Search results

  1. T

    Edge Wins

    It all depends on the results of EC/NWO in my opinion, he obviously isn't going to face Taker but right now I wouldn't think him vs. Sheamus will headline Wrestlemania, at EC/NWO or sometime between then one of the World titles has to change surely and that will give away who Edge will be going for.
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    TNA tour the UK!!!

    Well I've just come back from the Coventry Skydome show. The scheldule was thrown completely out of the window and with Alex Shelley injured I was always going to be dissapointed with that. In contrast I'd love to rave about Hamada vs. Amazing Red. This match displayed a great inner story and...
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    Your thoughts on Wrestling Society X.

    I think this had potential, not as a serious hardcore wrestling show but as fun, the matches they did put on were entertaining, they weren't incredible, but they were fun to watch. They had charecters and talent which should be what its all about. They're focus on music personalities and...
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    Best British Wrestling?

    I'm not sure how many people are these forums are Americans and how many Brits, but for those of you that are Brits, what do you think of the state of the British wrestling scene at the moment. Who do you prefer, which promotions do you like? I think we've really slipped in the global...
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    ROH Is Underrated.

    I agree, ROH is under rated in my opinion because they put on the best wrestling in the US. It's as simple as that for me. I don't think ROH will ever reel too much from talent losses, I haven't made up my mind on whether ROH is getting stronger or weaker but I do think that ROH has always...
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    Who in The WWE has the best IN RING ability

    Shelton Benjamin wins this for me, athletically gifted is an understatement, he's a wrestling machine. Though he only just tops Jericho who understands a match more than most and always gives us a great one. I'd love to see Shelton finally get a world title push, even a shot, I dont remember him...
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    Bryan Danielson Wrestles a Dark Match with WWE

    How about he wrestles in a Survivor Series and survives than wrestles Seamus in a tables match and wins the WWE title ? lol ok, maybe not, but he deserves a megapush more than Seamus and Drew, and I dont dislike those two guys, I'm just saying that Danielson is loaded with talent and I hope he...
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    Wrestlers as Role Models

    CM Punk is the perfect role model in my opinion. Worked his way up from the bottom and straightedge too. Though I agree with you that being a wrestler wont be a benefit for the main media to call him a roll model or maybe even parents, young 'uns will still end up watching wrestling whether...
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    PWG Announces Kurt Russellmania! (RVD! Muta! Liger! Super Crazy!)

    I'm looking forward to this, shame about not living in America, I'd drive for hours if I had to. If this show were on January 4th it would be better than Raw and Impact lol. I'm looking forward to Liger in both PWG and ROH. I wasn't sure about Generico as his opponent but seeing Generico vs...
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    Samoa Joe vs. Kenta Kobashi (10/1/05)

    well I've seen this match a hundred times so I'm not going to watch it again but a few points. Even Mr Eko has made a slight mistake on ROH here, at this period of time in ROH there were not count outs, count outs weren't brought in till 2009 with the 20 count, at this period and all previous...
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    Super J Cup 2009 (Now With Results!)

    I'm not a huge fan of Marufuji winning but I think this is possibly making up for his under rated 2004 win. Even so I'm really glad the tournament returned and I'll give you a better review once I've watched it. Undoubtedly this will be the best Junior Heavyweight showcase of the year despite...
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    WWE vs. TNA Survivor Series

    Interesting thread, I like it, here are my teams. Team WWE Triple H (Captain) - Having won the title more than anyone else that could represent currently I'd have to say that makes Triple H my captain. He can also get the crowd behind him with less controversy or just general being boo'd...
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    (OFFICIAL) Spank thread

    I'm just happy to see that picture of Allison Wonderland over and over
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    Missed Opportunities for DVD'S

    I'd deffinately buy the Jericho and Angle ones if they were to come out. The problem is often I already have a lot of the PPVs where the matches come from. So I'm going to have to say a more complete match based best of Smackdown and Raw and then from there WCW Nitro?
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    Would we hate Hulk Hogan as much as we hate John Cena?

    I think I would dislike him, but not as much as Cena, I do think Hogan has more charismas, as much I dispise his wrestling when he comes out the crowd went absolutely wild. Cena is lucky to get above 50% cheers. Both of them have limited to no wrestling talent. I think we're almost inclined to...
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    Are You Okay With CM Punk Taking A Shot At Hogan?

    First of all Punk can say whatever he likes in my opinion. Secondly Punk is known to not always follow policy so who knows if WWE was or wasnt happiy with this, I guess Punk probably just went for it, even so I think its a little different for Punk than a WWE-4-lifer as it is well known Punk is...
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    Life has now been explained to you.

    I'm glad this has been clarified!
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    The ultimate in all cartoons must be the not too old Spongebob Squarepants. This is still funny however old I get, the niave main charecter and all his wacky friends combine subtle adult humour with blatent absurdity. Spongebob is genius !
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    Buddy Holly

    N/A !!!!!!!! D=
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    O.o I had my first kiss with Amber tonight.

    Congratulations! (ignoring comments above and sticking to the point as I really dont know whats going on)