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  1. K

    Is it still the "in" thing to hate on Hulk?

    The fact that you equate saying Asians can't drive, to saying a whole race of people are less than you just because of their race, is enough for me to know that you don't have any right to say how anybody else should feel about that waste of life. Fuck what he did for the business and fuck him...
  2. K

    The Kanye West Fan Thread Second single from WTT.
  3. K

    Pet Sounds vs Sgt. Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band

    I just recently listened to Pet Sounds for the first time after Sgt Pepper has been my favorite album ever. I'd had seen so many people praising this album and after I found out it influenced the creation of Sgt Pepper I just had to listen to it. I went into listening to this expecting an album...
  4. K

    WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 6/6/2011 - With Apologies to Little Jimmy

    They're still taping Superstars. JTG was having a match with somebody in the ring.
  5. K

    Eric Bischoff's War Against the "10 Percenters"; Calls the IWC "Irrelevant"

    This may be true for the WWE but the majority of TNA fans are a part of the IWC and that's exactly why they can't get a 2 or above in the ratings. As much as Eric hates on the IWC, TNA still insists on using terms that would be obscure to anybody that isn't a "smark" which is exactly what the...
  6. K

    The Real Truth behind Low-Ki's WWE release

    At least try to make sense grammatically when you don't know what you're talking about but I don't really feel like delving into that. He was released 2 days before Christmas which is why I think they wanted him to say he asked for it himself. Just a case of the WWE trying to save face after...
  7. K

    Its time for TNA to be sold!

    This thread is pathetic along with all of the TNA marks who have posted in it. TNA's product is bad right now but so is WWE's and I feel that the only way that the WWE will attempt to get better is if TNA gets better and actually grow its fanbase past what it's been at for years. TNA doesn't...
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    WWE RAW & Tough Enough LD 5/16/2011 - Interracial Warfare

    Anybody else see that Impact Wrestling commercial taking subliminal shots at WWE?
  9. K

    WWE SD! LD On 5/13: Christian's Reign Is RKOver!

    Did anybody else see that "Impact Wrestling" commercial?
  10. K

    **Merged** R Truth Heel Turn (Keep it all in here!)

    Wow, I thought threads like this were a myth. They weren't promoting smoking especially because it was a heel doing it. I could see if Cena or Orton did it but that's not the case and never would be as long as they are seen as role models which Truth is not.
  11. K

    An "old school" opinion of Superstar Billy Graham

    :offtopic: :schild13: Concerning Billy Graham, I think the steroids must've ate away at his brain also after hearing that rant on Chris Jericho. I don't believe this man to be completely stable mentally and therefore do not take him serious. I hope he situates himself appropriately for his...
  12. K

    Should Undertaker retire now to preserve Mark Callaway?

    What they should do is have him only compete at Wrestlemania from now on. Every year (as long as he can) have somebody step up with the intent of ending the streak and have him comeback after the Royal Rumble for promos and such. Something like trying to pull the sword out the stone.
  13. K

    Which is bigger?????

    Which will have the better build up? With at least 8 months of planning I think the build should be perfect for this match Which will have the better final match? Cena and The Rock are with out question going to put on a better more intense match than Rock/Hogan even had potential to...
  14. K

    Spring Cleaning: Who Should Stay?

    This is around the time when the WWE starts releasing superstars that have just been siting around or only making appearances on Superstars. Now with the cancelling of Superstars and the incoming of talent from TE and NXT we could see the biggest number of releases in a while. With that...
  15. K

    TNA Impact LD: The Fallen One Rises Again

    Murphy kind of looked like Benoit from the side