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  1. G

    Kevin Owens face turn?

    He has been vocal to management that he wants to try a face run. Are we finally starting to see it from last night? His first face run was crap, if they go that direction with him this time I hope it's a legit effort.
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    Issues with wrestlezone

    Hey anyone that can help. On the WZ site, when i go to join discussion, when i click on it, that Mont-Tremblant site shows up and I can't post a comment. Any reason this is happening? Kind of annoying. Thanks
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    So a face Kevin Owens.

    This should be interesting. He just strikes me as a natural cowardly heel type character. Has to be better than Miz face run, anything is better than that. Right?
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    Monthly Pay-Per-Views.

    Well I guess I should say, monthly Sunday Night wrestling events since we get most if not all of them on WWE Network and they are typically matches we have seen 100X, but I digress. Are the monthly events necessary? Just seems it is always some guy in the ring, another guy comes out and...
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    NWO and Randy Savage

    Hey guys, I know this was almost 20 years ago, but just wondering what you guys thought of Randy Savage joining NWO? I felt that was the moment this angle lost a lot of credibility. Sure they were building up Sting at the time as a "who's side is he on?" type thing, but I thought the week or 2...
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    Does Cena get #17?

    Or does he stay at 16? I have to think somewhere down the line he will get #17. It may be a while yet, and it may only be for a few mins (get cashed in on) or for one night (losing it on Raw) but for some reason I think WWE will want to give him that honor. I don't personally care if he...
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    Randy Orton heel turn & Dolph Ziggler face turn?

    When a fan asked him recently on twitter if he would come back a heel.. he replied "we can only pray" Seems to me Orton rather play a heel than face.. I kind of agree, Orton has heel written all over him while a guy like Ziggler IMO LOOKS the part of more of a face.. again JMO.. What do...
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    Mr. Perfect

    I have been watching some old early 90's footage of Mr. Perfect and especially his face run, and i thought it was great at the time.. and I like it even better now. He was a heel the majority of his career in WWE and WCW.. but that face turn in 1992 and 1993 before he turned heel again at...
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    Justin Gabriel..

    I must of missed it.. when did he turn face? I'll admit I have missed some action recently, but I had no idea they had turned him face... I think it was bound to happen.. he just doesn't have a heel look, never did IMO!!