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  1. J

    Where the Big Boys Play (NWA/WCW podcast)

    New for Where the Big Boys Play: A table charting our end of show award picks The big thing to note there is Tully Blanchard's remarkable run as MVP. We've all picked him at least 3 times each and out of 7 individual cards, he's been in MVP or joint-MVP for 4 of them. Where the Big Boys Play...
  2. J

    Where the Big Boys Play (NWA/WCW podcast)

    Where the Big Boys Play #11 – Great American Bash 86: Part 1 Brian, Chad and Parv travel across 14 different cities over 33 days (well just 3 cities actually) to bring you the first part of their look at the Great American Bash 86. In this episode: speculation over where the 1986 Crockett...
  3. J

    Where the Big Boys Play (NWA/WCW podcast)

    Where the Big Boys Play #10 – NWA Superstars on the Superstation Brian and Parv take a look at this TV special from February 1986. Topics include: differences between JCP and WWF in the booking of the tag division, who on earth is Linda Curry?, speculation on why Crockett gave the...
  4. J

    Where the Big Boys Play (NWA/WCW podcast)

    I've had permission to post this here by klunderbunker. Hi all, I used to post here a couple of years ago. Thought I'd share a new podcast I've been doing which is now on iTunes, see below for the first nine shows. I know what you're thinking, "just what the world needs, another wrestling...
  5. J

    Where the Big Boys Play (new NWA / WCW podcast)

    Hi all, haven't been around here for some time but thought I'd share a new podcast I've been doing which is now on iTunes, see below for the first seven shows. I know what you're thinking, "just what the world needs, another wrestling podcast", but this one is a bit different. We're only...
  6. J

    Where the Big Boys Play (new NWA / WCW podcast)

    Hi all, haven't been around here for some time but thought I'd share a new podcast I've been doing which is now on iTunes, see below for the first seven shows. I know what you're thinking, "just what the world needs, another wrestling podcast", but this one is a bit different. We're only...
  7. J

    The Most Violent WWE Match Ever?

    I'm glad SOMEONE mentioned this. Yes, it's pretty brutal, especially for 1984. I'd say it's between that and the HHH/ Foley street fight from No Way Out (or was it the one from Royal Rumble? I'm thinking of the one with the thumbtacks).
  8. J

    Big Van Vader: Worthy or Not?

    As everyone else has said, absolute HELL YES is Vader worthy. Greatest "big man" of all time, no question. Just watch any match of his from WCW circa 92-4, especially vs. Sting. The strap match is the stuff of legends. Unfortunately the Hogan circus in late-94/95 kinda killed his momentum and...
  9. J

    The Most Underrated Matches

    I'm not surprised to see that this one hasn't been mentioned yet: Ricky Steamboat vs. Rick Rude, Iron Man Match - Beach Blast '92 Outside of Savage WM3 and the Flair series, that's probably the best Steamboat match there is. 30-minutes of gripping, edge-of-your-seat awesome wrestling. Great...
  10. J

    My WCW Reviews

    Hi all. Long time no see. This is something I've been working on for a while: here are my random thoughts on WCW PPVs from 1991 onwards: Feel free to discuss anything you might agree or disagree with here. I intend on sticking around to kick...
  11. J

    Top 5 Series Reference Thread

    Point taken. I realise since writing this that there are in fact two types of "psychology", there's the thing I was on about, which is about psyching out the opponent and "mind games" and then there's what there's "ring psychology" which is about working on a specific body part and telling a...
  12. J

    What are some good examples of X-Pac Heat?

    In particular I'm wondering about examples from the kayfabe era, but any examples will do.
  13. J

    The recommend a thread thread

    Basically most of my threads in Old School have been cruelly slept on: Top 5 Reference Thread: (only 1 response) Broadcast dreamteam series: #1 Play-by-play: #2 Color Analyst...
  14. J

    Need A Partner?

    Hmmmmm, mid 20s, British, interests include wrestling and football ... Could be a match, what do you reckon?
  15. J

    Complaint thread

    Of course, the irony in all of this is that I'm the one who's accused of taking himself too seriously...
  16. J

    Complaint thread

    Tell them not to be such fucking ******s then. This, I should point out, is another joke.
  17. J

    Complaint thread

    Thanks Matt, that's cleared it all up for me mate.
  18. J

    Complaint thread

    Me and you aren't going to get on.
  19. J

    Complaint thread

    Can we make a deal then: that if I put a date restriction on a thread in the future that you wont do that? It's not like people don't get AMPLE opportunity to discuss current wrestlers and events. I know I've been cocky and joked around a lot, intentionally said things that I know will go over...
  20. J

    Should Another Wrestler Ever Carry The "Nature Boy" Moniker?

    Someone in this thread should probably mention the other guy to use the nature boy gimmick: Buddy Landel He was a pretty unremarkable wrestler apart from the fact that he had the EXACT same gimmick as Flair, he even used the same music, robes, hairstyle, everything. I always thought it was...