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  1. J

    Looking at the wrong problem. WWE Network is fine. Raw, Smackdown are the problem.

    Everyone has ideas for how to make WWE Network better. More specials, fewer specials (including PPVs), etc etc. But WWE Network has about 1.5 million subscribers. About 3 million people a week watch RAW. So WWE already has 50% of the people who watch the product for free as paying...
  2. J

    Does a "touring champion" do much for small feds today?

    BAck in the day, the old NWA model was that the World Champion would move from territory to territory, defending against the top star or stars and moving on. Seeing the World Champion was a big deal, a World title match was a draw, and would drive a large live gate. National television...
  3. J

    Salary info from 2014 Wanted to save that link, and now I can find it by searching for my posts.
  4. J

    Spoiler tag testing

  5. J

    Brand Split Rebooted: One True Champion

    A couple of people liked my idea of one World Champion who rotates between RAW and Smackdown challengers, and elevating the IC/US titles to the main-event titles for each brand. So yesterday, in between watching football and doing everything I had to do, I went through the results from...
  6. J

    Wildside Wrestling

    March 2001. Fusient Media VEntures, a $67M group led by Brian Bedol and Stephen Greenberg of Classic Sports TV/ESPN Classics, attempts to purchase and operate WCW on Turner cable. Turner decides to dump pro wrestling entirely, selling the scraps to Vince McMahon. November 2001...
  7. J

    How much of the Goldberg hate.....

    How much of the Goldberg hate is because he was a WCW guy, and was only a legit superstar for a year or two (1998-2000)? I think if it were Stone Cold Steve Austin, or The Rock, or Samoa Joe or Kurt Angle or Dean Ambrose who marched into the ring and squashed Lesnar, a lot of the Goldberg...
  8. J

    Fantasy Booking: Goldberg Returns

    Okay, smart guy, so what should Vince and the WWE have done? This is what should have been sketched out in the negotiations to sign Goldberg in the first place. 1. The RAW apperances leading up to Survivor Series. 3 TV appearances. This was planned well. 2. Survivor Series...
  9. J

    Bound For Glory 2003 Hogan vs Jarrett: WHat was the long term plan?

    Does anyone have any rumors or knowledge on what the long-term booking plan for Hogan in NWA-TNA was supposed to be in 2003-04? We know that JArrett and Hogan tentatively agreed on a Hogan-Jarrett match to kick off a 3-4 hour full-priced NWA-TNA Bound For Glory PPV. Dredging up Bash at the...
  10. J

    Billy Corgan's $1.8M Due on November 1

    Billy Corgan was supposed to get paid his money yesterday. Or maybe he did get paid yesterday. Or, maybe they offered him the money and he refused. Why would he refuse the money? 1. Corgan's agreement with Dixie Carter/TNA said that if TNA sold to someone besides Billy Corgan during the...
  11. J

    Challenge UK Dropping TNA So TNA is down to Sony Six, POP TV and the Fight Network. And loses the only market where they could ever reliably sell tickets.
  12. J

    TNA, Bound For Glory 10-10-10, Why not the end for TNA Hulkamania?

    This is more a business thread than a storylines-and-matches nostalgia thread, but how did Dixie Carter and her people not realize that the whole Hogan-TNA-Nitro formula was a bust after Bound For Glory? Impact ratings were disappointing, the Ocean Center was half-empty, and PPV buyrates...
  13. J

    Who is Anthem Sports? (TNA's New Owners)

    That's the guy who's ready to pay Billy Corgan his money, who funded the BFG and October Impact tapings. Since google lets me become a 24-hour expert, he's part of a big Canadian media mogul family. The Aspers ran CanWest Media, which owned a string of newspapers, cable channels, TV...
  14. J

    Sony Six India (Pure Speculation)

    The interwebz say that Sony Six (and Challenge UK) are supposed to pay TNA their annual rights fee on January 1, which is either the vast majority or just a huge piece of TNA's revenue. They also say that TNA was supposed to tour India in 2015 and/or in 2016. Since TNA is in breach of the...
  15. J

    Why TNA Will Survive Until 2017

    TNA's Indian TV deal is worth $60M over 2015-2022 The money from the Sony Six deal comes in at the beginning of the year. $60M over 8 years is about $7.5M per year (it might be structured so that the payment increases over the life of the contract.) So the parties fighting in court and...
  16. J

    Genius or Stupid: Corgan Sells WWE the Library, but Keeps Impact Alive

    Premise 1. The only value TNA has to WWE is the tape library. WWE is not going pay extra just to shut it down, and is not going to operate it as a fourth "brand". Premise 2. The tape library isn't making TNA/Impact Wrestling any significant money. So is there a deal possible where TNA...
  17. J

    ROH to Destination America; Airing Before Impact Starting June 3rd

    I'll point out that "everyone" includes MVP, who knows more about the wrestling business than I do and obviously has more at stake. But this is almost certainly bad for TNA. A week ago, what was the biggest thing TNA had that ROH didn't? A US cable TV timeslot. Well, ROH just closed the...
  18. J

    "It's a Work, ya Maroons!" Really? Help me out here.

    First of all, I believe Meltzer over anyone in or around TNA. But that said, I could buy that Russo is masterminding a Russorific "work the marks" angle. But I have some questions. 1. Is the email where Dixie Carter called the DA suits "dummies" part of the work? Does that email not...
  19. J

    Sting's DVD--is it complete with just WWF-owned footage?

    We're hearing that STing is signing with WWE, at least for a LEgends deal, and almost certainly for a Sting DVD. I'm pretty sure WWE owns the tape to every Sting match up until the last Nitro. And they don't own the tape to World Wrestling All-Stars or TNA. Is the Sting story...
  20. J

    Making WWE Superstars on WGN (More) Relevant

    I've said this before, but I'm saying it again. Why not put a championship on Superstars? Keep it distinct from the other titles--don't even call it a title. Find a sponsor, and call it the 7-Eleven Series Cup or the Taco Bell Trophy or the Boost Mobile Challenge. Let the name be corny...