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  1. M

    Fixing WWE Merchandise

    What I look for in wrestling T-shirts are designs that I could wear outside of the wrestling arena and not feel awkward about it. The best example of this in recent times was Dolph Ziggler's "It's not showing off if you back it up" shirt. When non-wrestling fans see the shirt, they don't...
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    How we watch Raw

    I don't have cable so I only watch shows online whether through some guys that posted it on YouTube or if WWE got to those guys already then I watch the segments they provide for me. I only watch the full versions of the show only because there are small little bits that WWE cuts off in their...
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    Night of Champions 2012: Antonio Cesaro (c) VS Pre-show Battle Royal Winner

    Am I the only one that wants to see Zack Ryder win the battle royal and face Cesaro for the US Title? Previous posters have said they need somebody in this match to get it somewhat hyped up since Cesaro can't seem to get a reaction. We don't want Santino again, and we need a face. Why not Ryder...
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    "The USA Guy" Derrick Bateman

    Derrick Bateman was pretty much the only highlight of NXT Season 4. He just oozed charisma and a guy like him could definitely pull this off. An immediate feud with Antonio Cesaro has got to happen. USA Guy for US Champ!
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    WWE Going Out Of Business?

    The day WWE goes under is the day that there will be tarped off sections at a WrestleMania venue. WWE has a fanbase that spans the entire world. As long as there's a strong audience during the best AND worst times, WWE is staying right here.
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    PPV Quality

    I was at Over The Limit and I'd have to say that it being only my second time seeing a WWE show live made the time much more exciting. The audience was pretty hyped for much of the night despite it being incredibly small. The Randy Orton/Christian match as well as seeing Bret Hart were great...
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    Smackdown is better than RAW

    SmackDown is absolutely greater than RAW. Here the storylines are a lot more fleshed out and more interesting. I feel that SD has the more interesting characters like Cody Rhodes, Christian with his new heel persona, and the up and coming Jinder Mahal (though I admit Raw has gotten just a little...
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    Greatest Mullet Ever!

    I'm gonna put a bid in for Tatanka. I knew behind the facepaint of the Native American superstar, there was some level of white redneck in him. He's carried it all through his career as well!!!
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    Tough Enough General Discussion Thread

    Man I love it when I'm right. I predicted that the bottom 3 would be AJ, Eevee, and Eric and whaddaya know I called it. I personally think that it was the right elimination at the right time. But personally if I had the ability I would have eliminated all three of them. The Top Three: Luke-He...
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    Here you go maybe these can help: De La Hoya: Ricky Hatton: Shane Mosley...
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    Is It Time For A Lucha Division?

    I wouldn't bring a Lucha-only division either, but I definitely would love to bring back a cruiserweight division. I was always a fan of cruiserweights doing back to WCW and anything to bring them back would be awesome. I'm really annoyed by how the smaller guys do nothing but get destroyed by...
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    Hey Arlo, I'm looking for a new sig and I saw what you did with your Sin Cara one. Great job! Can you make a Manny Pacquiao themed sig? I'd like to have Pacquiao on the right side of it with his arms raised and on the other side faded images of past opponents (Oscar De La Hoya, Ricky...
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    Who would you have in a modern-day six man hell in a cell match?

    The only way I would ever have a six man HIAC is if the two World Titles were reunited and of course I'd have current main eventers be in the match. John Cena-No durrr, he's the face of the organization. Randy Orton-Not the face of the company, but still wildly over and has the credentials to...
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    Tough Enough General Discussion Thread

    Sucks that Ryan had to go. He had the one thing that no one else had and only the trainers thought was bad: Personality. Sure he was over the top but it's a part of wrestling to be a little over the top. Just look at Santino. Hell even Shawn Michaels went a bit wild with his sells just to make...
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    Favorite Draft Concept.

    The first version by far, and if the Raw GM would finally show up, I would've wished it would have worked out this way. This way both GMs could pick out exactly who they wanted on their show. It would have been also cool to have on screen trade offs (somewhat reminiscent of the Racial Draft from...
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    Tough Enough General Discussion Thread

    Every week I've been entertained by Tough Enough. This week's was no exception. I was absolutely preparing for Mikael's elimination when he was in the bottom 3. I felt that Rima and Ryan did kinda step up, though it did fall flat when it came down to technique for Rima. I loved the promo that...
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    Request a sig from The Angelic Diablo

    Hey AD, Seattle is a place near and dear to my heart and it's only fitting the Queen Bee of the Knockouts Madison Rayne is from there (I don't know how...). Could you do a sig of Madison as the Queen in front of the Seattle skyline and on the bottom have something that says "Madison...
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    Tough Enough General Discussion Thread

    I've gotta say, I've been impressed with Tough Enough. Throughout the entire show last night I was entertained in some way. I'm totally wondering how much crap they're gonna throw at Miss USA before they dump her. She's been owned by Bill Demott, mauled by animals Kevin Kelly would call "a...
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    Name Someone You Knew Would Be A Top Star The Moment You First Saw Them

    Back in the day I was relatively unfamiliar with Chris Jericho in WCW and that was simply because I was more interested in whatever the NWO was doing at the time. Now that that backstory is out of the way, the day Jericho debuted in WWF interrupting The Rock, I knew this guy for sure was going...
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    After 27 years of Wrestlemania..

    1. Greatest Looking Wrestlemania Card on paper WMXIX. Personal bias due to it being in Seattle, but look at that card. You had Rock/Austin, Hogan/Vince, Michaels/Jericho, and despite the botched SSP, Angle/Lesnar was a great match overall. Heck, even the Divas triple threat with...