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  1. J

    Best Choices for Raw/Smackdown GMs

    I can't believe there isn't a thread already for this. Perhaps I'm looking so hard for it, that I'm missing it right in front of my nose. If that's the case, please put this in the right place. Following last night's announcement that Shane and Stephanie would be choosing GMs to run...
  2. J

    Remaking Roman Reigns

    Not sure if the "Reigns Suspended" post is for general discussion or if we're free to make tangent posts on the matter. If not, feel free to drop this in the right place. With the announcement of Reigns suspension, my first thought veered toward the subject of how the WWE could take...
  3. J

    Book Summerslam

    Fantasy booking 4 months out is usually something reserved for WrestleMania, but why not give the same love to SummerSlam? The event is taking on a lot of the same week-long features that were once exclusive to WrestleMania, and as this year's event is hailing from New York (Brooklyn, to be...
  4. J

    The Kayfabe Hypocrisy

    Bret Hart recently commented negatively about the WWE's Be A Star Program as relates to Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. Said Hart: Lots of people on this site have criticized Hart for failing to understand that it isn't 1984 anymore - and that there's no way for the WWE to make any...
  5. J

    Legends with JBL - Eric Bischoff

    For starters, I have to say that I thoroughly enjoy the entire concept of this show since I love hearing about legends discuss their personal history in the business. I love most WWE podcasts for the same reason. Bur I want to discuss the Eric Bischoff interview here... I think history has...
  6. J

    The Issue with Cena as US Champion....

    Make no mistake, the early stage of Cena's US Title run was fantastic. The open challenges and the Rusev feud made the belt relevant again. But the reason it felt relevant wasn't necessarily because John Cena held it - while that that helped, the relevance came from the fact that it was...
  7. J

    Would Sting induct The Ultimate Warrior?

    Hall of Fame inductees are typically inducted either by a long-time friend or a well-known rival. Well, in Warrior's case, it's tough. He doesn't appear to have made many friends during his wrestling days and the two wrestlers he's most associated with either hate his guts (Hogan) or is dead...
  8. J

    How to set up Bryan VS Punk at Wrestlemania

    There has been a lot of love on these boards regarding a WWE Championship match between CM Punk and Daniel Bryan at WrestleMania 30. Most see this as a face-vs-face encounter that occurs because one of the men will win the Royal Rumble. While I wouldn't be opposed to that - and giving the crowd...
  9. J

    Why The Austin Comparisons?

    I'm sure there will be some that hate the idea of a comparison thread - some will say that comparing a current superstar to a superstar of yesteryear only creates unrealistic, unattainable expectations. I'm not of that mindset. For me, comparisons provide historical context and offer up some...
  10. J

    Dolph Ziggler's Problem?

    Dolph Ziggler is one of the most athletic wrestlers in the WWE, and in the eyes of most fans on these boards, he sells better than anybody. Am I the only one that sees his selling as a reason he's being held back? I'm sure some of you think his mic work is the reason why he's had multiple...
  11. J

    **MERGED** All Daniel Bryan/Sheamus Situation- Keep It All In Here!

    I think it's safe to say that the WWE should forego their now annual Shaemus vs. Daniel Bryan championship match at next year's WrestleMania. This is the second consecutive year the card has featured the two in a title match, and for the second consecutive year, the match produced the...
  12. J

    Be the Booker: US Title/IC Title Unification

    How would you book the unification process if the WWE decided that they only wanted one midcard title? A few ideas came to mind, but one sticks out. Feel free to either criticize it, praise it or add your own idea... This idea came to me after watching CM Punk and Dolph Ziggler wrestle on...
  13. J

    HBK vs. HHH

    When HBK lost to The Undertaker at last year's WrestleMania, few people believed that he was going to retire for good. While Michaels has repeatedly stated that his career is in fact over, most people have cited the same broken promise from past wrestlers as well as the low-key sendoff to the...
  14. J

    Recycled Gimmicks

    I've seen a lot of posts in here that make the claim that Randy Orton as an Attitude Era wrestler stuck in a PG world. Personally, I have no idea what the hell that means. But it got me thinking about who Orton - and the rest of the WWE roster - most resembles when compared to older...
  15. J

    What has hurt the WWE more: PG Rating or Brand Split

    There's no denying that wrestling isn't as popular as it was just 10 years ago. Back then, a bad rating for a show was in the 4's ... and that was when the audience was supposedly split between Raw and Nitro. Consistently, the two shows would combined for about a 10 rating... These days, the WWE...
  16. J

    Who is more responsible for the ratings jump: Hogan or Bischoff

    This isn't a debate over whether or not the current TNA product is good, great or even watchable ... This is a debate over a fact that can not be disputed and who is more responsible for it. The fact: TNA has jumped in the ratings since the arrival of Hogan and Bischoff. Now, one can say...
  17. J

    Hogan vs. Cena

    This isn't really a TNA/WWE thread, but it does feature performers in both companies... so I thought it fit here. I got this idea while reading the thread about the 1992 Royal Rumble where a poster says "Cena ... though no Hogan ... is probably comparable to Savage." I read that and thought...
  18. J

    Cena Should Have Wrestled for the World Title at the Royal Rumble

    I know. Some people are going to jump all over this one, screaming to the heavens that they don't want to see Cena main event another ppv. But with the current logistics of the WWE pay-per views, it made more sense to have Cena get his rematch last night than it did for Orton to have such a...
  19. J

    WWE is held accountable for drug enforcement- what about TNA? When will they?

    I started thinking about this on Monday night when Jeff Hardy showed up on Impact despite facing numerous indictments on drug-related charges. This is a guy who would have been facing a minimum one-year suspension if he was still employed by WWE, but he gets off the hook with a new employer...