -Stuck on You (worst movie EVER) -My Boss's Daughter (correction. THIS is the worst movie ever). -Le...
  19. M

    Do you actually think about...

    I think of TM a lot, because he's generally within 20 feet of me. I've thought of Sparky and Monkey, but only because we were talking on Sparky's webpage. Sometimes I think of Tim, because TM is always talking to Tim, and I know that Tim has probably seen a kangaroo and that just nags at the...
  20. M

    If You Could Own Any Animal As A Pet, What Would You Choose?

    I like animals with fluffy ears. Therefore, koalas are high on my list of pets I would like. I'm not sure what their temperaments are like, though. A kangaroo would be pretty epic as well, except I've heard they kick. Australian animals are adorable, but all seem to have reputations for being mean.