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  1. L

    The [OFFICIAL] workout thread: Pt. II

    What's all this now? A part II? Fuck, I might have a reason to post again. Very nice. I miss 'CAP… All depends on the nature and origin of your troubles. A specific exercise could hurt or help. Did your GP say anything was contraindicated? I recommend seein' a physiotherapist for a...
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    Needing Some Help

  3. L

    Internet providers to begin warning customers who pirate content

    From reading the linked article this seems to really only apply to bit-torrents. I was under the impression that such methods were passé. So-called cyber/file lockers, like the already closed down megaupload, are the real targets they should be worried about.
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    For day to day use I wear the over the ear, closed-back Audio-Technica M50 that I run through a DIY portable amp housed in an old candy tin (plans can be found all over the net on how to build them and fine tune them). It runs off of two standard 9v batteries. The amp uses the Grado RA1 chip and...
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    Hey Ba-Bomb

    But Mousie, thou art no thy lane, In proving foresight may be vain: The best-laid schemes o' mice an' men Gang aft agley, An' lea'e us nought but grief an' pain, For promis'd joy!
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    A Bastion for Bigots and Shameless Racists

    Just because a bunch douche bags (unsurprisingly) behave like douche bags are want to behave does not mean that it is worthy of refutation. That the linked post goes through all the hassle to attempt to do so is a waste of time and almost goes towards dignifying such jackassery via such an...
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    Chick-fil-A Hullabaloo

    It would appear this all boils down to how many degrees of separation you feel responsible for. My moral goal post is set at about 1° and I sleep the sleep of the just. If yours is farther, congratulations, I guess you're entitled to consider yourself a better person than I am :shrug: (tho' not...
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    To Watch or Not to Watch...

    Slater a body builder? I lol'd.
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    The Art of the Promo

    Yeah, this is straight out of Jericho's book. However, just like any rule, it can be bent or broken –the trick is to know when to do which. And that comes with experience. More to the point, who knows what WWE's plans are. For all I know it's exactly what had to happen to put something in...
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    Rush Limbaugh Says.....Oh Just Read It

    I saw the Daily Show (or Colbert Report) did a joke on this before I heard about Rush's nonsense. Life imitates art? Vice versa?
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    Super J Cup 1994 with KB

    I wore down my old VHS copy. It was such a staple that I would just keep it on in the background as I did homework, read books, etc.
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    Emmy Nominations

    Without Louie & Community up for best comedy the category is irrelevant.
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    A Dream Theory

    No. Just flat out, no.
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    The Raw Challenge

    They both appear to be etymologically sound.
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    Man of Steel Poster and Suit

    I thoroughly enjoyed Smallville, warts and all (Erica Durance wore far too much clothing though).
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    The Bullshiting About Comics Thread w/ Justin & Friends

    Quite the contrary actually, I only really "bitch" about a scant few things, it just happens that those things seem to repeat over and over again. As to my post, I'm serious about the winter solider but am interested in Ant-Man, and as noted, hope to see Janet van Dyne introduced as I've always...
  17. L

    If he doped, is Lance Armstrong still an inspiration?

    I don't know enough about cycling to speak on the specifics of it or Lance so I won't. In general however, I do know much about blood doping, PEDs and hormones. When talking about elite, world-class levels of competition, where many events are measured down to fractions of seconds, drugs/doping...
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    Marvel Cinematic Universe news

    Concerning his function on The Avengers, Logan is a much different animal (no pun intended). Avengers Wolverine defers to Captain America and respects the hell out of him. That's never really been the case with Scott.