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  1. C

    Is Zack Ryder The Mascot of the PG Era?

    I read these forums almost everyday and this is one I had to comment on because it exemplifies everything wrong with these forums. This is another reason why 75% of the people on the IWC should just stop talking and stop watching. Zack Ryder is the first guy to take social media and have it work...
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    *Merged* The Miz Is The New WWE Champion.

    When Nexus attacked Orton and the main event began I looked at my dad and said "Expect Cena to run in soon, but I have this weird feeling Miz cashes in tonight." Sure enough it happened! And when Miz came out my dad laughed and i marked the fuck out!!!!!! Congrats Miz! You truly are...
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    WWE's 50 greatest superstars list.

    Okay I'm going to go there... Randy Savage above Hulk Hogan, yes Hulk was a more successful superstar and the icon of the sport but here's my beef... HOGAN IS IN THE HOF AND SAVAGE ISN'T, so why the fuck would you rank the guy higher than Hogan??? This list shouldn't have even been published...
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    Does TNA need a development territory?

    Personally I don't think TNA needs a training circuit now simply because they usually grab guys from WWE, ROH and the Independents. Most of the guys that come up to TNA are already very well trained, (ie/ GenME, Desmond Wolfe, etc.) So I think they'll be okay for several years to come but I do...
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    If You Were In Charge Of TNA, Who Would You Cut?

    I watched all of Impact and yes Team 3D got a great reaction until Ray turned on Devon... you could hear a pin drop in that place not from shock or awe, but from boredom because this is now the 4th time these guys will feud. Just like Rhino turning heel, wow, real gripping stuff, another guy the...
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    If You Were In Charge Of TNA, Who Would You Cut?

    No apology needed man, we put some good thought into this post and I think this gimmick has been universally panned... To me Robbie E and Cookie are not just parodies of Jersey Shore... But a rip-off of my dude Zack Ryder... WWWYKIB
  7. C

    If You Were In Charge Of TNA, Who Would You Cut?

    1. Robbie E & Cookie last night was the last straw already for me, that fucking gimmick is terrible, Robbie E draws about as much heat as a fucking Klondike bar and Cookie is one of the worst female escorts I have seen in all my years of watching wrestling. I feel terrible for the uber talented...
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    Kevin Nash?

    If Nash wants to be a manager or hell the mystery GM, than I'm totally cool with that. If he wanted to come in and wrestle again, I'd have to do a double take to make sure I'm not watching a Just For Men advertisement. Kevin's knees are fucking shot, his mobility is that of a snail and while I...
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    Jeff Hardy's New TNA "Immortal" Championship

    After tossing the TNA title in the garbage last night on Impact, a new belt designed for Jeff Hardy was unveiled. Now I will give them points for originality, but damn that is an ugly ass belt. It's purple, has a face on it and it is the closest thing I have seen to the Shiny Butterfly divas...
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    Tourists Killing TNA

    I misunderstood you, no offense taken man it's all good lol... And I agree with all of your aforementioned points the Rhino/Bubba turns are completely useless. You could hear a pin drop when Bubba turned on D-Von last night, why? Because no one cares about these guys anymore, they lost their...
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    Tourists Killing TNA

    I'm not stupid let's just get that out of the way Zeven. I've been watching wrestling for 20 years and I'm 21 so believe me, I know my shit. If you disagree with me, then just disagree, there's no need to call me out like that man. I'm not going to disrespect you, so please go easy man. I...
  12. C

    The Nightmare is Real; Ray Turns on Devon

    I thought it started out great, both guys looked emotional, crowd was popping loud for them, D-Von even mentioned his sons and then here comes the swerve... The payoff? You could hear a fucking pin drop in the Impact Zone. This feud has been way too overdone between these two and if that's...
  13. C

    Tourists Killing TNA

    I completely agree with the OP, the lack of actual wrestling fans really kills Impact for me. I too watched last night and it was nearly laughable at the response Jeff Hardy got. Yes, it is cool to cheer for heels or anti-heroes, but to cheer the guy who is the number 1 heel in your company is...
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    If you had the power to push certain superstars, who would you push and how/why?

    Smackdown it's Kofi Kingston hands down. The pop this guy gets from the crowd is huge, easily the most over mid-card guy in the WWE. His feud with Orton last year and his dominance at Survivor Series should have signaled a main event push for him, but things didn't work out for him. I think with...
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    Cody or Drew

    I'm going to go against the grain and say Cody Rhodes is superior to Drew McIntyre. I enjoy Cody's gimmick and I think everything from his mic work to his in-ring work is greater than Drew's. I can't take McIntyre seriously, he's sloppy in the ring and his mic work is kind of average. I believe...
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    Mike "Bland" Tenay

    I watched some old Goldberg youtube videos from the streak in 97-98 and Schiavone and Heenan were awesome on commentary but I have to agree with you, Tenay is wrestling commentary tofu. He's bland, flavorless, and drenched with artificial flavors and facts. I don't hate him at all, I just...
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    If You Had To Make Raw Cuts, Who Would Get The Axe?

    Yoshi Tatsu - I don't think he can fill the gap left by Tajiri for the Asian fans Mark Henry - The guy has been very disposable for years and to me hasn't been significant since his ECW title reign. Primo - The guy got thrown under the bus when his brother got released, not much for Primo...
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    How would WWE have changed if their were no deaths?

    Nice thread bro... 1. Yes I do think Owen would have won the WWE Championship. He would have been one of the senior guys on the roster and by that time an established household name, who could not only lead a heel stable, but also carry a 4-5 star match with most of the talent he would have...
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    Miz or Barrett

    I voted Miz but actually I'm going to say they may win the same amount... Wade and Miz both have solid charisma and both are very good in the ring... Miz has become an entity on his own, whereas Wade Barrett has the Nexus, easily the best faction in pro wrestling since the NWO. (MEM was cool on...
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    Todays Wrestlers: Dont look like "wrestlers"; arent tough guys anymore.

    The best thing about these guys not having the old school wrestler look is simple, the fans can relate. We live in a society that loves reality TV, and lets be honest, wrestling isn't cool in most mainstream circles. The freaks of yesterday were larger than life cartoon characters that people my...