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    Claremix Explains it all

    OK, I'll keep this brief so that people that want to get what's going on in my head when I'm gazing lovingly into my navel because it makes reading my RPs a hell of a lot more intelligible. Specifically I'm going to explain the shared universe my RPs take place in and how every character I've...
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    The Circus Wunderbar

    I dislike spam so meh anyone wants to give me fodder for my punishment RPs, post them here. Also, I've got a lot of... history with the fed so if anyone wants to ask me questions I'll be honest with them if nothing else. Penal RPs
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    Putting Barrett against Cesaro perfectly highlighted why Cesaro doesn't 'connect'

    Cesaro is really good at things that don't matter and bad at the things that do. Barrett is the opposite. That's the TL;DR version of this thread. Now, if you want to make a one line post scroll down to the bottom of the page and say it. If you intend to refute me, read on. Let me make one...
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    Mae Young Hospitalised

    Well, I say hospitalised, she's currently in a hospice which implies two things. She's got cancer and it's terminal.
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    In which Remix makes one final plea for attention

    Why I'm gone I've come to the conclusion that I do not contribute in a good way to WZCW. Either I piss everyone on creative off by being a twatwaffle, or I stay for a short period, quit and then come back in a few months to restart the cycle. Harthan wants to move the fed on, make it better...
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    Laura Robson sig

    I'm a fan of Laura Robson. I would like a sig of her. Make it look good. I'll give whomever makes one rep. If I get more than one response I'll put it on a rotation. Please and thank you.
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    General (Non-ROH) Indie Spam thread

    Because I don't want to talk about other indies in the ROH thread any more. So, I bought some PWG DVDs, namely Seven, Eight and Death to all but Metal. Thus far I've found the time to watch Seven and in the spoilertag I'll be giving my thoughts on the event, which I'll as do for the other...
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    The thread where Remix posts incriminating photo

    I'm sure you remember me making a comment that Falkon hasn't got a stellar record of listening to my vocals. I took it rather badly. I also took photos. Here they are. As you can see, there's 23 views. 17 are from America, 2 from Canada, 3 from the UK And 1 from Germany...
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    Nu Sexier Q+A thread

    I figure I've got enough fed experience to pull off one of these.
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    NXT 20/3/13 with Remix

    NXT 20/3/13 review We open with WWE's signature (obviously) which leads into a recap of two weeks ago where the Wyatt Family jumped the British guy who can't do a spinning backflip, forcing Adrian Neville to have a truly terrible handicap match with a pair of jobbers. He's going to be...
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    Hey, remember that lawsuit Daffney filed against TNA?

    Turns out, shit's about to go down. If TNA doesn't settle and the judge sides with Daffney this has some pretty fucking big consequences for the big three (well big two and ROH) US companies.
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    There is a new megastar in Hollywood, and his name is Wade Barrett

    Wade Barrett: Justifying WWEFilms one tweet at a time.
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    5 states to trial increasing time spent in classrooms

    Sly, you're the teacher here. What are your thoughts on this?
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    Wacka Wacka

    Pac's finally arrived in Florida and is working NXT house shows. He's (apparently) working under the name Ben Sacilly. Though that's probably going to change as it's very close to his actual name, it's probable he was working under his real name, which was misheard by the person in the audience...
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    WWE Presents: The Rolling Stones

    Yes, you did read that right. Well, if there's one thing that WWE does better than pretty much anyone, it's produce a live event. So this actually makes sense for all involved despite how odd it may appear at first glance. If it goes well, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see WWE do this kind...
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    Buggy Nova is in WWE sponsored rehab.

    Some of you know who Buggy Nova is. If you do, you probably already know she recently signed with WWE under the name of Skyler Moon. Moon got removed from the diva roster of the FCW/NXT roster. There was speculation that she'd been canned, but eventually news that WWE were paying for her to go...
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    Let's talk about the War on Drugs

    Some things cannot be denied as fact. The laws of thermodynamics are just four of them. The war on drugs is another. However, unlike the laws of thermodynamics it's undeniably not working. Imprisoning addicts and low level drug pushers - who make up 80% of people imprisoned for drug related...
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    Jackson Andrews is not a *

    In more ways than one. Cuntwaffle.
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    Ex-SES member charged with BUI

    Remember this? Yeah.
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    NXT 27/6/12 with KI

    There's nothing that indicates country of origins, so welcome home and let's have a look at season 6 episode 2 of NXT. Oh wow, the crowd has calmed down a lot from last week. Which makes sense, because they've been there for over an hour. JR talks about the show a bit before Seth Rollins' music...