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  1. S

    Did WWE miss the boat or was Hart vs McMahon a feud 12 years in the making?

    Personally I think it's a big mistake for Vince reviving the Mr.Macmahon heel gimmick and start a feud with Bret. This whole story happened over 12 year ago. Vince is old now, Bret can't wrestle due to his injuries and stroke. And simply put I think people are just tired of this whole story. A...
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    The attitude era ruined wrestling

    Please note that this is merely my opinion. For me, the nWo angle in WCW was the beginning of the end of pro wrestling. WCW pre-nWo was more wrestling and less showmanship. It's one reason why I tended to tune into WCW programming rather then WWF. However WWF at the time was still...
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    Why isn't Goldberg hated as much?

    I can't stand HHH but I have to admit he can work, he has wrestling ability. He does have merit as a wrestler. Cena appeals to many because of the image he portays. He appeals to the general American masses of what they want to be. Simply put they find him cool, but is quite phoney and rubbish...
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    Which Wrestler Would You Like To See In His Prime One Last Time and why?

    Without question, Bret Hart. He was one of the few who made wrestling look believable and he mastered both psychology and selling. All of which are lost arts today. Bret didn't do much high flying nor strong man moves. His wrestling was technical and precise, Stuff you could imagine he could do...
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    Jake "The Snake" Roberts

    Jake Roberts was the master of wrestling psychology. And one of the biggest wrestling tragedies as well. And he was a pro, he did whatever it took to make good buisiness. He's really one of the few 'tough guys' in pro wrestling when pro wrestling were looking for Mr.Universe like bodies. Jake...