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  1. C

    The Worse Thing to Hit Pro Wrestling

    Well, over the past years, wrestling has had it's up and downs. From the bad use of talent, to poor booking situations. Yet, something worse and horrific has come about the pro wrestling in the last two years. That very entity, is none other than.... Twitter. From Dixie Carter hyping up a...
  2. C

    John Morrison... How does he have a job?

    Earlier today, I read a post. The post was... "Who Is Better V - CM Punk vs John Morrison" It was a poll... That CM punk is winning... By a landslide Granted most guys would take CM Punk over most people in the wrestling world. Great talker, good worker, good in ring skills, and very...
  3. C

    Larry Zbyszko Shoots On Chris Jericho

    Well, I saw the YouTube video, and I do believe he had his family in the room, and well, He had some harsh words for Jericho. Very Harsh! Quite intense I thought, Larry had some strong comments, some, maybe all I don't agree with. What are your guys thought on the new video that just...
  4. C

    Be TNA....

    I heard that phrase a while ago. It's meaning was... Don't be WCW, WWF. or ECW. Be TNA. Great idea, but most people pointed out, that it was to cliche. To general, not very descriptive. Very true on the parts of the people who have that opinion. So how does TNA, be TNA? My opinion...
  5. C

    The Thursday Night Wars... Just a thought

    I was remembering the original Monday Night Wars. It's going to be ten years coming up in March, since the end of the great entity that brought in so many fans, and created so many stars. TNA tried to rebuild in 2010, and it crashed and failed. They had to move back to Thursday, and the war...